Christ calls sinners

Sermon - Part 980



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[0:00] Let us turn now to consider words you will find in the chapter we read in the first epistle of Paul to Timothy, the first chapter, and verse 15.

[0:18] This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief.

[0:48] There are, I am sure, texts in the Bible which have a particular appeal to a particular people.

[1:14] And I must confess that this is one such text which appeals to myself greatly. I was told, whether it's true or not, that my predecessor here made a point of preaching at least once a year on that text.

[1:36] Verily, verily, I say unto you, unless a man be born again, except a man be born again, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Because he felt that a sermon of regeneration had to be preached at least once a year.

[1:52] And I make no apology for turning to a text from which I know I preached some two years ago. Because I think it is one of these texts to which we could turn quite easily at least once a year because it contains so much.

[2:15] It has been referred to as the text of the verse which incorporates the whole gospel in a single verse.

[2:31] You know that Martin Luther called it one of the little Bibles. I think it was C.H. Spurgeon said that it reminded him of something like a hydraulic ram compressing together into a short compass a tremendous amount of material.

[2:55] Jesus Christ, or Christ Jesus rather, took him into the world to save sinners. Now you can see quite easily how that is a summing up of all that the gospel has to say to us.

[3:12] And Paul here introduces it with these words, This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. And then we look at the content of that saying.

[3:28] It tells us who came into the world. Christ Jesus. It tells us how he came into the world. The willingness with which he came.

[3:41] It tells us where he came to. He came into the world. That has its own special significance. And it tells us why he came into the world.

[3:57] He came into the world to save. And it tells us who he came into the world to save. He came into the world to save sinners. And having presented the gospel in that short compass.

[4:11] Paul, as it says, Paul, as it is wont, finds himself caught up in that glorious theme of whom he says, I am chief.

[4:25] Before looking at these thoughts briefly, let me just mention to you the meaning of these introductory words of his, this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.

[4:43] This letter was written roughly about 30 to 35 years after the resurrection and the ascension of Jesus Christ.

[5:00] And for the first 35 years of the Christian era, the apostles had gone to various regions and had proclaimed the gospel message entrusted to them by Christ.

[5:21] The gospel had been blessed, had been received by Jews and particularly by the Gentiles. And as a result of the persecution that broke upon the Christian church, the gospel had spread even wider afield.

[5:41] And for 35 years, the message was being proclaimed. And it seems as though in the course of time, there evolved in the Christian communities a kind of oral catechism.

[6:04] Whereby there was embodied in a question and answer forum, some of the great truths of the Christian faith.

[6:15] As you know, they had no books as you and I have books. They had no theological books, no books on doctrine, no written Bible as you and I have it, no completed word of God.

[6:27] And the church was dependent to a large extent upon what was able to commit to memory of the truth that was being preached.

[6:40] And that was, these were the sayings that sprang up throughout the Christian church at that time. There would have been quite a number of sayings.

[6:53] Paul in his pastoral epistles, that is the epistles to Timothy and Titus, quotes five of the sayings which were current in the Christian church.

[7:07] And this is one of them. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. And of that saying, he says this, this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.

[7:19] He tells us that, and this was nothing new and we're glad that this happened in the first 35 years of the Christian era. Because it encourages us today. He said that, he says that this saying was, these sayings were being assailed.

[7:37] The truths that the Christian church was teaching were being attacked. And people were trying to destroy them. People were trying to reject them and people were trying to ridicule them.

[7:52] So you see, there's nothing new under the sun. The truths that the Christian church presents today, they are being attacked as well. People are always trying to destroy the truth as it is in Jesus.

[8:05] But they will not succeed. And it says, this is a faithful saying. This saying has stood the test of time. And that was Paul writing 35 years after the gospel was first proclaimed.

[8:18] How much more can we say today? Nearly 2,000 years after that. This is still a faithful saying. This still stands true.

[8:29] This has still not been destroyed by the enemies of the Christian church. And this saying will never be destroyed. That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

[8:40] It's at the very heart of the teaching of the Christian church. And what's more, not only is it faithful. Not only has it stood the test of time. Not only has it survived triumphantly.

[8:53] But it is worthy. All acceptation. This is worth your acceptation and mine. It is worthy of your trust.

[9:04] It is worthy of your belief. It is worthy of your trust. It is worthy of your confession. And it is worthy of your defence.

[9:17] That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. And as I said, that was the case 30 years after it was first preached.

[9:31] Much more is it the case now. Because it has stood far more testing and far more trials. And far more assaults than it had stood up to the time at which Paul wrote this letter to Timothy.

[9:49] Now then, what is at the heart of this saying? Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

[9:59] It tells us in the first place who came. Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus. Now these words are pregnant with meaning themselves.

[10:11] The names that were given to our Lord. You know what the word Christ, or rather the name Christ, is the name that designates Christ in his official capacity.

[10:23] As the one who was sent by God into the world. And who as the saint of God was equipped by the spirit of God for the mission for which he came into the world.

[10:40] He himself, in one of the first public utterances that he made at Nazareth. He himself, quoting the Old Testament, said, The spirit of the Lord is upon me.

[10:53] Because he has anointed me. Or he has sent me. He has Christed me. He has made me the Christ. To preach good tidings to the poor.

[11:06] This word speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ. Equipped and qualified for the great work of redemption for which he came into the world.

[11:21] He was the son of God. All that God was, Christ was. We saw that here a fortnight ago. This, as you know, is a teaching which has received a lot of attention in recent years.

[11:35] And many people are attacking this great truth at the heart of the teaching of the Christian church. And they will always attack it. They attacked it in Paul's day.

[11:46] They've attacked it through the ages. And they will attack it to the end of time. And they will say, Christ was not God. And yet the Bible asserts categorically that he was.

[11:58] He said himself that he was. And you either submit yourself to the authority of the word of God. Or you become the authority yourself over the word of God.

[12:13] And you relegate the word. In the interest of your own advanced intellect. You relegate that word to a place far below. The place that you ascribe to your own understanding.

[12:28] But we know, of course, that's a completely wrong attitude to adopt to the word of God. If you are going to be a Christian at all. The one thing that you must have in your life.

[12:39] Or if your life will be a disaster. The one thing that you must have in your life. Is the word of the living God. Exercising authority over every area of your life.

[12:51] Over your understanding. And you bring your understanding to the authority and to the life. That truth. And that truth states. That Christ who was in this world.

[13:03] Was none other than God. This. This. Said the great Scottish theologian Rabbi Duncan. This world. Is a divinity visited world.

[13:16] God. In Christ. Was in this world. Emmanuel. God. With us. Christ. The saint.

[13:28] Of God. And that Christ became. In this world. Jesus. And you know. That if Christ is the name. Which designates him.

[13:39] In this official capacity. As the one who was sent by God. Into the world. The name Jesus. Is the name which.

[13:51] Is ascribed to the human nature. Which our Lord took. When he came into the world. Even as you look back through the Old Testament.

[14:02] You will find this. That those occasions. In which. God. Manifested himself to men. God had to take a forum.

[14:13] In which people could recognize him. And see him. You see. The confession of faith states that. That's not a confession. The Bible says. God is spirit. And you cannot see a spirit.

[14:26] And the only way in which you can see a spirit. Is for that spirit. To take a forum. By which. He will become visible. So that for example. Moses at Horeb. Saw the burning bush.

[14:38] That was God. Appearing in the form of a burning bush. Or perhaps. In the form of a fire. That did not consume. The bush. And.

[14:49] There were. What we call theophanies. There were these appearances of God. In the Old Testament. To men and women. He took a forum. In which. He was. Recognizable.

[15:00] They saw. But the only way they could see him. Was by him taking a forum. That they could behold. But in the course of time. God.

[15:10] The son. Took this forum. As we saw. And again. A fortune ago. He took. To himself. A humanator. And the angel. Announced to Joseph. That he was to call.

[15:23] The babe. Who was to be born. To Mary. Thou shall call his name. Jesus. For he shall save his people. From their sins.

[15:33] That is the name. That is always attributed. To the son of God. In the world. Ask a child. Who was Jesus? And they'll probably tell you this. Jesus was the baby.

[15:44] Who was born in Bethlehem. And so he was. Jesus was a person. Who went about doing good healing people. So he was. Jesus was a person. Who was. Arrested and crucified on the cross.

[15:56] And so he was. Jesus was a person. Who was laid in the grave. And who rose from the dead. And who ascended to heaven. So he was. But remember. That Jesus was.

[16:08] God. In our nature. God. In. Our. Nature. God became man. And in that forum. He took to himself.

[16:18] The name of Jesus. That he might become. The saviour. Of. The world. Jesus Christ. In other words.

[16:29] Is fully divine. And Jesus Christ. Is. Fully man. Christ. Jesus.

[16:39] Now this is something. Which is the very heart. Of the gospel. The saviour. Who is presented. To us. Is none other than. God. In our nature. And you've heard.

[16:50] What the late. Revered. Bishop. John Ryle. Said about this. I thank God. He said. That my saviour. Is not just. God.

[17:01] If he were. God alone. I wouldn't dare. Come into his presence. And I thank God. That my saviour. Is not just. Man alone.

[17:12] If he were man alone. I couldn't dare. Trust him. But I thank God. That my saviour. Is the God man. Into whose presence.

[17:23] I can come. With confidence. And in whom. I can rest. Trust. My soul's. Salvation. One in whom I can trust.

[17:34] Christ. Jesus. God. Man. Descent. Into the world. In our nature. And then he goes on to say this.

[17:46] Christ Jesus. Came. Into. The world. Now you may say. That's not very significant. But it is. This verb is. Tremendously significant. He came.

[17:59] It emphasises. The willingness. With which he came. That is why. It is. Total ridiculous. To speak in this way. Oh wasn't it wonderful. That God. Let his son come.

[18:09] It wasn't wonderful. At all. It was wonderful. That God. Sent his son. Into the world. God didn't allow. His son to come. God sent him.

[18:21] And the son. Didn't come reluctantly. The son. Came willingly. Willingly. Lo I come. He says. To do thy will. That was his meat.

[18:31] And his drink. As he said. To do the will of him. That sent me. He came. Into this world. As the one. Who was. Sent by God.

[18:42] As the one. Who was chosen. From all eternity. This is what the Bible. Is full of. Chosen from all eternity. To come. The one. Who in the covenant. Said to God. From all eternity. I will come.

[18:53] And who in the fullness of time. Came willingly. Came willingly. Conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost. And the woman.

[19:03] The Virgin Mary. Born in Bethlehem. In the curse of time. And who in this world. Went about doing the will of God. He came.

[19:15] As one who was perfectly willing. To come. And one who. While he was in this world. Loved. The will of the Father. And one who was obedient.

[19:27] To that will. Even unto death. And not only death. But even the death of the cross. It was no ordinary death. That he died. He died my death. And he died your death. He went to that place.

[19:39] Where you and I are. And where is it? What is the death. That Jesus Christ. Discovered you and me to be in. He found us in this.

[19:50] Death where we were. Cut off from the fellowship. And the favour. And the life. And the love of God. That was the abyss. Into which Jesus went.

[20:00] And died. And it was from that abyss. That he cried out. It was from that hell. That he cried out. My God. My God. Why hast thou forsaken me?

[20:12] He came. Willingly. And went willingly. To that extent. That is the heart. Of the gospel. Christ Jesus.

[20:24] Dying. Willingly. For sinners. And then. Thirdly. Where did he come to? He came into the. World.

[20:35] To die. For sinners. Now you remember. What this was a saying. You see. It was. Bits and pieces. It was put together. From various sources. And as. Some people.

[20:46] Point out. And I think. Very correctly. This is very obviously. Taken from the writings. Of John himself. It was John. Of all the apostles. Who emphasized this teaching.

[20:58] And who quoted Jesus. I am the. Light of the world. I am coming to the world. Not to do my own will.

[21:09] But the will of him. That sent me. The life was in the world. And the world. Knew it now. That's John. And what does the word.

[21:20] World. Mean. It's a word which is. Which has deep. Ethical significance. It isn't just that. Jesus came from heaven. From that place.

[21:31] Into this place. It's how I am all about. Jesus came from heaven. Into. The world. Into a sinful. Evil.

[21:43] Unholy. Antagonistic. Environment. He came into a place. That didn't want him. Into a place.

[21:53] That preferred. Darkness. To light. Into a place. That preferred. Evil. To holiness. That's the world. That you and I live in.

[22:03] It is still the same world. Except that it is worse. Than it was. In Jesus' day. Worse. And anyone with half an eye.

[22:17] Will have to accept that. He is a fool indeed. Who thinks that this world. Is getting better. Is getting worse. With every day.

[22:28] I am sure. That it never entered. Your own mind. 25 years ago. That some churches. In Glasgow.

[22:38] Today. Would have to hold. Their prayer meetings. In midweek. In the afternoon. Before darkness falls. For fear. That people may be attacked.

[22:49] And mugged. Going to prayer meetings. At night. You would not believe that. Would you? 25 years ago. Those of you. Who knew Glasgow then. Would you have believed it?

[22:59] No. And it's not the only city. In which that is true. See there were people. At the beginning of the century. Who thought that. This world.

[23:10] Is getting better. And better. And better. Then two great events. Happened to shatter. Their illusions. To world wars. But has that shattered. The illusion of people.

[23:20] Oh no. There are still some idiots. Who think. That this world. Is getting better. Yes. There are. And one shouldn't apologize. For calling them that. After all.

[23:34] Paul. Writing to. The people of his day. Said this. There are people. There are people. He said. Who consider the gospel. To be foolishness. And do you know what meaning. The word foolishness.

[23:45] Moronic. There are in other words. Morons in the world. Today he said. And that's their attitude. To the gospel. They prove that they are that. Better attitude to the gospel. I'm not saying. He said. I'm not making them that.

[23:56] They're making themselves that. By their attitude to the truth. And you and I. Some people may think. That this world. Is getting better. It's getting far worse. Evil is abroad in the world.

[24:10] Darkness is increasing. Sin is having. More and more sway. Even in our own land. Oh yes. And the government. And the government seems to be powerless.

[24:20] To arrest its progress. They try this. And they try that. And they try everything. The church. Suggests. Various means. And I will say this to you.

[24:31] Every single one of them. At least. As far as public utterance is concerned. Are hopelessly. Missing the mark. Because.

[24:42] What you have to deal with. Is the problem of sin in the world. That's why the world is getting worse. Oh I know. That there are wonderfully enlightened people.

[24:52] Don't believe that sin should be in the dictionary. Nor should the word even. Oh no. I know that. But you see. You cannot obliterate that from the Oxford dictionary. Because you cannot get rid of it from your own life.

[25:04] That's why. Because you and I are sinners. And that's the root problem with society. Sin. It expresses itself in various ways.

[25:19] And I don't think that society has ever found ways of expressing sin. In such diverse forms as it has found today. The world is not getting better.

[25:30] The world is getting worse. As the Bible says it will. Hastening towards its destruction. Don't forget that. This is what the Bible says.

[25:43] You are not to think in terms. Of looking for a world which is going to get better before you leave it. The world is evil.

[25:55] It hates God. And it doesn't want God. It pours contempt on God. It is against God. And listen to that place that Jesus came.

[26:06] The light of the world. The light in the darkness. And all the evil. And this is a thought for you. All the evil.

[26:17] And all the darkness. And all the ungodliness of this world. Poured its filthy streams. Into the eyes and the ears.

[26:30] Of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In the same way as you and I are confronted with it. You've got eyes and you've got ears. You see things and you hear things.

[26:41] And you wish that you hadn't either seen them or heard them. But they're there. And you remember that the Lord had eyes and the Lord had ears. While he was in this evil world.

[26:54] And all the darkness of this world. Poured its torrents. Through these channels. That the Lord.

[27:06] These human channels that the Lord had taken to himself. Because he was very man. A very man he was Jesus. In this world. And you can just imagine.

[27:17] People say. Oh you shouldn't present a picture of Jesus. As a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. You present a picture of Jesus. While he's in this world as a happy man. Man who's always smiling.

[27:27] And having a laugh with people. And wearing a badge maybe. Smile. God loves you. Things aren't as bad as you think. That's the kind of person you should make Jesus out to be. A super optimist.

[27:38] In a world of evil and darkness. Oh no my friend. That's not the Bible picture of Jesus. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.

[27:48] And he couldn't have been anything else. Because he was holy. Harmless. Undefiled. In a God hating evil environment.

[28:01] The world. Was visited. By the son of God. And I think this is the reason why. Paul uses this word. So that you and I will ask the question.

[28:13] Why then. Did he come into this place. Sinner. And he gives the answer. To save. Sinner. To save.

[28:24] Sinner. Or as it is put in the original. Sinner. To save. He came into this world to deal. With the people who were making the world what it was.

[28:41] Sinner. Sinner. What's wrong with the world? Someone was asked. Once. I am. He replied. What's wrong with the world that you live in? You are.

[28:52] What's wrong with your environment? With your home life? What's wrong at work? You are. And if you were a better person than you are. Your home and your community.

[29:04] And your place of work would be a far better place. That's the teaching of the Lord. God. He came into this world to deal with sinners. You see. People's talks are ridiculous.

[29:17] Yeah. But the reason for his mission. Oh. He came to teach people. He came to give them an example and what not. No. He came to deal with sinners. The coming of our Lord is rooted in sin.

[29:29] There is no answer. Apart from the sin of man. For the incarnation. That is for the coming of our Lord in our nation. The world. It is rooted.

[29:40] In the sin of man. He came into this world. Sinners. To save. And that is why the gospel is a message only for sinners.

[29:52] It has nothing to say to the good person. To the righteous. For the simple reason. That there are no such people. There is none righteous. No.

[30:03] Not one. And if you're sitting here tonight thinking that you're a cut above the rest. Well my friend. The gospel has nothing to say to you. If you think that you're holy than anybody else. And you don't need this.

[30:14] You better leave this place of worship. There's no message here for you. But if you're a sinner. The Bible has something to say to you.

[30:24] It has to say to you. That Christ came into the world just because of you. Sinners. To save. And this is the final thing.

[30:35] Why? He came into the world. Sinners. To save. Notice this now. He didn't come into the world to make the world a better place. So that people could enjoy their sin.

[30:47] Oh no. I was reading some time ago. An American theologian who was writing on the parable of the prodigal son.

[30:58] And he said. When the son he said found himself in difficulties in the far off land. He found himself in a time of famine. And the money had run out. He was in desperate need. And he thought about his father at home.

[31:09] What did he say? Did he take up the phone and ring his dad and say. Dad I'm a bit of bothered here. Would you send me a postcard or write a poem to make me feel a bit better? No.

[31:20] He said. When that man thought of the father there was only one thing he could do. Make his way back home. To the father. You see. Jesus didn't come into this world to make the world a better place for you.

[31:34] So that you could enjoy your sinful existence in it. He came into this world to save you from it. That's the point. And this is the thrust of the gospel.

[31:47] It is to save people from sin. That Jesus came into the world. Not to make it a better place for. By all means.

[31:58] The Christian church has to strive. To better the social circumstances in which people find themselves. The Christian church has to strive. To eradicate social injustice.

[32:11] And racial injustice. It has. It must become involved in the world. And it must try. To ease the burden.

[32:23] Of poor people in the world. I say that. Of course it has. It has a social conscience. It has a social responsibility. Towards it fellow men. The Christian church has.

[32:36] As government has. In a so-called Christian society. It must strive. To eliminate.

[32:49] These injustices. Where they appear. It must. Act in compassion. Towards. The masses.

[33:01] And I feel myself. That there is any element at all. That is sadly missing. In the attempts that are made today.

[33:14] At all levels of society. To meet the needs of men. It is the element of. Compassion. Compassion.

[33:25] Of course the church must be compassionate. But the church must never lose sight of this. That the great end.

[33:37] For which Christ came into the world. Is to save. Sinners. From their sin. This.

[33:48] I don't like taking politics into the pulpit. I have never made it my practice. But at the same time. I think that the church. And present in the gospel.

[33:59] Must. Seek to lead people. And direct people. And challenge people. And if there is one noticing.

[34:11] In the messages that come out. From people who become. More involved in the social circumstances. Of men. Than with their moral circumstances. It is this. You never hear a note.

[34:22] Of the thrust of the gospel. That Christ is the saviour of sinners. And if a Christian man. Is going to be a politician. If a minister is going to enter the realm of politics.

[34:35] He must never ever forget. That this world was visited. By a greater than he. And that that greatest person of all.

[34:45] While he was in this world. Was involved supremely. With men and women. Boys and girls. To save them. From the guilt. And the power of their sin.

[34:58] And he. Who sent these men and women. Boys and girls. Restored. Into the community. So that they would act. As the light of the world. And the salt.

[35:10] Of the world. A man cannot act. As the light of the world. Or the salt of the world. Till first of all. His relationship with God. Is put right. And that's the preeminent. Thing about save.

[35:20] If it means anything. It means this. If I were to ask you tonight. What does this word mean? Christ Jesus. Came into the world. To save. Sinners.

[35:30] What does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean? It means this. Because you're a sinner. Your relationship with God. Is wrong. And the first thing.

[35:42] That must happen. In your life. Is that your relationship. With God. Must be put right. And it can only be put right. Through faith. In Christ.

[35:52] As a savior. That's the first point. You can try to reform your life. Change your life. Direct your life. Educate yourself. Acquire more knowledge.

[36:04] And so on. My friend. You're starting at the wrong end of the stick. Get right with God. That's priority number one. To be saved means.

[36:17] Your relationship with God. Has to be put right. And then it means that. You are brought into the fellowship of God. Into the favor of God. The life and the love. And the power of God.

[36:28] Flows into the heart of a saved sinner. Sinner. Whose relationship is put right. He comes under the authority of God. The sway of God. He is led by God. Directed by God.

[36:39] Challenged by God. Saved daily by God. He's a sinner who's confronted with a sin every day. He can never come to God and say. Lord I'm great. I'm good. I'm the best in the community.

[36:51] I'm the best in this house. I think you should give me far more than I've got. I deserve it all. That's not the language of the saved. The saved sinner comes as a sinner every day.

[37:04] To be saved. We are. Says Paul. Being saved. Daily. Are in the words of Jesus. A Christian he says.

[37:14] He's a person who comes to me daily. Denies himself daily. Gicks up his cross daily. Follows me daily. To be saved means that you come.

[37:26] Thankfully to God. That there is a saviour to whom you can come. It means that you come with all your sin. With all your defilement. With all your pollution. And with all your unfitness.

[37:39] To the only saviour that you know of. There is no other name. Given under heaven among men. Whereby we might be saved. This is what it's all about.

[37:50] Christ saves sinners. From their sin. And I would make bold to say this.

[38:04] That if the Christian church. And the leaders of the Christian church. At home and abroad. In Scotland, England, Ireland and South Africa. If the leaders of the Christian church.

[38:16] Stood up. And presented the gospel of salvation. Through faith in Christ. To lost sinners. More and more. Then.

[38:28] The circumstances. The circumstances that are here. As I believe. Would alter for the good. Of these men who stand up. And are able to speak to thousands.

[38:40] If only. Instead of fostering the worst passions in man. If they would only present the saviour of sinners to man.

[38:53] What a transformation. It would bring about. In their lives. And you and I should pray. That men of God. That men of God. Would be found in circumstances.

[39:04] In situations of influence and authority. Who would go out. With the gospel of his love. And of his grace. And not with a political message.

[39:15] To the masses. This is the thrust of the Bible. Christ Jesus. Came into the world to save sinners. But you know. Don't think of the moment about Ireland.

[39:26] Or England. Or South Africa. Or any other part of Scotland. You think about yourself tonight. As a sinner. To whom this message comes. Christ Jesus. Saves people like you.

[39:38] And you ask yourself the question. Has your relationship with Christ been changed? With God been changed? Has your life. Been touched by his grace?

[39:49] Have you been rescued from your own self-righteousness. And self-sufficiency. And your own. Your own opinion.

[40:00] Of your own goodness. And your righteousness. Have you been confronted. With your own hell deservedness. Have you come face to face with the reality.

[40:13] That you're a hopelessly lost sinner. And that you've no one to turn to. Have you been confronted with that reality. In your life. Well my friend. This is what you need under the gospel.

[40:24] So that through that gospel. You may turn to the only saviour. Who can rescue you. From the guilt. And the power. And the pollution. Of your own sin.

[40:35] And bring you into. A blessed relationship with God the father. From whom. You can receive all. That is going to enrich.

[40:47] Your life. In this world. Christ Jesus he said. Came into the world. To save sinners. Of whom he said. I. Am chief.

[40:59] He could never. Ever get over this fact. That he was the worst sinner of all. C.H. Spurgeon. The great Baptist minister. I referred to earlier.

[41:10] Was once preaching. In his church in London. And he. He was preaching on this text. And he said. You know. He said. When I get to heaven. There's no one in heaven.

[41:20] Who will sing louder than me. Because. There is no one. Who was more deserving. Of hell than me. And God. Save me. By his grace. And when he was going out.

[41:31] An old lady. Took him by the arm. And said to him. Excuse me. She said. But. You said something there. Tonight. That I didn't agree with. Oh. He said. Was it just one thing. That you didn't agree with. Well. He said.

[41:41] There was one thing. I didn't agree with. He said. What was it. You said. That when you would get to heaven. That no one there. Would sing louder than you. Because. Of all the people. Who were saved.

[41:52] By the grace of God. You were. The greatest wonder of all. Watch it. I disagree with you. I think I'll sing louder than you. Because I'm a greater sinner than you.

[42:03] You see. Every saved sinner. Is absolutely convinced. That no one.

[42:14] Was less deserving than he and she. Of all the people. Says Paul. Who were saved by the saviour. Of all the people.

[42:24] To think that. I was saved. There was no one. He said. In the world. Worse than me. He tells in the context. I was a blasphemer. I was injurious.

[42:35] I did everything. He was. He was a part. To the murder of men and women. Because they were Christians. Of course. He was an awful sinner. But who isn't.

[42:48] Are you going to say tonight. That you're better than Paul. Oh you can't. If only people could see into your heart. If only they knew the kind of person you are. If only they knew what you've done.

[43:00] And what you've been. If only they knew how far away you've been from God. But my friend. This is the glory of the gospel. It is sinners he came to save.

[43:11] And the word isn't qualified. He doesn't say a young sinner or an old sinner. A bad sinner. Or one that isn't so bad. There's no such thing as one that isn't so bad. We're all bad sinners.

[43:22] It doesn't say that he came to save someone who went so far. No. Sinners. Sinners. And it leaves you with a question. Are you a sinner?

[43:32] Or if only the spirit of the living God. Would drive these words home to your heart.

[43:46] I see some of you here tonight. My eye from time to time here tonight has rested. On some young people.

[43:58] And I see one person here tonight. And I don't know if she's heard a word that I've said. May God convict you. Of your need of a saviour. May you know that you're a sinner.

[44:13] And that the greatest need in your life tonight. Is Christ. As your saviour. And if you find him. You will join with Paul.

[44:25] And you will say. You're the worst sinner. And then 35 years from tonight. If God spares you. You will still say with Paul. Christ saved sinners.

[44:36] And I am the chief. You see he doesn't say I was. I am. I am. I wish I had time to ask you a question. I'll ask it. How do you come into the presence of God tonight.

[44:51] As a saint. Or as a sinner. I'll tell you how you should come. As a sinner. Because heaven's door is closed.

[45:04] To anybody else. But a sinner. Who needs. A saviour. And if that's your condition tonight. A sinner. Who needs a saviour.

[45:17] Heaven welcomes sinners. Because Christ came from it. To save. Such. And ultimately. To bring them.

[45:30] Perfectly saved. Into his own. Glorious. Presence. May God grant. That each one of us. May be found there. Let us pray. Bless to us.

[45:41] The word of thy grace. Applied with power. To our souls. We pray thee. And help us to know. That thou art near. Near to all. Who call upon thee.

[45:52] And the prayer. Should be thine. Forever in Christ. Amen.