Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Let us turn now to consider words you will find in the chapter we read. The Gospel according to Luke, chapter 15, and we might read the last verse of the chapter. [0:12] Chapter 15, and the last verse. It was meant that we should make merry and be glad. For this thy brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found. [0:30] Now I suppose that this is one of the chapters with which people are most familiar in the Bible. [0:48] Because it tells us what has become commonly known as the parable of the prodigal son. [1:01] Perhaps what ought to be better known as the parable of the lost son. Indeed, it is claimed by many, and of course with perfect justification, that the passage really is one in which three stories are used by Jesus to illustrate one great truth. [1:27] And the truth is that which is an answer to the objection raised by the Pharisees, the religious leaders of his day, concerning the life and the ministry of Jesus Christ. [1:49] They thought that it was wrong for him to be so often in the company of people who were known here as publicans and sinners. [2:08] In other words, the very dregs of the society of Jesus' day. And their objection was that he, as a religious leader, ought not to be so often in the company of people like that. [2:29] And it was an answer to that criticism and that observation and that objection that Jesus told these three stories. [2:45] And as he tells them, he makes, he emphasizes the point three times in the telling of these stories. [2:56] Three times he makes this emphasis that there is joy in the presence of the angels of God. [3:06] Verse 7, Over one sinner that repented. That the joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repented. Verse 10, There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repented. [3:23] And the text here, It was meet that we should be merry and be glad. For this thy brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found. [3:37] In other words, these stories are told by Jesus to emphasize and to illustrate this great truth. [3:48] That nothing occasions as much joy in heaven, and nothing ought to occasion as much joy on earth as the conversion. [4:03] And that really is the meaning of the word repentance in verses 7 and 10, as the conversion of a sinner. And therefore, in answering the objection of the Pharisees, under criticism, he is saying this, It is right, you are correct, in noticing that I am often in the company of sinners, in the company of people who are the dregs of society. [4:35] Or in other words, I am often in the company of the lost. But, I am in the company, not in any way to condone the life that they are living, or the practices that they have, but rather to rescue them, to deliver them, from that kind of life. [5:06] And, we notice that, as Jesus, teaches clearly that that, was the purpose of his mission, into the world. [5:20] So, it must forever remain, the purpose and the function, of the followers of Jesus, and the church of Jesus Christ, in the world, to be a part of it, only for that purpose, that she might rescue, deliver, save, people, from the, un-Christian influences, that are brought to bear upon them, in this world. [5:56] So, we notice therefore, the setting, of this, well-known story. It was told, to counter, to answer, and to correct, the criticism, of the leader, of, his, day. [6:18] And, as the stories, unfold, the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the lost son, you will see that, Jesus, is here like, an artist, like a great artist, painting, this picture, and as someone has put it, adding a splash of colour, here, and there, in the picture, so that, as you look, at the completed, picture, at the whole painting, you've got to remember, that this is a painting, whose theme, and whose great theme, is, joy, because a sinner, repents. [7:07] and there's no point, in coming to this painting, and isolating from it, this splash of colour, in the top left hand corner, where you see, men and women, boys and girls, dancing to the tune of music, and saying, ah, Jesus, condones, dancing. [7:28] I mean, that is a, making a complete nonsense, of the teaching, of this chapter, a complete nonsense, of, nowhere, is Jesus, talking about that, what he's talking about, is the conversion, of a sinner, and if, there is this, splash of colour, in the corner, of people, dancing to the tune of music, it is there, so that Jesus, will illustrate, what joy, conversion, gives, in heaven, and, in heaven, on earth, in heaven, and, on earth, that's why, it is there, always try, when you read a parable, in other words, when you read a parable, always try to, get to the heart, of what Jesus is teaching, in, that parable, because whenever, he tells a parable, it is for the purpose, of teaching, one, great, lesson, there are many, splashes of colour, in all his parables, but they all, blend together, to tell, to emphasize, one, great, point, and this parable, then, emphasizes, the joy, that the conversion, of a sinner, occasions, in heaven, and, on earth, it is true, he said, that I am with the lost, it is true, [9:07] I keep company, with sinners, not, that I will become, a part, of the life, that they live, but that they, may come, to share, in the life, that I have to, offer them, and you know, this is another, of the great teachings, of Jesus, and you notice this, throughout his life, and ministry, and his teaching, something I think, that I never, we're just sort of, stopping here, in the passing, something that it would, do us all well, to remember, that, you are, when you, become enrolled, with people, always watch, be on your guard, that your environment, doesn't, mean that, you drift away, from your own, Christian moorings, make sure, that, you, cultivate the mind, that was in Christ, he always, sought, and I'll tell you, [10:12] I'll tell you, later on about this, he always, sought, to bring people, to himself, and to his, way, of thinking, now then, as we turn, to the story, particularly, the story, of the lost son, you will notice, first of all, how, Jesus, describes, the lost, condition, of the, sinner, in his, unsaved, state, you can put it like this, he tells him the story, in this way, I am coming to this world, he said, to save the lost, to rescue the sinner, from the life of sin, now he says, I see the sinner, the lost, I see the man, who needs me, in this world, like, this, son, whose life history, I am going to tell you, very briefly, so he tells a story, two brothers, at home, with her father, and one of them, in accordance with the law, the land, wasn't prepared, to wait, for his father's, for the inheritance, he was going to get, at his father's death, he wanted to get away, there and then, himself, he had, ideas of his own, which he wanted, to put into practice, but he couldn't put them, into practice, without the wherewithal, to do it, he needed money, and the only source, of revenue, that he had, was from his, inheritance, which would become his, in due course, but he didn't want to wait, so, he asked his father, for the share, of the money, that would come, to him eventually, and his father, as far as we, all that Jesus tells, that his father, was willing, to give it, so, when the son, received his money, he went off, as Jesus tells us, to spend, his money, with riotous, living, and, and, he then, unfolds, this graphic story, of this, young man, in the, far off, land, and remember, that Jesus, is, illustrating, the condition, of the sinner, whom he wants, to save, that's the point, and, what do we gather, from this story, as it, unfolds, that we can apply, to the life, of the, unsaved, well, this, and of course, we have to recognize, that once, and Jesus himself, another passage, of the scripture, makes this point, as a matter of fact, if the elder son, is to be taken, as a, as another example, of a person, an unsaved state, [13:06] I'm only saying, if, it goes to show you, that the attitude, that people have, to life, may differ, though both people, may be in a lost state, in other words, this fellow, we don't know, whether he's a young man, or not, he was just a son, there are some people, who think that, the best way, to enjoy life, is as Jesus tells us here, by a life, of riotous living, they really go, as we said, they really go, all the way, all the restraints, are off, and the liberty, becomes licensed, and they do, what they like, when they like, where they like, and as, they like, now you know, a fool, whether there are, people like that, there are people, who are naturally, almost impossible, to control, you cannot, discipline them, it doesn't matter, what you say, they don't listen, they just, go their own way, and these people, become, real problems, in society, there are, problem children, people, and they grow up, to be, problem adolescents, and problem, problem adults, and today, many of our prisons, are bursting, at their seams, because, there are people, who are not, generally like that, they won't listen, to people, they are almost, like brutes, you know, there are people, like that, nothing, that you do, seems to, to have a restraining, influence, on, people, like that, now then, the point, that Jesus making, here at the Bible, makes throughout, is this, that to be, in a lost condition, to be away, from God, and astray, from Christ, you don't have, to go to these lengths, outwardly, to be a prodigal, or to be a lost, so let's forget, the word prodigal, to be, a lost, son, you don't have, to be like that, there are people, in this church, tonight, in the community, in every community, who are, perfectly respectable, very highly, principled, with a veneer, of religion, and who are, extremely useful, to their families, and to their communities, and in their places, of work, and yet, they themselves, would be the first, to admit, that they are, unconverted, and these people, are also, away from God, astray, from his grace, you see, the point, that Jesus, making here, is this, he is a man, who believed, that he could live, without, his father's presence, away, from his father's home, doing, his own thing, in his own way, with his own resources, and using, for his own purposes, the very things, that his father, had given him, now there's, a perfect example, of a man, in a lost condition, like everybody, here tonight, who's Christless, and Godless, and graceless, whether he's young, or old, whether he's, sowing his wild oats, or living, a highly principled, and respectable life, that's not the point, the point, is this, that a man, is lost, who doesn't, live his life, [16:56] God, what, and who doesn't, give to God, the things, that God, has given to him, the man, who takes, the life, that God has given him, the time, that God has given him, the energy, that God has given him, the privileges, and the possessions, that God has given him, and wastes them, on himself, without any reference, at all, to God, that's man, in his, lostness, but you see, there are some, who seem to go further, than other people, they want to ignore God, and they choose, to forget God, and they live selfish, and loveless, and lives, which are independent, of God, they do the best they can, to enjoy life, and to get most, out of life, in the same way, as others, sort of stay at home, and seem to be, respectable, and religious, but you see, everyone, needs, trust, and this is exactly, the point, that Jesus made, to the Pharisees, you say to me, that I eat, and it's, with public, and sinners, you say to me, that I receive sinners, unto myself, [18:26] I'm telling you, he says, I do, I, I, I, I, I, I, I keep company, with people, who need me, in the hope, that they will, see their need, and come, as sinners, to a saviour, just as, that poor man, lived his life, away from his father's home, until he came, to see, that what he needed, most in life, was to get back home, and to come, to, his, father, so you see, there are people, who live this kind of life, to get away, from it all, people who want, no restraints, and, no restrictions, whatsoever, people who want, to distance themselves, from God, and, from the Lord, Jesus Christ, people who wish, that there was, no, [19:34] God, to, urge upon, his claims, people who wish, that, they could, either, not have him at all, or, even, forget him, people who try, to ignore, people who want, as much of this, of God's world, and God's gifts, they'll take as much, as they can get, as long as, they can do with it, what they want, people who want, to use, their privileges, and their possessions, and their positions, just to, gratify, themselves, and people who think, that their contentment, and their happiness, and their enjoyment, is to be gauged, by the distance, they can put between themselves, and God, and this is what Jesus is saying, you know he says, there are people, like this, lost son, off they go, and I know, that there are people, like that, probably in every household, and I've no doubt, that there are people, like that here tonight, and there may be, very young people, children here tonight, who are like that, who will tell you that, they don't want God, it's amazing, it's amazing yet, how early on age, a person can say, these things, and mean it, truly, whoosh, that there was no Bible, no church, no Sunday, no God, no Christ, life would be better, were it not, for these things, how many of you people, for example, tonight, find it, difficult to, contend even with, [21:41] God's day, with Sunday, I heard a man last night, preach, praying in a prayer meeting, and making reference, to something that really, struck me, in reference to the fact, that the best, television programs, seem to be, put on, the telly, on God's day, so that that, no doubt, may be, and remember, all the producers, and the directors, those who govern, these things, they would hold up, their hands in horror, to hear someone, saying this publicly, from the pulpit, and to hear a man, saying it in prayer, that these things, have been done, as an inducement, to people, to break, the Lord's day, and then, people sit, and they fret, and they wonder, why on God's day, and what's wrong, with just switching, the telly on, and I wouldn't be surprised, if you went up, at the end of Lewis, tonight, in the town of Starnoway, and found pockets, here and there, where the television light, and see it blinking, on the ceiling, and on the walls, of many, are living on tonight, just because, people can't resist, the temptation, almost, it's the Lord's day, but then, what's wrong with it, and who's behind, all this, [22:50] I know, as I said, many of these men, producers, and directors, and what have you, would hold up their hands, in horror, and say, how dare you suggest, that I'm introducing anyone, to switch on the television, on what you claim, to be the Lord's day, ah yes, I know they would, protest, but then you see, they don't realize, that behind it all, there's someone, who wants this world, to be lost, who wants this, to be destroyed, who wants this day, to be destroyed, with himself, there's a devil, at work, in this world, and he's got lost, men and women, boys and girls, in the grip, in the palm, of his hand, he's got a tight, hold over them, and Jesus, often said that, and he told, these religious leaders, of his day, I am here, he says, to rescue, men and women, boys and girls, from the lostness, of sin, and from the power, of Satan, and if you find, fault with me, for doing that, so be it, [23:56] I'll tell you, he says, people are like, this son, who thought, that he could have, a great life, and a happy life, and a wonderful life, away, from his home, and from his father, and from his brother, get away, from it all, and get rid of it all, and enjoy, life, as I want to enjoy, and Jesus said, he did it, and so can you, make no mistake, about it, you can do the same thing, you can live, as though God, did not exist, you can live, independently, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I've no doubt, that you'll enjoy it, but remember this, your enjoyment of it, will come, to an end, that's what Jesus, here says, this young fellow, or well, this fellow, whether he's young or not, he really enjoyed life, but there was one problem, there was one problem, you see, he couldn't make, his money last, forever, and all the avenues, that he tried, couldn't remain open, forever, and all the people, whom he enjoyed life, he enjoyed life with, couldn't be with him, forever, you see, this is the problem, a famine, arose, in the land, and two things happened, two things changed, the circumstance, which he found himself, changed, and he, himself, changed, have you noticed this, this is what happens, always, in life, the things, that appeal, to a 20 year old, don't appeal, so much now, to the same person, when he becomes, 50, years of age, and of course, this is, this is too obvious, even to, to make the point, the places, that a 20, and a 30 year old, will go to, one of these days, that person, won't be able, to go to these places, and you see, this is the problem, that circumstances, outside, out with yourself, change, and you yourself, change, because, the problem, with man, apart from God, is this, he must, have something, to occupy him, he must, go somewhere, he must, do something, he must, be with someone, to enjoy himself, that's a fact of life, but then you see, when your legs, can't carry you, to these places, even though, you may retain, your affection, for them, the aminues, dry up, is that not the case, and then you find, that that, which was giving you, so much enjoyment, isn't giving you, that enjoyment, at all, and Jesus, you remember, and he's talking, to a Jewish audience, and he says, this man, he says, he began to be in want, his money ran out, he lost his job, there was no employment, at all, the rate of unemployment, in that area, was very, very high, and remember, he's talking, about that Jew, and they found, a job, he says, one day, herding pigs, looking after pigs, now, for a Jew, that was the end, of the line, that was the end, of the line, for a Jew, but you see, [28:00] Jesus wasn't finished, he was so hungry, he said that, it wasn't just, that this fellow, started herding the swine, he was herding with them, in other words, it wasn't just, that he was, trying to lead them, to places, where they could get, something to eat, but he was becoming, one of them himself, in Zoharas, he was wanting, to eat, what they were eating, because there was, no one, to give to him, nothing, and here, Jesus is picturing, the sheer, and utter, hopelessness, and emptiness, and futility, of a, Christless, life, what he's saying, he's saying, what we were seeing there, in the book of Ecclesiastes, for the past weeks, Jesus is saying it, there's nothing, in that life, it's just like, an empty shell, and when, when it really, comes a bit, and you begin, to be in need, there's nothing in it, that will need, your needs, you ask people, here tonight, converted, or people, perhaps, in the throes, of conversion, who are coming, face to face, with the reality, that the life, that they thought, was so full, that, after all, there's nothing in it, and there's nothing to it, so Jesus speaks, about the lostness, of man, in sin, he has nothing, at the end of the day, to turn to, nothing at all, not a thing, he can't even, turn to his friends, there was no one, he says, to help, no one, would give him, anything, to eat, and then something, very interesting, this is a splash, of color, [29:57] Jesus says, to this man, he began, to think, and he began, to think, but he came, to himself, he began, to think, of the father, that he left, and the home, that he left, and the comfort, of the home, and the food, at home, and he dearly, wished, to go home, but he was, afraid, to go home, so he began, to make up, a prayer in his mind, well I would love, to go, and I said, to my father, look, I'm not worthy, but I'm coming, I don't want, to be a son, make me a servant, that will do, just a servant, in your house, and so he got up, and he came home, but when he came, to his father, all he said, to him was, father, I have sinned, against heaven, and in eyesight, I am no more, worthy, to be called, thy son, that's all he said, when he came, now here Jesus, eliciting something else, that what this, what man needs, in his lostness, in his sin, is to repent, or, on the meaning of the word, repentance, [31:07] I've said to you, is to be converted, now there are two things, that always, come into repentance, and the Bible, if the Bible, emphasizes anything, it emphasizes this, a man, cannot, be converted, until he does two things, or rather, I suppose, to be theologically correct, there must be two things, always in conversion, and these two things, are, repentance, and faith, and you know, Jesus, wonderfully, illustrates that, in his story, what is repentance, I say someone, it's to be sorry, for your sins, no it's not, ah that's not enough, I know that there's, a kind of teaching abroad, that would emphasize, that would suggest to you, that all you have to do, is, go down on your knees, and say Lord Jesus, I'm sorry, ah well, wherever you got that picture, of repentance, you never got it from the Bible, I can tell you that, there is no such picture, in the whole of the Bible, what then is it, it's to be, as someone put it, it's to be so sorry, for your sins, that you've got to leave them, that's it, ah, we all know, what it is, to be sorry, for our sins, the poor man, here tonight, who knows, what it is to be, in the interest of drinking, who's been a mess, of his life, and who comes home, we've all seen, and heard this, many of them, if not all of them, say well, never again, that's being sorry, full of remorse, but all too often, that same man, will go home, tomorrow night, in the same condition, because he hasn't repented, what is repentance, it is to be so sorry, for your sins, that you leave, that life behind you, that's what the prodigal, that's what this man did, he got up, and he left, the far country, there was nothing, there for him, but the degradation, of his lostness, away from the father, to the father's home, so he leaves it, and then, there's a second strand, that must always be, conversion, faith, what is faith, faith is coming to Christ, and here Jesus illustrates, that this man, he left his sin, and he came, to the father, now of course, conversion, this is all, that the parable, is teaching us, that this is what, conversion is all about, you leave your sin, behind, and you come, to God, or you come, to Christ, in faith, you recognize, your condition, you recognize, the slavery, of the sin, of the life, that you're living, you recognize, the awfulness, of a sinful state, and you are made, willing to break, with sin, you are made, willing to distance, yourself, not now from God, but from sin, remember the classic, story of the girl, who came to the session, looking for admission, to the Lord's table, and they asked her, what was the difference, that she found out, that she found out, in her life, since she was converted, this is it she said, before I used to run, after sin, now she said, [34:38] I'm running away, from sin, and that I believe, is what happens, in the life, of every convert, you don't want, that life now, it's behind you, and you wish, it were further, behind you, than it is, you wish it had, never been there, that's it, and the desire, that you have, to come, to the Lord, Jesus Christ, as a savior, is that the way, you are, well, if you're a convert, that's the way, you ought to be, and that's the way, you and I, ought to become, more and more, it's a life, of running, from sin, and coming, to the savior, that's the way, the Bible, always pictures, the life, of a Christian, and I think, today, that we have, to get back, to that, more, and more, and more, acknowledge, your unworthiness, your unfitness, your sinnership, your awfulness, your lostness, your deadness, [35:48] Father, I come, to thee, receive me, as a sinner, and I'm lost, and here, is what Jesus, saying, we ought, to make merry, and be glad, this is the sin, now at home, your brother, who was lost, is found, your brother, who was dead, is alive, no wonder, we should be merry, there is joy, in the presence, of the angels, over one sinner, who repents, and there is, there is, this is the most, momentous event, in the life, of any individual, young or old, in the world, tonight, and look at this, if I may just, put it as simply, to you as possible, look at this church night, in Stornoway, and think of heaven, think of the angels, think of God, think of Christ, and the spirit, and the spirits, of people, who love Jesus, in the world, who have gone, to heaven, think of all these, in heaven tonight, and think of this church, and think of the wonder, of this, one sinner, in Stornoway, being converted, tonight, the source, of joy, in heaven, that's what Jesus, saying, and no wonder, this picture, this painting, is so wonderful, no wonder, it's so full of color, and so full of life, and so full of meaning, look at what he's illustrating, look at what he's telling you, this is the connection, between conversion, and joy, in heaven, this is the connection, why are they, why are they, and I believe, that he's talking, not just as verse 7, tells us, [37:50] I say that, likewise, George, I'll be in heaven, over one sinner, he's not confining it, to the angels, that he refers to, in verse 10, he's speaking about, the inhabitants of heaven, that's what God is, and look at the joy, that is in the heart, of the father, when someone, whom he has purposed, from all eternity, to save, responds, to the call, of God, to believe, look at the joy, in the heart, of the savior, who came into the world, to die, that sinners, might be converted, and someone, for whom he died, now responds, to his claims, who for the joy, that was set before him, endured the cross, look at the joy, in the heart, of the Holy Spirit, when he sees, his power, and his work, moving a soul, to come in faith, and in penitence, to the feet of Jesus, dare I say it, think of the joy, in the hearts, of those, who are tonight, at the throne, of God in heaven, singing glory, to the lamb, those who loved him, who served him, in the world, and who prayed, for the conversion, of souls, while they were in the world, and the Lord, took them to himself, and they are there, tonight, full of joy, can joy, be added to, of course, of course, do you mean, that's what eternity, is all about, in heaven above, it's going on, in the perfection, of holiness, going on, to know more, of what is giving you, that joy, in heaven above, and as I said, dare I say it, and I will, [39:38] I believe myself, that this is one, the source of joy, of the church, in heaven tonight, in the presence, of the Father, that God, in some wonderful way, communicates to them, the knowledge, that another, has been converted, in the sinful world, that they have left behind, there is joy, in the presence, and in the angels, themselves, ah my friend, we've been speaking, about this in a prayer meeting, of late, angels, what amens, that they have, in this world, what service, they render, what are they, they are creatures, who serve God, in glory tonight, and this is the picture, the Bible gives you, of these creatures, they are sent, by God, on errands, missions, of mercy, and communication, from heaven to earth, this is what they did, for Jacob, he saw them, angels of God, ascending, and descending, on that ladder, from heaven, to earth, they are in this building, tonight, the angels of the Lord, encamps around, encompasses, all those, about the doom fear, and them delivereth, they are ministering, spirits, you and I, don't see them, maybe there are some, who have, maybe there are some, who feel their presence, from time to time, what joy, they have, in serving their Lord, and when one soul, is converted, in the world, more joy, for the angels, because more service, to render, do you know, what I think, part, do you know, what I think, constitutes some of the glory, the joy, in heaven, it is this, that the spirits, who are made perfect, in the presence of God, are perfect, in the service, that they render, to the Lord, and the more, you give, have you noticed this, if you really, are full of love, for Christ, you can't, get enough, to do for him, you can't, get enough, to do for him, and the spirits, of the, just people, in the presence, of God, tonight, are full of love, and therefore, full of service, and the angels, serve, and the more, they have to do, the more joy, they have, think of, if this is true, of one sinner, oh, what must it be like, at a time of revival, what must it be like, when the angels, if one can speak, with reverence, are given, so much, to do, so much, more, to do, but I give, time, but you see, [42:32] Jesus, isn't talking, about revival, he's talking, about the conversion, of one, soul, and you know, my friend, the gospel, comes tonight, not just, to this congregation, it comes to you, as an individual, comes to you, as, one, person, one, sinner, in whom God, takes such an interest, such an interest, that he brought you, here tonight, so that you, could hear the gospel, you, of all people, in the world, tonight, you, and this is the question, I want to ask you, it's a serious one, and I find it, a very solemn one, and in many, many cases, a most moving question, and I want to leave it, with you, as I bring this service, to a close, the life, that you live tonight, is it, a source, and a means, of joy, in heaven, or, can one say it, a source, [44:05] I don't believe, there's joy in hell, there isn't, but in some way, in an evil way, in an awful way, there is an element, of some kind, of satisfaction, in hell, in hell, now then, is your life, tonight, has this great event, taken place, in your life, have you, been converted, and thereby, become a means, and a source, of joy, in heaven, and on earth, or is your life, still, in the grip of sin, in the grip of Satan, and if it is, and this is the awful thought, your life, is a source, of evil, satisfaction, to him, and to his emissaries, oh, wouldn't it be a wonderful, wouldn't it be wonderful, tonight, if you, became the convert, that would be the means, of joy, in heaven, would you not want that, surely you would, and look, if I may end, on this note, look again, at the emphasis, that he places here, there is joy, in the presence, of the angels, over, one, sinner, that repents, you know, that there are many stories, that one could tell, and this is what I said to you, [45:45] I'll tell you a story, about this, before I close, so I'll close, with one of the many stories, that one could tell, one sinner, one sinner, and you, could be that sinner, but then you see, you, what could you do, you may say to yourself, ah, well, if you only knew, the kind of person I am, if you only knew, who I am, ah, my friend, that's not the point, the point is, is that, God can do wonderful things, through, one sinner, many, many, many years ago, a horseman, was going through, a particular area, in England, and he stopped his horse, at a drinking well, and as he tied his horse up there, so that the horse, could take a drink, another horseman, came along, dismounted, tied up his horse, while the horses, were having a drink, the second horseman, said to the first, he spoke to him, about eternity, and about his soul, and they parted, company made off, in opposite directions, but the words, that second horseman, spoke, were blessed, to the first, to the first man, he became, he was converted, and became, a Christian, missionary, and often, he wondered, who had been, the instrument, of his conversion, and for many years, he looked for that man, in vain, and not too many years, afterwards, in a parcel, of books, sent to this missionary, from his native land, not too many years, afterwards, did he open, a biography, the story, of James, [47:50] Braynard, Taylor, and this was, the biography, of that man's, devoted life, and in the front, of his piece, as he, turned the pages over, he saw there, the face, that had haunted him, for many, and many a year, in his sleeping, and in his waking hours, the face, of the man, who had led him, to the Savior, he was, but one man, led, by that other man, but then you see, in the hand of God, look at, what that one man, was able to do, ah, what God, could do, with, your, life, tonight, just you, just you, perhaps, sitting here, and wondering, wondering, in your heart, what the Lord, could do for you, and what the Lord, could do with you, well, [48:57] I couldn't tell you, what would fail me, to tell you, what the Lord, could do for you, and I don't know, what the Lord, could do with you, and little do you know, how he, could use you, just you, for the blessing, maybe one other person, or, many more, there is joy, in the presence, of the angels, over one sinner, that repents, what a home, you would have tonight, if you went home, with the Lord, as your Savior, let us pray, bless us, Lord, to thou bless us, as we bow before thee, we thank thee, for the word of thy grace, and for thee, for the, for the, power that belongs to thee, convince us, [50:02] O God, of our sin, and help us, by grace, to turn from it, to thyself, as our Savior, for Jesus' sake, Amen. [50:13] Amen. Amen. Amen.