Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] 2 Corinthians 4, verse 3 in between heavenly and Indian Thank you. [1:21] Thank you. [1:51] Thank you. [2:21] Thank you. Thank you. [3:21] Thank you. Thank you. [4:21] Thank you. Thank you. [5:21] Thank you. Thank you. [5:53] Thank you. Thank you. [6:23] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [7:23] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [7:35] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Gloria All of humanity шагаrot 是tesse ус of coemtions. [8:17] We Madame have second They were being used to all young people. [8:48] They worldivity from mostlygendered to metal every era. Telling you a humanُhly. [8:59] Its profitable next fitness. being a religiousational. [9:12] A One, he says, chapter 12 family, These answers were dunno, meaning, I'm friends. [10:14] I know all my barefoot , and included persons with dearchenes and peace some my God. [10:25] Baby,yy boy we speak이면 at breakfast. I don't know if you are a Christian Paul has a Christian How to go How to go How to go How to go How to go How to go How to go How to go How to go Well I don't know if you are a Christian I can't I can't I can't What What What What What What What What [11:27] What What three years ago the college a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a [20:33] God, inordinary searching. Up here, And the highest stupidity left Sur grande The knock on цhip. [20:46] Fuck the бол Got Hat effectively It's a You do itэ Here Because he lives 4.45 All the things BON Sport is πε rolling through all the disorders that is merely made in miracles. [21:29] You will not only pray. We will be proud and put them umm never be did let them this isn't easy on the board's And they did it the very soy rice and a foreign language. [22:33] And you think that that's the rock? U a great lady! [23:13] It screams that night... Motherless spirit... What was Belle's last verse? [23:25] Thing... It said... This sólcast has�도... It's like food and stuff... verded in its land... It's a big job of being in it... [23:36] It's really like... Well, I'll see my boys, Isaac Beispiel Jo Remember a man handling Yea, it really sweed me When you have so many things here and find buddy Wow Not Apparently that is our And if a single child Then see So If you want your hands, then ask, [24:51] But little of it can сказал... how much powder becomes it? [25:04] like the yellow ten says.... the red ten says... The scrimmage, pire, nonsense. [25:23] The nominate at all, Ghost mesh with ad porous, And nine. [25:39] It's now around. Has a glen o'buck a frugger na'kist. Kó chruhige suels. Chruhige dieu. S kó chruhige ninyen. [25:49] Has a do. Chruhige dieu. Smoar son koneys a suelachan a shaw. Halle dieu. Sje tjea chruhige. Sje tjea gecham a suosli fachal a choak. [26:02] Agus sje tjea iwe the suelachan a shaw. Sje tjea iwe the suelachan a shaw. Gw criwch man yn ghe. Terea si a poli ceolachan ewebri ninyo. [26:13] Felly. Tjea. Yn hwyl. Shaw. Wel ha. Ddoch rwydda fysa gynna sgrybder y chycish. [26:24] Nid ychruhige dieu. Nid ychruhige niny. W'tar ish. Ffoddo osas ni eich. Gan y tgwylwchryfyn. Nid ychruhige ninyo. [26:35] Ddoch rwydda fysa gysig o'ch yw. Nid ychruhige. Gwylwchryfyn. Ychruhige. Nid ychruhige. Nid ychruhige ninyo. Hwylchyn ninyo. [26:46] Nid ychruhige ninyo. Nid ychruhige ninyo. Cwag eith pechgoch. Hu gyni ewebill. Hu gyni ewebill. Hu gyni ewebill. Hu gyni ewebill. Hwyl. Hwyl. [26:57] the world of mankind. [27:27] The world of mankind is a world of mankind. [27:57] The world of mankind is a world of mankind. [28:27] The world of mankind is a world of mankind. [28:57] The world of mankind is a world of mankind. [29:27] The world of mankind is a world of mankind. The world of mankind is a world of mankind. The world of mankind is a world of mankind. [29:42] The world of mankind is a world of mankind. The world of mankind is a world of mankind. The world of mankind is a world of mankind. [29:57] The world of mankind is a world of mankind. The world of mankind is a world of mankind. The world of mankind is a world of mankind. [30:12] The world of mankind is a world of mankind. The world of mankind is a world of mankind. The world of mankind is a world of mankind. [30:24] The world of mankind is a world of mankind. The hundred-kapied and the world of mankind is a world of mankind. would the name be your equivalent to thy father. Thy God had written above him. [30:42] Take my Ч wanting to say непри cheap. Right I think it's just another one. [30:54] Defersive名 OK. muscular the Names a Gest Mod a Others have weary explet Suhox, and they can't 공pイ th Turks, who survive like The Signs Podcast. [32:02] They say, how much I! Hey, they are able to rally into the north concluded. [32:13] They all find each 소inge doing like this类, like 198 years. Well, I'm a desta- газ, It must say the hell of a Caucasian Tarog... [32:56] and the reality of this mares is still walking. Which is how I can get first to wble to the teens... [33:13] the mano the the ניכ נ thứเน tiltなん이고 Michelle The woman who left for us was a real streamer what they say for a reason that she loved things and didn't mia speak her she told him her she said her [34:20] Im writing yeh ожид al nope he LO you But men he knew that his dream strong that he had to trust. [34:47] TheMic Association, right? His dream was powerful. But for now, he had to become his dream. [35:07] You now give yourself back to Sule Af. But here you надо. [35:24] It's the Brazil of IJP, that's the year ." P. [35:35] music C vessel音 Ré Oh feel a lesson Tak I F vej uvud ol minacción Nhà dẳlty fao alt Siúlen inga ænden eller goly避 glad nór доп очáll Nije cunhys ar Harid Jeannu sin wellis at fê me for kane pyr intertwñce creator I said that like heart let judge gr him [37:19] Next, Sillamish Emh anhen g instances of one glory The property on the streets As the last one cut off the streets small polar ¡hgall the liceo! [37:43] doom своим But it's not just one man, whojourned in the Anne ofabulimss? [38:29] einzige of the cover whole section has not passed yet a return pink. [38:48] Viele candy came to eat, or rather, man engaged yes M What does this type of form mean to tell us is that this is how he is alive and to keep his mind out laughing realmente and so gonna be done so he has just heard [39:48] Rather, it is 125 years old to give young people that daughters give you clean馬 and have one, only six months. [40:05] Also, while God is calf you're welcome to give the morning to what Oke Njörn was sent to you... Alleluia on the it. Tell the applications I own are Use it by making everyone to cleanse this flesh You can poison it your own Your own God is by The Jesus For Jesus are asegur Surprisingly down almost never visa non-fais this grew a [41:19] Evel is checking� a fall fly cas y andairesk cow And, if everyone's a Ohhh and I were to talk with you… Not one of the most typical'RE Обacinating is oh, but there's no individual whoores you are too long in your presence today. [42:18] And where the students Tarot calm down on there do is the exempleUM. You agree that you覺得 No no no it isn't. How ? He said what does a handsstation work you. [42:31] bach Isn't it? And these are the ones I'd love to read about the someries. [42:58] It's funny when it happened. I gave it to me. I still do not understand the design for a nicer thing. [43:10] We made enough smarter than reasonable potentials. The commander arrived... The commander to our staff wasnth Sensore. [43:22] The commander- phi and the commander could see who theants. تھ��anna Ok A Good Back Now Hang Back Back [44:24] Oohual Zu . [44:36] . [44:55] . Of course there's going Wow Jesus we need things first And that's how one of them is. [45:20] 木下 Nick He used to십 none for the He can also follow simulation blessings our history of human beings. [45:45] Ask explanation goes in our activity. To me I had one before my understanding is that There is Ability universal life from lacklabs and many different objects. [46:04] The other ones have been. My name's friend. It is children who wanted to access to 90 occasions and go back to the churches in New York. [46:17] Why will it be indoors in the station ofБind? Then you used to visit to the class, Be the Spirit of the� who created the man. [46:32] He give. And thank you. And his blessing has umdir to disappoint. He does not hear anymore, and he does not hear anything about him. [46:46] So gentlemen, this said that I do not sing the song. He says, God. Man says the Father will to repentance. [47:24] oh fruits you has drawn your to you sh my There the people who they say doing and sharing. [48:05] God be the soul십 his people, again the other. [48:53] The THROAT людей has come on a кажется because I cry. They sinning Elijah & trust. Fianchus mahar, masharutag is, gnarlewad tagalag is, glan hasgal, se glan afhiri, glan ee nae chani ee, da chani ee nae greeu is, se nahtar liku, nahtar liku heen tagalag, se nahtar liku heen, nahtar liku heen, nahtar liku heen tarabsan, fianchus. [49:22] Nachar an yeevela krachg meana na tabe, is hondga na daadad stuint in afhalaf. Edek ya ma yeedek, sasanaht jeshaart, khanjil jiya kyori yos noh kail yana wa khirut. [49:38] Gainik, shay jiya vany, gisho khash, shay kriyos da vany, slani er gaini, shay jiya kyori yos da vany, khirut da yana, krachin yana nkriyosd, is hond chaar nagayin gatan. [49:55] Agus kami eyn jya fudu le eynach gynhyn, gynhynh, hlachg gafanjshin y gianu. Karochag, es gras yee gud, es hond gynhianu e. [50:12] S'n achgolir. Ma хeha saschgea in ee fadde, san geis na kailt. Hai fadde. Nish shay nater ag kreiger. San geis, e viis kailt. [50:26] Agh gynh nana ma ha, ach nana ma han e sho, an e sduction ka il shift. Nish ag pol открыrain den chor isshus heid, lihtin that an e korainti ane. Scheacachah. [50:36] four像 I cannot join him. [51:30] A leading military dirty up this right and We When I am practicing, approximately from the journals of theRedner and the people of the young people Nach boch gymet was ist dutch. [52:21] S kriest gah harakse hen gud. As hur. S gyn kalisch es was ratus an gwarisch. Ach gie thall. [52:34] De chriest. Agus beg schon a mich noch gud. S chet gie e wuppriges anet. Anhal. [52:45] Es an gung awurisch. Agus enghiaf. Es an ganyarapurisch. Sajji e kumasoch agus johnoch. Shunayana gud. [52:57] He kus jach. As a chaychok as a venu. Agus shas. Anni hiari jok. Svant gie.