Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] And will increase learning. And a man of understanding shall adhere unto wise cousins. [0:13] To understand the proverb and the interpretation. The words of the wise and their dark saints. [0:30] A wise man will hear. And will increase. Learn. [0:45] And a man of understanding shall adhere unto wise cousins. As you are aware. [1:05] Much is said in the scripture. Of hearing. [1:22] Hearing of what God the Lord does speak. Whosoever has ears to hear. [1:40] Let him hear. And we read also. Of glorious promises. [1:55] Made. To. This attitude of heart and mind. Towards God. Fear. [2:08] Fear. And you. Soul. Shall live. And I will make. An everlasting covenant with you. [2:21] Even the sure. Mercies. Of David. The time is coming. [2:34] And now is. When the dead shall hear. The voice of the son of. Of the son of God. And those that hear. [2:48] Shall live. And here we read. That. A wise man. [3:02] Hear. Now. In many statements. [3:14] It is difficult. To say. With. Certainty. [3:27] Which is cause. And which is. Effect. Certainly. [3:39] Hearing. And wisdom. Are near. Side by side. And we may well. [3:50] Ask the question. Which is. The cause. And which is. The effect. Does a man. Hear. Because. [4:01] He is wise. Or. Does he. Worry. Because. He hears. The. [4:12] The. The. The. Well. In many statements. Of the kind. We say. The. The best. Interpretation. [4:23] Of them. Perhaps. Would be. To. Say. That. Is. What. We call. Reflex. Action. The. [4:36] One. Increases. The. Other. They. Act. And. React. Upon. [4:48] Egypt. A. Wise. Man. Hears. Because. Wise. But. He's made. Wise. And. By. Dealing. [5:00] That. Is. Truth. Of course. But. You. Need. No. Demonstration. The. Common. Proverbs. Or. The. Common. Saying. [5:11] Proves. That. Conclusively. When. You. Speak. You. Learn. Nothing. When. You. Hear. You. May. Learn. Something. To. [5:23] Hear. Now. As. There. Is. Not. Set. Of. Hearing. Hearing. The. Word. Of. God. [5:33] God. Yea. We. Are. Told. That. Even. Faith. It. That. Comes. In. This. Way. While. It. Is. The. Gift. Of. God. [5:44] Yet. It. Is. Said. That. Faith. Comes. By. Hearing. And. Hearing. By. [5:55] The. Word. Of. God. Well. With. All. These. And. Much. More. About. Hearing. We. All. Saw. It. Much. About. Wisdom. [6:08] It. Is. The. Wise. Man. That. He. Is. He. Is. Wise. Now. [6:20] The. Beginning. Of. This. Wisdom. As. Read. Further. Down. In. This. Chapter. Is. The. Fear. Of. The. Lord. There. Are. Two. [6:30] Statements. Made. In. Scripture. That. Are. Closely. Related. And. [6:41] That. At. Both. It. To. Be. Understood. In. Their. Importance. [6:53] And. Significance. We. Read. That. The. Beginning. Of. Knowledge. Is. [7:03] The. Fear. Of. The. Fear. Of. The. Lord. Is. The. Beginning. Of. Knowledge. But. We. Are. Sorry. That. [7:15] The. Fear. Of. The. Lord. Is. The. Beginning. Of. Wisdom. Now. Wisdom. And. Knowledge. Are. [7:26] Not. Synonymous. Terms. Wisdom. Is. Not. To. Be. Equated. With. Knowledge. They. Are. [7:36] Distinct. They. Are. Often. They. Are. Found. Together. Yet. The. One. Is. Not. The. Other. A. [7:48] Wise. Man. May. Be. Very. Ignorant. That. Is. Wisdom. He. May. May. Not. Have. Much. Learning. But. [8:00] He. May. Have. Native. Wisdom. That. Will. Put. To. Shade. All. The. Learn. Of. Others. A. [8:11] Wise. Man. He. May. Not. Know. Much. His. Knowledge. May. Be. Limited. Indeed. But. Yet. He. Has. Wisdom. And. [8:22] Because. He. Has. Wisdom. If. The. Means. Are. Available. He. Will. Increase. In. Knowledge. On. The. Other. Hand. There. [8:34] Are. Knowledgeable. People. Certain. To. Have. Accumulated. A. Great. Amount. Of. Knowledge. Who. [8:46] Have. Not. Been. Made. Much. Wiser. That. By. That. Knowledge. Knowledge. And. Wisdom. Have. [8:57] Not. To. Say. They. Are. Not. To. Be. Equated. The. One. With. The. Other. Nevertheless. In. The. Ordinary. Way. Of. The. Death. [9:08] They. Are. Often. Found. To. Death. Now. What. We. Mentioned. This. Was. Why. We. Mentioned. This. Was. That. In. Description. [9:18] The. Particular. Type. Of. Knowledge. That. Is. That. They. Spoken. Of. And. The. Particular. Type. Of. Wisdom. Are. [9:28] To. Prised. To. The. One. Origin. To. The. One. Core. Namely. The. Fear. Of. [9:39] The. Lord. The. Fear. Of. The. Lord. Is. The. Beginning. Of. Wisdom. It. Is. Also. The. Beginning. Of. [9:50] Knowledge. That. Is. The. Thing. Where. The. Fear. Of. The. Lord. Is. Not. There. Is. Neither. Wisdom. [10:01] No. Knowledge. And. That. Is. A. Deplorable. Condition. To. Be. In. It. Certainly. Would. Be. [10:12] Deplorable. And. Would. Be. Recognized. As. As. In. The. Things. Of. This. Life. An. [10:22] Ignorable. Without. Wisdom. Would. Be. A. Person. Shunned. By. All. But. In. The. [10:32] Spiritual. Event. There. Are. So. Many. Who. Have. Neither. Wisdom. Nor. Knowledge. And. [10:44] Very. Often. They. May. They. May. Pass. Must. Be. Very. Wise. And. Very. Learned. The. [11:00] Fear. Of. The. Fear. Now. Way. Of. Argument. In. This. Connection. Was. This. The. [11:12] Wise. Fear. Therefore. Those. Who. Hear. Have. The. Fear. [11:23] Of. The. Lord. In. Their. Heart. That. Is. Why. So. Many. Promises. Great. And. Glorious. Promises. [11:35] Are. Made. Two. Hearing. What. God. The. Lord. Does. Be. Now. [11:45] In. This. Connection. Hearing. With. The. Fear. Of. The. Lord. In. The. Heart. Im. In. Face. That. [11:55] It. Is. Preference. Hears. The. Soul. That. Hears. In. The. Scriptural. Sense. Of. [12:06] The. Terror. Hears. With. Preference. The. Word. Of. God. Is. Recognized. [12:18] For. What. It. Is. It. Is. Recognized. As. The. Word. Of. The. Lord. Now. [12:31] Can we. Hear. In. This. Way. When. We. Hear. With. Reverence. There. [12:44] Is. To. Decide. Not. Only. To. Understand. What. God. The. Lord. Does. Speak. [12:55] But. To. Act. Upon. No. Man. Hears. The. Word. Of. The. Lord. With. Reverence. Unless. [13:08] He. Is. Prepared. Not. Only. To. Receive. That. Work. Certainly. To. Receive. It. But. He. [13:18] Must. Be. Prepared. Also. To. Lay. It. Up. In. His. Heart. And. To. Practice. It. In. His. Life. There. [13:30] Is. No. Famous. Hearing. Without. That. There. May. Be. Much. Learning. Of. A. Kind. The. [13:41] Learning. That. Is. Divorced. From. The. Fear. Of. The. Lord. There. Is. Much. Of. That. In. The. Word. [13:55] But. The. Learning. Or. The. Knowledge. That. Has. The. Fear. Of. The. Lord. As. It. Throat. At. Its. Beginnings. Is. [14:06] A. Learning. That. Comes. To. Reverence. On. The. Lord. Himself. And. Therefore. Reverence. [14:19] On. His. Work. Well. If. That. Is. The. Case. That. [14:30] Hurt. God. Many. Who. Have. Knowledge. But. There. Is. Attendantly. And. [14:42] There. Has. Been. For. For. Long enough. Attendantly. To. Treat. The. Word. Of. God. Not. Only. Disrespect. But. [14:56] To. Treat. It. As. If. It. Were. Inferior. To. The. Word. Of. Mind. And. [15:07] The. Way. Which. This. Has. Been. Done. And. Is. Done. Was. And. Is. This. He. Deny. That. It. Is. The. Word. [15:17] Of. The. Lord. Now. In. Order. Not. Only. To. Recognize. But. [15:28] Also. To. Acknowledge. The. Word. Of. The. Lord. For. What. It. Is. We. Must. Know. That. It. Is. The. Word. Of. God. Receive. [15:40] It. With. Feverest. But. In. [15:52] Turn. This. Brings. Us. To. Something. Else. We. Had. To. Receive. It. Was. Same. With. Pramodice. [16:04] That. Confirm. It. As. The. Word. Of. The. Lord. But. We. Had. Also. To. Understand. Something. Of. Authority. [16:15] We. Are. Not. Only. To. Hear. It. With. Reverence. But. We. Have. To. Recognize. That. It. Is. Authority. It. [16:28] Is. The. Word. Of. The. Lord. It. Is. The. Last. Word. Nothing. [16:38] More. Will. Never. Distorted. To. Do. As. Far. As. Giving. Wisdom. And. Knowledge. To. Make. Is. [16:48] Concerned. It. Is. Most. Fun. Of. My. Friends. To. Realize. That. In. At. Least. One. Sense. The. [16:59] Last. Word. Has. Been. Spoked. There. Will. Never. Be. Another. Word. from God until we hear the bird is set to stand for all eternity and even that bird is to be pronounced in the word of scriptures which we already have. [17:27] The last word has been spoken. Nothing more will be spoken. All the authority of God is behind his word and that word is not going to change. [17:47] Nothing is to be subtracted from it. Nothing is to be attuned. It is complete and entire. And unless we are made wise by what has been spoken, there is no other medium of wisdom. [18:10] We cannot believe wise by the next. We may say of the world in this connection what we read of in the epistle to the Hebrews of the sacrifice of Christ. [18:27] If we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sin. [18:40] There is nothing else. Of course the sin there referred to itself is apostasy. Turning away from Christ. [18:51] Now, if we turn away from Christ, so says the apostle, there remain no more sacrifice for sin. [19:01] There is no other sacrifice. If we turn away from the only one that is, of course there cannot be any other. There is only one. [19:13] If we turn away from it, there remains no more sacrifice for sin. The same is true of the word in this connection. [19:26] If we are not made wise by the word, there is nothing else in heaven or on earth that can make us wise. A wise man will hear. [19:48] And this is not only a means of increase of wisdom, but it is also the test of whether we have any wisdom at all. Do we hear? [20:03] What the wise hear? And all the wise hear. And only the wise hear. They are wise. [20:17] And their wisdom may appear in this, as in other things. They have ceased to hear the word of man. They have turned away from the exodus and that no waiting upon the all. [20:38] Not so that the word of God can be spoken by a key to the earth, but the wise always see a consciousness of the authority of the world. [20:57] The authority of the world may hear. And it doesn't matter who says it, unless it is recognized as the word of God, then the wise turn away from it. [21:10] As I heard once, a godly and unable speech has said, those attitudes in here should not be the attitudes of those who close their eyes and open their mouths. [21:33] to take anything that is given to them. That should not be a latitude in hearing. A latitude should be that of the serians. [21:49] What did they do? They examined daily what they heard by what they read. in the world. [22:10] That used to be the condition. That used to be the case. But the last thing is not the case anymore. Why? The authority of God's word has been undermined in the minds of many. [22:30] So that every figment of the imagination that is put forward as the word of God is supposed to have more authority than that word itself. [22:46] Every, every face is given that is set before people is received with acclamation. [22:58] Why? The word of the Lord has been said to one side. Its authority is denied. Manly sex objects especially man's wisdom. [23:16] The wise hear. But when they hear that sort of thing they turn away from it. Why? [23:27] They have tasted the good word of God. They have tasted God's word. Hence it is precious to them. [23:43] Hence they hear it. and they want to hear more and more of that word and of the yes. Away with those ideas of men that would improve on God's word. [24:02] There is no room for them. Time is too soft. These research have stayed as too great and too solid. [24:12] It is the hand of criminality to be trampling with the souls of men. [24:26] It is the hand of sinfulness for us to trample with our own soul by giving our old or anyone else's talk a higher place than we give to the word of God. [24:45] the wise will hear though. They are blessed who hear. Oh, grace be blessed the people of the joyful sound that know. [25:05] They know the word as a joyful sound. and it is not easy to take the word from such as these. Yea, they will cling on to it with all tenacity. [25:22] They value it more than the necessary food. the word of the Lord. The wise hear. [25:36] And in hearing they get wiser. At least they increase in knowledge, in learning. And this, of course, is not the learning of this world. [25:52] It is a learning which none of the princes of this world knew. It is wisdom to wish they had strangers. For had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. [26:12] It is learning, learning the truth. And remember the truth that it is to be to do. [26:31] Notice brings us to get further. It is not really what we know. Although let us empathize in the path ring, it is extremely desirable that we should know the laughter of the world. [26:50] Much damage is done because people are ignorant even of the letter of the word. We should use every means at those disposal to increase in the knowledge of the letter of the word. [27:10] It is really appalling the ignorance that reveals in Christian circles of the interest of the letter of the word. [27:27] I know of a man who came to the minister once for baptism and he didn't know who the first man was. He didn't know anything about that and that was his inaccessible community. [27:44] Now that was a definite shame. But going on from this we should know more of the letter of the word. [27:59] And it doesn't matter how much we know we should know more and more and more but we should always remember that knowledge of the letter is not sufficient yea, that knowledge of the letter may harden the heart but that is no excuse for us not knowing it. [28:21] I am an assistant once telling me that he was seeing a patient in the hospital. [28:35] and this patient said to him when I was young my parents did not believe in teaching us the letter of scripture. [28:49] but he says oh, how much better I should be of know if my mind had been stored with the letter of the scripture in my younger days. [29:09] we should know more of the letters. But that is not the learning that is here to serve. However decidable that is, and decidable it is, it is learning the ways of the Lord in his dealings with men. [29:34] No, we cannot learn that from the letter of scriptures. It does not matter how expertly we may quote the scriptures. There are things that we cannot learn from it. [29:49] We cannot learn from it how to believe and live. He lives by faith. We can learn that from scriptures. [30:00] But what living by faith means, we can never learn that from scriptures. We can only learn that from the teaching of the word of the Lord, through the scripture of course, in our own experience. [30:22] He increases in knowledge, the man who hears, the man who is wise. But as is true in every other condition and walk of life, he that increases knowledge increases sorrow. [30:46] From which we learn that there may be, and that there is, a joyfulness or a buoyancy of spirit, which is the result that nothing but signal us. [31:10] He that increases knowledge increases sorrow. That is true in this life. That will not be true in eternity. It is true here. The more we grow in knowledge, the more we grow in knowledge, the more we grow in knowledge. [31:38] The more we grow in knowledge, the more we grow in knowledge, the more we grow in knowledge. The more we realize, the many reasons for sorrow there are. He that grow in knowledge, grow in sorrow. And by then, the scriptures cannot be broken. [31:57] He that grow in knowledge, grow in knowledge. That world stands true. As long as the world remains. Perhaps that grow in knowledge. Perhaps that was a good idea. It certainly wasn't mine. [32:18] My philosophy was this. The more I gain of knowledge, the more joy I will have until I have sorrow. [32:30] That was my philosophy. But alas, it didn't turn out like that at all. Now when it is said that we that increases knowledge increases sorrow, that does not mean to say that it does not increase enjoyfulness also. [32:55] And this is one of the paradoxes of Christian learning. We mean the learning of the Spirit. As distinct from the learning of the letter. This is one of the paradoxes. [33:18] That, as more reason is brought to life. Why one should rejoice in the Lord. More reason is also brought to life. Why one should grieve for one's own sins and shortcomings. [33:41] And shortcomings. They are not usually exclusive. Yes, they go side by side. [33:53] He that increases knowledge. Increases sorrow. The wise ears and the increasing learn. Then of course there is a depth to them that can't be found anywhere else. Or in anyone else. [34:10] And this very sorrow contributes greatly to that depth of character that should characterize a Christian man and woman. [34:25] They increase in love. There may be much tiddiness even in the Christian life. [34:41] The day, in certain respects, it is inevitable. Especially at the beginning of one's Christian life. [34:57] But as one hears. As one increases in love. There should be a depth. A mellowness. That should indeed be a sweet savour of sight. Everywhere the believer is. [35:21] The day, in certain times. In the same times. The increase in knowledge. In the same times. The increase in knowledge. In learn. How different from many who have the same story day in and day out. [35:37] The better. There are some. And, uh... They tell you what they are. That means they give you their experiences which they have had twenty years ago. [35:54] And they haven't learned anything in the intervent. the interval. They have been the same. I knew a few of that type too in my day. It didn't matter when you saw them or where you saw them. They played the same tune all the time. [36:13] What happened 20 or 30 years ago. What they had learned in the interval, if they had learned anything, wasn't considered. Well that is not the case with the Krishna. The path of the life is as I shine is like. The time more and more unto the perfect day. The wise hear and increase in knowledge. This is one of the characteristics which set them apart from those who are not wise. [37:01] Now as they increase in learning, they understand a problem and the interpretation thereof. What is that? The words of the wise and the dark sage. [37:29] Surely this is true of everyone who is wise, who hears and who increases in knowledge. that know they will understand things that were indeed dark sage to them before. And I refer exclusively to the spirituals. As one increases in learning, in wisdom, in knowledge, in knowledge. This will be one of the research. He will understand things that he couldn't understand before. [38:17] Things in the word of God that were indeed dark. He understands a proverb and I just remember this. The word of the Lord has given us. [38:33] The word of God that is given us. Much of it in the very form of a proverb. All of it in the spirit of a proverb. That is to say, no man understands it until it is explained to him by the spirit of the Lord. [38:52] The word of God. There are things that are being unnecessarily obscure. And that is one of the vital that every spirit passes. That he should make things more obscure than necessary. [39:19] The word of God. But just let us remember. On the other hand. There are certain things that cannot be made play. You cannot explain color to the blind. You cannot teach music to the deaf. That is absolutely impossible. [39:47] Neither can you make the natural heart understand spiritual things. It cannot be. It is not like this of making a thing obscure. It is like this of... [40:03] One lacking the capacity, the faculty, for understanding and apprehending what is said before. [40:15] The natural man understands it, not the things of the Spirit of God. And afterwards, that, to the end of time. See, one might say something like this. [40:31] Why can't we make things simpler? Make them simple to us, so that we can understand them. While there may be those who can do that. [40:46] But, some of us cannot. We can't make what is not simple simple. And the Word of God, my friends, is not simple. [40:57] There was never a more pernicious error than to give out that the Word of God is simple. It is simple in the sense that there is no duplicity in it. [41:12] But it is not simple in the sense that the natural man can understand it. He simply cannot. That's all that do it. It cannot be done. [41:26] One will say, well, see how simply child talk in parabola. One will say to you before, I will repeat here. [41:38] If you find the parabola easy, then you have a way of interpretation that some of us don't know. If the parabola easy, anything and everything is easy, we don't find them easy. [41:56] We find them very difficult. Very, very difficult. Furthermore, it is not dependent on anyone's hauntlessness. [42:09] Christ himself says, I speak to them in parabola so that they won't understand. Seeing they shall not see. [42:23] And hearing they shall not hear. But what do you see of his disciples? Blessed are they. Blessed are they. Blessed are they. Blessed are they. For the things that are given to them in parabola are given to you plainly. [42:46] He interpreted what he said to his own disciples apart. How could it have been? How could there have been any need for interpretation if the thing was so easy? [43:02] If the substance of the doctrine was so easy? As the sovereign did not, there have been only for interpretation. But the disciples thought it was folded necessary to ask him the meaning of what he said. [43:18] Hence, it was not easy. It was not easy in the sense that anyone could apprehend. [43:30] No, it wasn't. And it isn't. And it cannot be. It cannot be. It doesn't matter how gifted we may be. [43:47] There is always need for the prayer. Lord, open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in thy law or in thy word. [44:00] That I may understand wonderful things out of it. The peace of position being that without this opening of the eyes, he could understand nothing. [44:14] Nothing. Open thou mine eyes. Well, this increase of knowledge makes itself known in giving one to understand something of proverbs, of a proverb, and the interpretations thereof, and the sayings of the wise. [44:38] The peace of position being that the wise, this is its result. But at the beginning, let us again emphasize. There is the wisdom that hears. [44:53] The word of the Lord. The wise hear and increase in earth. Do we hear? Have we heard? [45:04] Do we listen? Do we hear what God the Lord does speak? [45:18] Do we hear the word of God with reverence? Recognizing its authority? Do we receive it in faith and in love? [45:32] Do we lay it up in our hearts and practice it in our lives? These are momentous.