Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Seeking the Lord's blessing, let us turn for a little time to the portion of the word we read in John's Gospel, chapter 9. [0:16] And we shall read again verses 24 and 25. Then again called they the man that was blind, and said unto him, Give God the praise. We know that this man is a sinner. [0:41] He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not. One thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see. [0:57] And particularly the second half of verse 25. One thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see. [1:21] Can we all say that tonight? We were, or are, all of us, blind. [1:35] Now when the Apostle Paul was writing to his younger friend and colleague Timothy, he said without hesitation, I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him, against that day. [2:06] Paul could write that from prison, at the end of a hard life of suffering. And John, the beloved disciple, writing in old age, speaks to us with a similar assurance. [2:26] These things I have written to you, who believe on the name of the Son of God, so that you may know, that you have eternal life. [2:42] Now this note of certainty, is characteristic of, the New Testament writer. And without it, they could not have written as they did. [2:56] Nor, could they have lived, and died, as they did. Today, the, the opinion, is, commonly held, that, certainty in spiritual matter, is, unobtainable. [3:18] And that, to say, as, Paul, and the others, said, I know, is, presumptuous conceit. [3:32] Today, many, Christians, lack, assurance. and, because of the lack, they are, often, hesitant, perhaps, subject to moods, and, without, the real joy, of salvation. [3:59] Well, the words of the apostles, encourage us, to certainty, and, spiritual things, to certainty. And, today, any, Christian, can know, for himself, that his, sins, are, forgiven, and, that he has, eternal life, and, that he is, born again, and, that, nothing, can now, separate him, from God, simply, because, the authority, that says so, is, utterly, reliable. [4:49] Now, you may, sometimes, have, doubts, about, your faith, and, remember, doubts, are, not, incompatible, with, faith. [5:05] True believers, have, their doubts, doubts, must not, be thought of us, as, totally, inconsistent, with, faith. Some people, think that, once, you become, a Christian, you should, never, be, assailed, by, doubts, anymore. [5:35] Remember, the story, that we have, in the gospel, of, the, the Lord Jesus, walking on the water, when, the water was, as we read, boisterous, disciples, were afraid, and then, Peter, he, went out, of the, the boat, to walk, on the water, towards, the saviour, he began, to sink, and, Jesus, took his hand, and he said, to Peter, oh, you of little faith, why, did you, doubt, not, Peter, because, you, doubt, you, have no faith, now that is what, many people, think, and, say, and they are wrong, can be said, that if, if, if anyone, has, never had, any doubts, in his, [7:03] Christian life, he ought, to examine, the foundations, again, and make sure, that he is not, enjoying, a false, peace, for, there is no doubt, that, some of the, the greatest, sins, whoever walked, on this earth, were, assailed, by, doubts, you, you may have doubts, and, have faith, weak, faith, now, Satan, troubles, those, who, follow, the Lord, Jesus Christ, closely, and so, you may, at times, have doubts, about, your own faith, faith, but, if doubts, come, do not worry, whether, you are, good enough, to be, a Christian, for, none of us, is good enough, think instead, of what, [8:26] Christ, has done, something, the heart, of the matter, is, to know, as, the, blind man, in this story, did know, that, Christ, has, done, for us, something, which, we could not do, and which, no one else, could do, how, the healed man, had been, born blind, he had never, been able, to see, how sad, was his condition, how sad, for any person, to have, never been, able, to see, and Jesus, performed, this miracle, on the Sabbath day, and, we are told that, this upset the Pharisees, no end, and, they became, aggressively, critical, of Jesus, and they began to, make, up a kiss, against him, by, by means of the, or with the, the record, that was, before them, of the healing, of this man, some of them said, that, he had never been blind, at all, this was all, a hoax, there was, there was not, a miracle, there was no, healing, that's what they said, but, all the evidence, was against them, now, the parents, were afraid, afraid, because, the Pharisees, had, said, that they would, excommunicate, from the, synagogue, anyone, who, declared, [10:48] Jesus, to be, the Christ, and so, the parents, were prepared, to certify, that, their son, was born blind, but, no more than that, were they, willing to say, they denied, all knowledge, of, the manner, in which, his sight, was restored, or the, the person, who did it, and they, quickly pointed out, that, their, boy, was, old enough, to speak, for himself, and, the Pharisees, had to accept, that the, miracle, had happened, and, then, they, they, began, to, bring, discredit, on, Jesus, while, refocusing, the praise, for the miracle, on God, they called, the man, who was blind, and they said to him, give God, the praise, we know, that, this man, is a sinner, in calling, the Lord, a sinner, they were, being very, unkind, to the Lord, they were, treating him, with contempt, and the healed man, was, unwilling, to have the Lord, disparaged, in this way, he kept, sticking to his guns, on the one, point, where he was, absolutely sure, there were many things, of which he had no knowledge, but, of this thing, he was, sure, whereas, [12:56] I was blind, now, I see, so, he would not be bullied, into accepting, a judgment, about, Jesus, that, conflicted, with, what he himself, had, come to know, about, the Lord, his, personal experience, did not lead, him, to find Jesus, a sinner, and, so, he was glad, to, affirm, what he knew, positively, and, unshakably, he, himself, once, sightless, could now, see, Jesus, had made, all the difference, now, this expression, one thing, I know, that, whereas, [13:57] I was blind, now, I see, is, a picture, of, the, the, the, true, Christian, experience, of, the work, of, grace, in, his, soul, now, has, has, that work, been done, in, your, own, soul, have, you, known, the work, done, you, may, not, have, known, much, about it, when it, when it, was going on, but you look back, and, you can say, who are a Christian, tonight, that, that work, was indeed, done, praise God, it was, but, it may be, that, as you look back, you would, acknowledge, the goodness, of the Lord, in, in, preparing, your mind, for the, the reception, of the gospel, before, the Lord Jesus, came to you, in, his grace, to quicken you, perhaps, it was the home, influence, that, was at work, perhaps, the example, of a holy father, or, possibly, the faithful, instruction, of a, pious mother, had, softened you, to some extent, so that, though you were, still, unsaved, you, were, not far, from, from the kingdom, of God, and there was, perhaps, not that, sudden, astonishing, change, that is, sometimes, seen, in, other people, but, the work, the preparatory, work, if we may, call it that, like, all the rest, is, of, sovereign, grace, alone, it is, the Lord's, doing, one, of the old, divine, said, put it this way, before grace, renews the heart, there is grace, preparing us, for grace, ah, well, there, there may be much, about it, which is, mysterious, of course, there is, much, of which, you and I, know, nothing, may be, that, we cannot tell, when, and how, by what, instruments, by what, steps, this, blessed, change, in our lives, was, brought, and took place, grace, but, you and I, can take, the comfort, of it, if, we can say, through grace, one thing, [17:52] I know, that, whereas, I was blind, now, I see, there is, a change, somewhere, I am, certain, that I, see, now, what I, did not, see, before, that I, feel, now, what I, did not, feel, before, one of the, the poets, was writing, about the, the change, that, that had occurred, this great, change, and, he, he penned, these, these words, you've probably, read them, or heard them, yourselves, heaven above, is, softer, blue, earth around, is sweeter, green, something, lives, in every, hue, [18:55] Christless, eyes, have never, seen, now, I've, I've no doubt, that there are, many of us, here tonight, who know, the experience, of the poet, you are searching, you are brought, to, to seek, the Lord, you are under, conviction, of sin, you are struggling, and, late one night, the peace of God, which passes, all understanding, was yours, and, you are assured, by the Lord, that, you are his, forevermore, and, you, you went down, on your knees, and, you praised him, as, you had never been able, to pray, and praise before, and, you didn't sleep, much, that night, your heart, was too full, but, in the morning, you got up, and you went out, to your work, and, you can see, that, as you looked, at the grass, on the leaves, on the trees, they seemed, astonishingly, to be, greener, than they had ever, been before, did you not know that, you've, some of you, have no doubt, have experienced it, [20:26] I'm not the only person, here, who can speak of that, from personal experience, we didn't look for it, we knew nothing, at all about this, but, it was there, it was as if, we had never noticed, the greenness, before, it was startlingly, beautiful, and green, and the heavens, where, it would seem to us, a different blue, now, the Christ-less, will argue that, this is nonsense, they will say, they do see, of course they see, and they, they can say, the heavens are blue, yes, but, the Christian, sees something, that, the other man, does not, see, heaven above, is, softer, blue, there is a difference, he looks up, at the heavens, and he sees, not only, a, a physical, material, something, there is, a radiance there, which the other man, does not see, it is the glory of God, that made it, when I look up, unto the heavens, which thine own fingers framed, unto the moon, unto the stars, which were by thee ordained, then say I, what is man, that he remembered is by thee, or what the son of man, that thou so kind to him shouldst be, he looked up, to the heavens, which the fingers of the Lord, had framed, to the moon, and to the stars, yes, he, the Christian, was seeing, something, extra, the glory of God, behind it, and so that he, not only sees, what is there, but, the fingers, of God, which, made it, that is the extra, what has happened, to this man, the spirit, of the mind, has been renewed, he thinks now, different thoughts, there is a new way, in which he thinks, and he does, things, now, in a different way, old things, are passed away, behold, all things, are become new, this, is what, happens, to the Christian, now, haven't we here, a powerful, argument, one thing, [23:48] I know, that, whereas, I was blind, now, I see, how, did the poor woman, who, who had, the issue of blood, for so many years, know, that, she was healed, we read, that, she felt, in herself, that, she was, made, whole, she, she touched, the hem, of the Lord's garment, and she was healed, and, in the same way, the believer, knows, that he has believed, now, you and I, may, quite foolishly, and wrongly, sometimes, ridicule, a certain form, of treatment, we may say, it's, it's done me no good, whatever, it's, it's, it's mere quackery, but, when someone, who hears you, speak like that, says, well, that may be so, but, it cured me, then, then, to that person, there is, an unanswerable, argument, and, a clear, and striking, change, in a person's life, is a, powerful, argument, for, true, religion, you see, when we can point, to a man, who, did not, care, for God, but, who now, worships, [25:49] God, with his whole heart, and has put his, confidence, in Jesus, then, we present, to the world, an argument, which the world, cannot, readily, answer, now, if our religion, does no more, than any other, religion, it's of no value, to us, and it, could be, despised, if, a person, can, receive, the gospel, of Jesus Christ, and yet, live, as he did, before, and be, none the better, for it, then, it is, of no, value, no value, but, of course, there are, everywhere, proofs, of what, the living, gospel, of Jesus Christ, can do, think, just for a moment, of, some of the, the cases, that are recorded, in the, in the gospels, think of the woman, of Samaria, a bad woman, morally, a loose woman, what a, striking change, it was, when it did come, to her life, what we read, about her, the surprise, of the disciples, at finding the, saviour, talking with her, we see, that, she was, a, a wicked, and, worthless, sort of woman, a scandal, to the, place, to which, she belonged, and yet, when she, received, the truth, she became, a bright witness, to her saviour, splendid, change, think of, [28:12] Zacchaeus, the rich, tax gatherer, when salvation, came to his house, he said, the half of my goods, I give to the poor, and if I have taken, anything from any man, by false accusation, if, that is, I have cheated, anyone, out of anything, I restore him, fourfold, what a change, think of, Saul of Tarshish, who breathed out, threatening, some slaughter, who, on his own admission, was, a blasphemer, a persecutor, a violent man, man, and just after, the Lord met him, and changed his life, we read, behold, he is praying, what a change, not that he hadn't prayed before, but, his prayers, up to that point, had been the prayers, of the, the proud Pharisee, prayers, of the man, who tells the Lord, how good, a man, he is, what a change, what a blessed change, think of the thief, on the cross, in his last moments, in the world, he confessed, his sin, he rebuked, the blasphemy, of his companion, he cried, for mercy, and that man, heard the Lord, [29:49] Jesus say, today, you will be with me, in paradise, what a, transformation, think of Mary Magdalene, once possessed, with seven devils, she was made, a new creature, by the Holy Spirit, she was separated, from her sins, and brought, to the Savior, she became, a lovely follower, of, the Lord Jesus, think of the, the Corinthians, whose, great sins, Paul listed, and he could say, you are washed, you are sanctified, you are justified, in the name, of the Lord Jesus, and by the spirit, of our God, so, one, could go, on, like that, they were, they were all, changed, by this, transforming, influence, of the gospel, oh, what, but, divine power, could have, converted, such, people, people, but, every, [31:18] Christian, is a living, proof, of, the, transforming, power, of, the gospel, he is a new, creature, old things, in him, are passed away, and all things, are become new, the great, changes, most, clearly seen, of course, in those, who are, deep in sin, and far, from God, now we know them, they're here tonight, no doubt, they're in every town, and village, of our land, think of the blasphemer, who is now, honoring the name, of God, think of the drunkard, now living, soberly, how many, a story, can be told, of men, who would, come home, in such a, fiendish state, that their, wives, and their children, would try, to hide from them, and now, they are welcomed, by their wives, and their children, run to meet them, and these men, can be heard, singing, [32:35] God's praises, more loudly, than ever, they cursed, before, before, grace, has done this, grace, has changed them, their lives, are different, now, and, those, who, hate, the change, cannot, help, observing, that the change, has taken place, oh, friends, what a tremendous, argument, is, a, a living, personal, witness, to what, the grace of God, can, do, and, there is no, kind of, evidence, as, satisfactory, as, this, to the heart, of, a real, Christian, he, he will say, I knew nothing, of the love, of God, in Christ, [33:40] I could, look at the Bible, but, it was a dull, dry book, I could hear, of Jesus, but, I saw, no beauty, in him, though, friends, spoken, rapture, of Christ, on the tree, Jehovah, sit, Kenyu, was, nothing, to me, as, McChain, put it, as, he looked back, on his, own, life, that's, the way, that, the, the, the healed one, can speak, now, I, was, in love, with, wrongdoing, I loved, sin, I had, no time, for the things, of God, [34:42] I, was, blind, now, that, passion's, knowledge, may, may still, be small, his, faith, may be, still, very feeble, but, if, indeed, his, eyes, have, been, opened, he, can, say, one, thing, I, know, whereas, I, was, blind, now, I, see, now, I, see, and, what, do I see, I, I, see, that, Jesus, is, the, one, thing, needful, none, but, Jesus, will, satisfy, and, as, Paul, put it, I, count, all, things, but, loss, for, the, excellence, of, the, knowledge, of, [35:43] Christ, Jesus, my, Lord, I, love, the, cross, of, Christ, I, hate, sin, the, Bible, is, sweet, to, my, taste, I, see, now, these, are, blessed, tokens, that, Jesus, has, opened, your, eyes, and, brought, you, out, of, darkness, into, his, marvelous, light, and, that, being, the, kiss, you, will, yet, see, him, as, he, is, and, you, will, dwell, with, him, forever, now, we, think, of, these, words, not, only, as, a, powerful, argument, but, also, as, a, confession, of, faith, one, thing, I, know, that, whereas, [36:44] I, was, blind, now, I, see, now, we, understand, at, least, as, much, as, this, that, we, are, sinners, lost, and, ruined, in, our, selves, and, that, in, Jesus, Christ, all, our, help, is, found, now, do, you, see, tonight, a, beauty, in, Jesus, Christ, well, then, you, are, now, united, to, him, in, a, union, that, never, can, be, broken, never, can, be, broken, and, upon, his, coming, into, the, world, upon, his, holy, life, and, his, blessed, death, his, resurrection, his, ascension, and, the, power, which, he, now, possesses, at, the, right, hand, of, the, of, the, father, upon, him, in, all, those, respects, we, rest, and, we, rest, entirely, we, know, that, [38:02] Christ, is, precious, to, our, soul, and, that, he, is, the, appointed, saviour, that, he, is, our, saviour, now, perhaps, we, are, here, tonight, who, are, trembling, because, we, still, feel, that, we, cannot, grow, as, we, would, wish, to, grow, are, us, others, who, perhaps, started, with, us, have, grown, we, look, at, others, we, are, so, prone, to, compare, ourselves, with, others, we, see, a, great, advancement, perhaps, that, others, seem, to, have, made, we, haven't, made, ourselves, well, remember, this, is, enough, to, know, for, all, practical, purposes, whereas, [39:09] I, was, blind, now, I, see, we, are, told, that, the, the, Pharisees, pressed, the, the, man, who, had, been, healed, to, change, his, story, but, as, a, true, witness, this, man, was, clear, on, the, facts, he, answered, and, said, whether, he, be, a, sinner, or, no, I, know, not, one, thing, I, know, that, whereas, I, was, blind, now, I, see, he, made, plain, his, allegiance, there, was, no, doubt, in, his, mind, whose, he, was, and, whom, he, was, going, to, serve, from, that, point, forward, word, for, he, said, will, you, also, be, his, disciples, he, was, telling, them, without, saying, it, in, so, many, words, that, he, was, indeed, the, disciple, of, the, [40:31] Lord, will, you, also, be, his, disciples, and, we, see, that, the, point, was, taken, for, they, reviled, him, and, said, you, are, his, disciple, but, we, are, Moses, disciples, he, was, seen, now, to, be, a, man, committed, to, Jesus, Christ, now, it, is, very, dishonoring, to, his, master, for, a, Christian, not, to, confess, that, he, is, his, if, the, Lord, has, enabled, yourself, to, see, things, in, a, new, light, then, you, should, not, be, unwilling, to, confess, the, [41:35] Lord, before, men, and, you, cannot, tell, how, much, good, you, might, do, to, others, you, may, think, that, is, not, a, a, a, very, important, part, of, of, making, profession, but, you, taking, the, decisive, step, may, lead, others, to, do, so, as, well, ah, well, perhaps, somebody, is, saying, here, was, thoughts, along, those, lines, that, he, couldn't, say, very, much, nobody, asks, you, to, say, much, but, just, this, one, thing, I, know, that, whereas, I, was, blind, now, I, see, but, not, everyone, can, say, one, thing, I, know, whereas, [42:36] I, was, blind, but, now, I, see, there, are, some, who, cannot, even, say, I, was, blind, they, are, those, who, do, do, not, know, their, own, blindness, they, imagine, that, they, are, as, good, as, others, and, when, someone, imagines, himself, to, be, as, good, as, others, what, he, is, really, saying, to, himself, is, that, he, is, better, than, others, now, we, thinking, of, people, who, who, live, an, upright, life, they, are, amiable, their, outward, behavior, has, always, been, correct, they, have, always, been, generous, no, one, could, point, a, finger, at, them, at, their, lives, and, so, they, think, that, there, is, no, necessity, at, all, for, them, to, repent, of, sin, now, if, if, this, is, your, own, state, tonight, you, don't, understand, what, it, is, you, need, or, then, may, [43:49] God, do, for, you, what, you, cannot, do, for, yourself, may, God, enable, you, to, see, that, you, are, blind, there, is, hope, for, the, person, who, knows, his, blindness, now, to, know, your, own, blindness, is, good, it's, good, but, it's, not, enough, there, are, many, people, who, know, that, they, are, blind, but, they, don't, see, yet, well, if, this, is, your, state, don't, remain, in, it, any, longer, don't, linger, at, you, know, well, you, have, heard it, so, often, what, the, the, way, of, salvation, is, simply, trust, Jesus, Christ, and, you, are, saved, just, as, you, are, rely, on, him, and, you, are, saved, do, you, tonight, see, that, [45:01] Christ, can, save, you, do, you, believe, that, he, will, save, you, if, you, will, trust, him, then, trust, him, and, you, are, saved, what, must, I, do, to, be, saved, believe, on, the, Lord, Jesus, Christ, and, you, are, saved, let, us, pray, let, us, pray, gracious, God, we, thank, thee, for, all, those, who, know, thee, and, who, are, not, unwilling, or, ashamed, to, profess, that, they, are, among, those, for, whom, the, [46:03] Lord, suffered, and, died, we, thank, thee, that, any, believer, can, look, to, the, depth, of, the, misery, from, which, thy, love, has, drawn, him, and, that, he, can, look, to, to, the, to, the, dignity, and, the, blessedness, to, which, thy, love, has, now, raised, all, we, thank, thee, that, the, heart, of, those, who, can, thus, see, what, the, Lord, has, done, for, them, is, filled, with, thankfulness, to, the, Lord, for, his, great, work, and, we, pray, that, all, of, us, who, know, thee, and, who, would, say, that, we, are, saved, by, grace, will, be, ready, to, acknowledge, our, total, indebtedness, to, thee, for, all, that, we, have, and, all, that, we, can, hope, for, grant, us, thy, blessing, encourage, thy, people, oh, bless, those, who, are, prayerful, give, us, we, pray, to, see, answers, to, prayer, oh, remember, especially, those, who, are, pleading, with, thee, for, loved, ones, with, whom, they, have, already, been, pleading, oh, we, pray, that, they, may, have, the, joy, of, seeing, loved, ones, brought, to, the, [47:51] Savior, and, coming, out, clearly, and, boldly, on, the, side, of, the, Lord, watch, over, us, as, we, come, to, the, end, of, another, day, remember, we, pray, those, who, are, ending, the, day, in, sadness, we, pray, that, the, comforts, of, the, gospel, may, be, of, him, who, wept, at, the, grave, of, a, friend, watch, over, us, all, and, prepare, us, for, the, remaining, duties, and, privileges, of, the, communion, season, keep, us, near, to, thyself, ever, seeking, to, walk, more, closely, with, thee, for, Jesus, sake, amen.