Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] The Prophecy of Isaiah Chapter 11, Verse 10 The Prophecy of Isaiah [1:29] The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah [2:59] The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiah The Prophecy of Isaiahï Iphones on welcome to the cards. [4:10] I suggest my resource is to save that WeMIN lôi neunoo wealth system. . [4:22] . . . [4:37] . . . . . . [4:48] . . . . [5:00] . . . . [5:13] . . . . . . . . [5:24] . . . . . [5:35] The People Defend that are gonna be a single person to find a social care now. [5:47] And all of them zwanger helps kill you now and try to canalize the animal. And ultimately everything comes putting in the money and we cost oluyor after families until now atalk sacrificeermere. [5:59] That is, the interpretation of the ordinary views, taxables, hearts, and mamboos everything that we did original changes our knowledge. [6:16] Their question, darling, spoke to me and gave, Rahgert, spoke to Selassie JThank meaning possible. We were going as very religious leaders the current school kids were hearing of variousБBAs in their minds and with the garden. [6:49] There are almost no hands, it's like screwing. You can only see each cut in the corners and then you are just playing in 70 years or you can we earth and put them now. [7:08] So you know That someone who made, even makes an old KAREAM toda is really survived or wasn't finished. [7:22] So you know That they might not have even finished unless you did that again. Thinks about that. They tell me to Mr. Heep little that he would il주 του or whatever you see in the workplace. [7:38] This interesting example was... Thank you. Friends. [7:48] These verses might not seem to be forced. In the beginning, that is the beginning of the year. [8:01] It is something that God has put down as many people a few years ago. It has to be fulfilled... [8:12] ... so those who are fulfilled today.... Scène fee.... See, I came to acknowledge my… itisen started to adopt hard to present and to calculate this first thing so Scott and and this and I was going to pass up on another sermon. [9:04] That's 3rd year and we died. This was 7 & 10. [9:16] So,共akes a subject at the oracle government camp old. He,... ...that who he heard not make a rhyme that talks a little back... that said about a shock... That's what the hell was. [9:29] They can say it gets that että taht the suppression of us... and this and that it is a very strong pattern. Yes, as he said, His kids in good thinking,� he realised that he is defeated... [9:45] And what is the word that I am not a Christian, I am not a Christian. The Christian people are not even in the same way. [9:57] The Christian people are not in the same way. And the Christian people are not in the same way. And the Christian people are not in the same way. [10:19] And the Christian people are not in the same way. The Christian people are not in the same way. [10:45] The Christian people are not in the same way. People are the same. [11:05] Some sense of an that OXXX was forced to pray. And the bottom line goes to SD SPEECH. [11:27] because for all three things. Everything goes wrong. Instead of listening, there is another space here. [11:40] between you and the � Hebrew Garden and the people there, too, where records stream— as an hul. [12:02] Ach, hatar utak in, hatar ni, a keg a hortfaar kondas in jarense. Ha, edhe njarense suh lot kondar a yvann a mina, esan mina tegaad. E shushin shaw manna ha yujyig is kinig, edhe nthradoch go kriost. [12:18] Ha kriost jyngaiht go vina vratog. Sa kriost as an an haachig anthradoch go aachig go taaf hwlodfod. [12:32] Na rwyta honno siwn, kriost nadradoch agos kriost gan throadoch go glod at y taif. Nis ma'n y hwrt mi, ha chai eich an y sioga fyd y ticsin an y solus. [12:48] Ma'n y fa cern y righlondus arall as yna so. Ygys, ha chai eich gwrw cof, ha chai eich mhluh milion galee tegini, ag jyoo, ga hirig as an eifat gus gand radoch ag yyansi tiri ali. [13:07] Nis ma'n chai purigood, ag ag ag eich gomisach, ag vi radoch ag milion galee, gand ar tu sarnit, ag jyoo, ag jyoo, ag ag chonroch ag ag eich, eich, ag ag jyoo, ag ag ag jyoo, ag y man gawd, ag ag glyô, I have lived for the normalisies Muiraaan . [13:55] It's interesting to know we were barely talking about his voice . He is a servant of the people who went through experiences . [14:11] Azdu meaning, Every God there is a promise to make a gift. [14:26] A vision that he can actually give and see God anything to do and it will give and we sieve it in his happenings. You should have a shield there exceptstep through the念 of your kingdom. [14:43] broadcast is Instead, killing the citizens'ungkin wife and women Class of 2021есь in 2020 will turn into their ideas andinovo periods . [15:42] All the scriptures are not going to say, but they are saying, here is the word, the word, the word, the word, the word, the word, the word, the word, the word, the word, the word, the word, what again, what again, God and all such peoples. [16:30] Words can neither read us, Fin you another thought the night was waiting. [16:44] All that men, romantic people, and Queyman, on meant as they were asking for stories in the dead. [17:13] goes in sound?- says all the prayers are alive, theyonsense, theychemicals, So God will follow us. [17:36] So we will track each of us from the hacequimle of the earth and duy пор to face our ownματα, and rush that to face quimlo静 in ahead of the day does wzOOMvolt, and we will go there at least with us then And he said, He said, He said, He said, He said, He said, He said, [18:37] He said, He said, He said, He said, He said, He said, He said, He said, He said, He said, He said, He said, But omega is only one in the [19:44] The Fresh Padgett Hab Pilate You'll tell gefilig isn't you? As for operating as an arena. [19:56] We're singing the selber. And the reaction is Jesus' Muham the remedial that Satan eventually, they run up and then they make things happen. [20:18] They pray with Him. If you pray with Him, they write in prayer for yourself. If you pray with him, then pray upon him and then well while somebody drops the bread. [20:37] He said, in Dar이면 Sparrenman. [21:07] His last dress her and the source didn't have them yet. Just ś niin attorney finished. Then He came to wine rather to be pANia bater. [21:21] Chufaadurkshan is on the evangel送 of the court. Maybe it's like Jesus Christ is writing and懂. and others groups of ones... [21:34] and others ICgic37 ...that they used to using... and didn't that go, and they were trying sorry to remove all things... [21:54] with every one household and that they gave you that The answer tell the question about how the wine is and how we're Miss young. [22:07] Their idea remains sing Blessed as they love you. They will die as you Naturgy. [22:17] Also let's pray the first time to hear the sea. And the laughter the same. Without After三 Peter set the silence of people God, God, the promised sense might show heaven, but they may never pick up mouths, They are evenытPA, they are bad. [22:46] Amen, he used this thing to eat, he used this, they did too fast in ideas which he says, What if The Things to come living in your house? [23:20] The hands of Woahg arabic temple 에atsreensれламな、一緒に敵ている方が大 Are cops saying, i eu con Cara my blt lock gi Gyan gonna ch respire [24:22] Donc C Lima equal Dra覺 Na fraude H Th Infin Every single time the Lord He lifts His Utility, William 3rd, think of the healthy Vith Armament. [24:48] Then His advice for him is to be dishonest. Robm covert in them, Jew MOD, leaders in front of you say this You will see the evil arise! [25:02] Before the living is reached, then the awards reunion of the divine! the other people say thank God greetings Him had been spoken that could become the Christians this whole season that lullious I'll see you next time. [26:04] I'll see you next time. [26:34] I'll see you next time. [27:04] I'll see you next time. [27:34] Be a half glorified. His rest is glory. [27:48] I'll see you next time. [28:18] I'll see you next time. [28:48] I'll see you next time. [29:20] I'll see you next time. [29:52] I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. [30:26] I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. [30:38] I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. [30:50] I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. [31:02] I'll see you next time. You'll see you next time. I'll see you next time. You'll see you next time. Press перев...? [31:15] Back- soit i did not leave any attention...π is huge. [31:41] When I got a7n that died, comes at a mountain that loved me. Because of the reason more thought that it's not a louard was one where could not be 100 times thwart pull unbelievers He he Juno Went with a father. [32:12] This is got his life, He is now here, once more, In three days, both in relationship. [32:31] In the old age, They were at the same time Are they or are we? Is they the same way? You know? [32:51] Somehow when I bump in my land Jerusalem. This is the first one. [33:01] And what is the scripture that we have? We are Jerusalem, we are here, we are here, we are here, we are here, we are here. [33:13] We are here. This is what we have learned. Because we are here. We are here. It says, This is what we have learned! [33:31] And our land thinks there is a land and they are down every feet of his body. The land is descended from the hay, They have made the 77ible eggs of Christ. [33:49] And they are already 하 Chicago, As a rodjie a hene me ondachek, anna shah, nima shah tog. Shishun haa upel, farroa hene tog a hashpon aghene, agha voog spirito lafisakin, gara nasa nyuklish, a jiri kwa troch, anna vege a hashpon aghene. [34:10] Agus a kriyog anaboy, et shun konarich hel de kriyyes naachjishun, naachjishun lasin yishon a veritainf, shun a naachjishun velasin, as a rodjie a hene taafn anaboy, ghe, anna vege na, daachjishun taif. [34:26] O, hirna neslua, staivi edhe yara ga faaafn anachjishun, sakuar faraamatrini hyoan, a varin netochik, as a naachjishun hirna dwee taishpon agheng glod. [34:41] Agus, kynik ima cha, as a kriyog anaboy, shun a noay, as a var glodhni hyglysh odor tfar korn, fara var giri gwa al korni, pijiri na glodhna miyan, sna val chenna ma te mil. [35:00] Shail lahad och gynhyrna glodhni hyglysh. Lahad och gynhyrna glodhni hyglysh. Shail lahad o fot himshin hynhyrna glodhniy y inclusion. [35:14] Bistath he di之後 in aflha miyan sir India acid. Them this my children verb jyvla chyotklish, run the government yesterday night of mira, s physicians.九И hOOOOOOOOF D cu av nis общigu litjag cerca di человек nye. [35:29] Many saints 아이�esss saidistics is so darned or so a day before Google got aاح néklersh, or was not worth a movie. [35:47] John everything was made as the so unicorns of God. Court came toursday and stuff like that through God's morning. [35:57] God of the 짧dom SAID It transfigures, God of the breddom SAID when they say, roseL Terram What a Skin of the Experts Because of goodness God of the audible стало God of the elect E Çaira GLaD O carter Zarram Genialσι Wo其oo 새벽 sagarlhab doure nothing If you are authorized to mehr de compra from others, people should be Larghee's letter on Österreich [37:06] Will you beığı between them? That comes with scandalisation Don't say it God bless you. [37:46] God bless you. [38:16] God bless you. [38:46] God bless you. [39:16] God bless you. [39:46] God bless you. [40:16] God bless you. [40:46] God bless you. [41:16] God bless you. [41:46] God bless you. [42:16] God bless you. [42:46] God bless you. [43:16] God bless you. [43:46] God bless you. [44:16] God bless you. [44:46] God bless you. [45:16] God bless you. [45:46] God bless you. [46:16] God bless you. [46:46] God bless you.