Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] Chinese is on that connection. Sorry matrix here now who Fa'alань ha. Ancient good and elevation the layer co-op Luke philosophical Julie look i guess whole job iron had noне hit job chapter 19 verse 25 If I saw one Hollywood, I will never listen to one word. [0:48] Despite what everything and what plusieurs things. yoga lovers or spare Isaac The following reinforcing many cavities ofsehen were exited by an aluminum coffee and temporarilyAAAAA Everything was wrong in originalτada The chapel took the leg to make no more [1:55] Two days, he recorded that the Communist Party was a osobski and he could sell k pompous faire for theirents and to which he could afford toamos their veterans and deserve their coconuts. [2:23] In comprises on theластиes we visited so much than possible God knows that this is a goodclosure head of camp Along with it the head of the There is pain in civilian work and a person who knows what strength will do to I. [3:06] To the priestего sevANGENT by attacking enganch thought, Before around a year I have applied it she in Go for it As it [4:12] They were a while around Israel, that Cal General That was the Comebacks I umm I derechos, да possa сказать что что э baseball neither theending encourage people to approach their gender toward Mohac или the notion a what ... [6:07] My apologies. ... [6:27] fehиграду I am like, I am such people Jesus. [6:50] ... ... [7:15] sonatore sonatore sonatore sonatore sonatore sonatore son gelen sonatore sonatore sonatore sonatore sonatore upload. [7:43] It's already a text, and to the original text goes down, and theerweise in French stringändical voiceЭ. [8:01] Now thevert moshing can ya mail me withermost drum. They might translate into our language programs and other languages and other languages, but all these languages are just what you want to achieve. [8:32] Iachanian inirele a hüçh. Ach, Xananboshin, yanyar daiv aha anusho. [8:43] Hafiz Agason ir donadar heyn. Hafiz Aga ir tanavinyaxgans. Da Iachanian sonrit ya heyn. [8:58] Ar kunich natūle agir. Wahashan f'ho agir. Häeu nesdluie gud, nanghar continued fast gost. [9:14] Ongatu nhegal se. Ar hêt allah stjech nesloane. Tot a wahan gulir. Remember it would have studied health Tamara introductory and security it would have highlighted, basically against kinetic conditions but its culture الله it does not make any sense because of the thirst they ט I'm fair dive. [9:53] Marfa boas do rwt. I'm fair dive y hig. Agus y chwyrus cast. Suyach yg erindrwg môr hwb est. [10:06] Sinan. Is eis o y nyech. Y hwgys cūshyn agus cūr yman. Nyech illa. Nis y hwygioab. [10:18] G'hraij lêch èng. Faireèce yhissig. Irschan nan nul anham. A yeargej klt tūr āch ging sag ambusach. [10:36] Sgan ambusrtyv fac. Is eis o yfairdæviab. Nis yore nias cū zadbat. Is yitri aud armour? [10:47] shouldoy mari G A job why, it's not the same as these seeds of blood, as toし the year of at least sahr above, or it isn't the end of the tree! [11:40] What are my current điểm so far? The district in gallery is also bådaad He can search on the wallach, trevas er chran, König he skrift hør kriest de synje o wallach ag en vloge, er gaa bier janu na wallach ag er ar son. [12:27] He can search on the wallach ag en vloge, trevas er chran, gaa bier janu na wallach ag en vloge, er gaa bier janu na wallach ag en vloge, trevas er chran, er gaa bier janu na wallach ag en vloge, agus syria ead treachoang, syria uluh hush baloeg, gaa bier janu na wallach ag en vloge, er gaa bier janu na wallach ag en vloge, er gaa bier janu na wallach ag en vloge, agusu eagyn dunja uluh uבהer arnoch gew&nair at grey ar brehhanish criaest. [13:52] S adalah gunnash an smuh aan syo gan aangrydvach, ill We are learning to hard sell it with the real estate they're working together. [14:44] They gave a shelliffρί futile shalabati Er ebsen. [15:01] No mynigin. No's am han so nadioch chi gael han o siol. Sialafach. Ha iob y cwri ng heil. [15:12] Wui heil. Anseud ni ar hyri. O'r hegra. A ffisag ymgyfil. [15:22] Mer sori biol. Anach mori di ferheiter. Vi gra ha ffisag ymgyfil fersur i biol. [15:34] Agus vi kur unhightir i enn alfabet. Varolch gau syn. Ans nebriaren. [15:48] Ba pa lo gra. Ham i e mis. Nullar nichan ang hand. E shon rra oryarkish eolish. Iese kriest. [15:59] Mo hirne. Va shigans. An rra e na hirne null. Ach. [16:09] Va e na hirne ffoll. An rra e. An rra e. An rra e. Prishal agus fersanta te ffoll. [16:21] Agus. Ha e. Na hirne. Ga e na hul. Ga e na hul. Ga e na hul. [16:32] Ga e na hul. Agus e shon an rra e. An rra e. An rra e. Fersanta han rra e. Ga e na hul. [16:44] Agus. E shona arch. Mo hirne. clic Fixir? Galloch he. [16:54] Agus. 빨리. Garish ohad. Satadel hand. Lecola chashrigay gri? 머리 repetitive 가는 way Karate which took the same time twisted Jahren also to my wife the secemporary she spoke with the police Nikola when he was 20 This is the trotography, however. [17:39] Intellectualism, a section 4. [17:55] Loc 죄송ates from the institution for outer capacity. I had anpetitiveข It lasted a lot harder There was a arrib process RefereNON oh dilian m Åh ychydh hневam dr Oscill's chanier Kamera [19:01] Then digitally settled, I thought I could give you a night. You have wind in make I do not feel I work with you grease in the air. [19:17] When you sing for your sacrifice, does your husband? What's the job? The only지 have you home for yourself. [19:28] Ge ma hann y ffer daif, myr Elena er daif gans. Ge ma hann y fi clwynt yn gyfeil ffer syrian, myr byena er syri gans. [19:52] Ge fhe ma hann, gyfeil sy'n rwyach gair dyn yl, myr y hŷryn mi byd crwych yn gyfeil y ffer syri aneisio, lywm hyn. [20:08] Ha y fyl sychg ans yna'ch gael hann y sio, myr, gyfieil cymysig dyn y gynnydd rha, myr syri. [20:23] Feg Luther y graw he, cwllwch gyfeil smyr yn hasgel, ant y pronoms, ant y ffachl yn bygau hann y sio. [20:37] Mo, wani er, ars wani er. Gynnydd rha, gyfieil sy'n rha, gyfieil sy'n rha. [21:13] Arfysg fieil sy'n rha, g appreciate bwna i fyiw si شôn, dyna ma, lle mae'r jw gề, cwllwch gen' mae wahanol, aangos, drae eu hann, gyfeil sy'n rha. Rha, gyfeil sy'n rha, gyfeil sy'n rha. O, gyfeil sy'n rha, gyfeil sy'n rha. Oddiir sy'n rha, gyfeil sy'n rha, gyfieil sy'n rhaückeion, They will throw the sword anymore. [21:34] After this its try to shine a mother and death a perfect man who is the outside heart. [21:47] Inaudible put them through heriko have themötzlich. so in a He may we choose else, and we right now it is always true. [22:39] To be a starg. Bo la nier. Fil criast agat heyn ma ha. Yn ochg. Stoch gefel w gra. [22:53] Gefel dy grau mir glir wac. Mae ha. Grau midier. Ac y mir hawgra. Stoch gefel gresina. Agus. [23:05] Gung han uen rast. Gar ee watarn as a begann guchze. Ar a. Is he mer sörich. Ach kynich. [23:17] Ma ha agat kredju. Ma ar graa ni mustard. Haan kredju beggehamme sin. [23:29] Haan kredju guchze. Vi agra an isch. Haa fisaken. Gevel. Ma sörich bja. Ma hirn agus. [23:41] Ma jirsch. Thomas. Beatjechug. Na abstell fall. Graag ich mach ge. Mi. [23:53] Agus. Hwcsef hen. Ed mo hon. A nach. Lwylch ffordd. [24:05] Chob hesson. Dy sain. Baion y gra. Ha graag ac yny gas. Do fri. Gond y graag ich. [24:17] Esion. Sine. Yn hosioch. En. Chob hach. Preee. Yn hosioch. [24:29] Ech a harish. Yn hosioch. Gjeravach. Hafhisakam. Nish. Essí sho. [24:41] Kainj. Lahn khinj. Hafhisakam. was lost the first time he said anything. [24:58] And when he was Yasir to the Church of Man needle, it was its way to the last, that I was just saying anything. [25:10] Sie pesar sich, duringという reminder, an rise and Hautruth ago and Doctorθη return to the Grosibly met his own country and the English language appeared to be Hong Kong made of Hatton. [25:36] To witness the new father and trulyDR G coladagos More transformation what the King social Fernando brought... [25:51] and washing. Can he at get a heart and I guess I guess post the look why if you and the goal of love it mariva your beloved and show so go the raw mariva heal and send out grab is looms mo'grag axı xajın xhanye itir xhanye ezə adana kek uxur anı faxql yey agızca iri şlax nı ak listening ma gynet gyni hurti ışe ışails millen k bike kir проп [27:14] That he gave that hoeing into it I enjoyed that I joined the He said I liked the And tonight there has been a lesson from my temple. [27:51] But there is something a year to go about it, claim that divide into and how many different roles can be made. [28:19] Angho and Oh, as a son, húrd mæhær, shó. [28:50] Ah, gata as a son, shoulúse mære vrish ju ánjim tæhær, hod rík. Húrd as a son, gefæns and høy, as a pærpeg. [29:02] Oh, as a son, hænd høy, mæhær søg dør. Hæbí, tæhær kumis, hærd indhá yag hod rúgd. [29:16] Hæl as a pærpeg, gus njæra vus og gons, gus njæra vus og gons, gus njæra vrish ju ánjim tæhær, kødjimishig af hamme indhá y, er nlå, ag anem ich mæhred. [29:31] Njæs a kåp ag alam, yen njæs, kændjog gyrå, færpehina. Njæra vrst, glede ækjær, hæv, hæv, kødjog gyrå, anafakkl, ækjær. [29:50] Njæs, kændjog gyrå, morshøyn xarjgjøn, bivis, shynhyn, gumminik. Njæs, kændjog gyrå, lán, hamme stak, gyn, fæmishyn, shara, hæfisaggjøn. [30:08] Njæs, kændjog gyrå, fæmishyn. Njæs, kændjog, hæv, kændjog, fæmishyn, shægjøn. Njæs, kændjog, fæmishyn, fæmishyn, fæmishyn, fæmishyn, fæmishyn. Ninad Hardy pega Pais��ut a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a [34:22] Be eglish ir a glorachig Agus be a luag Wile maiarish gusiori Chaw ha beha chriost na giawl Na barantes Ir beha a luag Dofria sa eis n'gyfeil mi si bioch Bis si bioch maranghedna Agus eis e si Bioch ar fi na chull teich Agus na oibnus Gan e chrytwch Nour e hit buirien agus agoren Agus em baas heen Is e socher Chom marit drissanas Doch ach annan E fi a gabal shalef eir criost Mar eir daif Mar eir syri [35:25] Agus eis eit jig agus pechgag and hwgl Nach eil an sygog o gian o fso Hanig ea chom agwch a fheyn Agus chatagaf a fwynt eir fheyn driss Ach ach o fent eis y galw richknow e Are the ones who take置 in time or are you ready? [36:35] So the way it is where everything went from from this village... [36:46] ...and all of us would like to... oxenic irregularoured by the doctrinal czasu merchandise she can't make Gerson be uh Cuban Eike he Grandma igas Jared Nickelion hook Ryan guy isn't yours em an material Ye grames for Yeah, Risinfl angles Calaght eng yes who is for the poor. [37:50] May your blood abacken has any weakness. Has any weakness you could feel from me. Friends we sed hypnotized we survived our deliverable service. [38:05] The one you intended to keep us and carry ... Umm, meme quiz in the guiding of Philip Alexander 3?dır Shaun kamu then day baby beautiful against Let's sing Daaipan, Tell him what? [38:46] He's forced away desks Amen.