[0:00] And at verse 23, then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments and made four parts to every soldier apart and also his coat. Now the coat was without seam woven from the top throughout. They said therefore among themselves, let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be, that the scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, they parted my garment among them, and for vesture they did cast lots. These things therefore the soldiers did.
[0:43] Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother and his mother's sister Mary, the wife of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciples standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son. Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother. And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.
[1:13] Now in particular, I should like to direct your attention to the words we find at the beginning of verse 25. Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother. Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother. There are certain subjects in Protestant pulpits which appear to be almost and entirely forbidden.
[1:49] Almost. Certain people in the scriptures are scarcely mentioned among us. And one in particular is the Virgin Mary. Now we err in our neglect. We err in our neglect of her because it has left the field open to others to twist and mangle the clear teaching of the Bible and to give to Mary a place which she never had, which she never will receive. We may speak of Hannah's prayer for her Samuel.
[2:36] And oh we love that prayer. And we love that mother. We may tell of Ruth's loyalty and her love for Naomi.
[2:47] And we may tell of Naomi. And we may tell of Naomi. And we may tell of Naomi's faithfulness in returning to her own land. The land of her people. The land of her God. And we may commend Lydia.
[2:59] Lydia whose heart the Lord opened to the Savior. But not Mary. Not the mother of Jesus. Jesus. Who bare him. And who stood by his cross.
[3:16] That just because others have erred. Doesn't mean to say that we must err. And not speak of her. Just because others have lifted her above the Son of God.
[3:33] And given her the preeminence above Jesus. That doesn't mean to say that we are to ignore her entirely. The Bible doesn't.
[3:44] Luke chapter 1 verse 26. And in the sixth month the angel of Gabriel was sent from God. Unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth. To a virgin espoused to a man.
[3:57] Whose name was Joseph. Of the house of David. And the virgin's name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her and said. Hail.
[4:09] Thou that art highly favoured. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women. Isn't it a surprise.
[4:22] To find Mary. Standing by the cross. Of Jesus. You know we might have expected Mary to have avoided Jerusalem.
[4:35] In those days. But the scripture speaks to us. Of one who stood by. The cross of Jesus.
[4:47] As one who ever stood by. Jesus. When the angel spoke to her. Telling her of the child that she should bear.
[4:58] Of the manner of his strange. And wonderful. Mysterious conception in her womb. Of the name that the child would carry. Of the kingdom.
[5:08] Of the throne that he would occupy. Then Mary said. Behold. The handmaid of the Lord. Be it unto me.
[5:20] According to thy word. There was a realism about Mary. A realism about Mary. That characterized. Her willingness.
[5:33] To receive the will of God. A realism. She faced up to things as they were. And she was ready.
[5:44] To receive God's will. For her life. And we read of Mary. Mary. Who brought forth. Her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes.
[5:58] Laid him in a manger. Because there was no room. In the inn. She stood by Jesus. As she stood by him.
[6:10] As a nature old little boy. In the temple. Standing by. When Simeon. Oh that lovely character.
[6:21] Simeon. When Simeon received him. And held him in his arms. And blessed God. And warned her. And Simeon blessed them.
[6:33] And said unto Mary. His mother. Behold. This child is set. For the fall. And rising again. Of many in Israel. And to be a sign. That shall be spoken against.
[6:44] And a sword. Will pierce your own soul. Also. Now to the many things.
[6:57] Already spoken of Jesus. With the memory. Of those who came. And spoke of him. Who came from far and near.
[7:08] To worship him. And to offer their gifts. To him. Mary. Kept all these things.
[7:20] And pondered them. In her heart. As she stood by her firstborn. As she stood by this child.
[7:33] To whom she had given birth. You remember. When that son was lost. And she went. Looking for him.
[7:44] With fear. And dread. Anxiety. Imagining the worst. And his mother said unto him. Son. Why hast thou thus dealt with us?
[7:56] Behold. Thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And Mary stood by his answer. How is it. That ye sought me?
[8:08] Wist ye not. That I must be. About my father's business? She stood by that answer. Do you remember the wedding.
[8:19] In Canaan. Galilee. Her advice to the servants was. Do whatsoever. He tells you.
[8:31] She stood by Jesus. Jesus. We find Mary again. Standing by Jesus. Standing outside.
[8:43] In Luke 8. 19. 20. We read. There came to him his mothers and his brethren. And could not come at him for the press. And it was told him by certain which said.
[8:55] Thy mother and thy brethren stand without. Desiring to see thee. And then we find Mary. Now there stood by the cross of Jesus.
[9:09] His mother. I want to notice three things simply with you tonight. Her secret. Of her Lord. Her submission.
[9:20] To her Lord. And finally. Her sacrifice. For her Lord. First. Her secret. Her secret. Of her Lord.
[9:31] Now there stood by the cross of Jesus. His mother. There stood by the cross of Jesus. His mother.
[9:44] Mary. Was again standing by Jesus. Her firstborn. Her firstborn. Standing by the cross. Of Jesus.
[9:55] Her firstborn. And the sword of which Simeon predicted. That sword was even then. Piercing her own soul.
[10:07] For Mary suffered. As did the other women. The other women who were there.
[10:18] She suffered. But she suffered. The agony. And she suffered. The anguish. Of a mother.
[10:30] Whose son was dying. In unspeakable pain. It would appear. That her suffering. And perhaps. Because of its great intensity.
[10:42] Was silent. There is nothing at all. In the scriptures. To suggest. That she stood by the cross of Jesus. As the other women. As the women who followed Jesus.
[10:55] On the way to the cross. Those women of Jerusalem. Which also bewailed. And lamented him. Rather. By its impressive silence.
[11:08] The Bible suggests. That even in her suffering. The dignity. Which characterized her life.
[11:20] Controlled her breaking heart. With an awesome wonder. Mary. You see. Had a secret given to her.
[11:31] Many years before. Luke 1.35. The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee. And the power of the highest.
[11:41] Shall overshadow thee. Therefore. That holy thing. Which shall be born of thee. Shall be called. The son of God.
[11:54] When first the angel spoke. When first Gabriel spoke. Of the birth of this special child Jesus. Telling Mary of his name.
[12:06] Telling her of his being the son of the most high. Of his being given the throne of David. With an everlasting kingdom. All that Mary seems to grasp.
[12:18] Is the fact. How shall this be. Seeing. I know not a man. How can I possibly have a child. And then the angel spoke.
[12:33] Of how the child would be conceived. By the overshadowing of Mary. By the Holy Ghost. The overshadowing.
[12:46] Of Mary. The covering of Mary. That would protect Mary. From all other eyes. That would comfort Mary.
[13:00] That would bless Mary. And uphold Mary. In these months. Until the birth. Of that amazing child. The overshadowing.
[13:13] The covering. The love. Surrounding Mary. And yet. The direct result.
[13:25] A child. Born to Mary. A holy thing. Which shall be called. The son. Not of Joseph.
[13:38] But the son. Of God. Does this mean. That Mary grasped. The full significance. Did she understand.
[13:50] Fully. What God's angel. Gabriel. Are told to her. Is it now. Perfectly clear. To Mary. Does she understand. As we understand now. I don't think so.
[14:02] I don't think. God demanded. Of Mary. That she understand. Perfectly. But she was asked. To believe.
[14:15] She was asked. To believe. And to be willing. To receive. Mary. Mary. Believed.
[14:26] What she was told. Though she didn't understand. It clearly. Do you? A secret.
[14:36] Had been known. To Mary. The secret. Of her Lord. The secret. Of the baby. That would be born. To her. Conceived. By the Holy Spirit.
[14:47] How the Holy Child. Is the son. Of the highest. The son. Not of Joseph. Not even. Of the angel. Gabriel. But the son. Of God. And when the child.
[14:59] Was born. Other information. About him. Was added. To what Gabriel. Had already told her. First of all. By the shepherds. Of Bethlehem.
[15:10] Who were told. That this child. Of Mary's. Was the saviour. Which is. Christ. The Lord. Lord. And they came. With haste. They hurried.
[15:20] They went. Searching. For the mother. And the father. And the special child. They went. Searching. They came. With haste. And they found. Mary and Joseph. And the babe. Lying in a manger.
[15:31] And when they had seen it. They made known. Abroad. The saying. Which was told. Them. Concerning this child. A saviour.
[15:44] Which is Christ. The Lord. And all they. That heard it. Wondered. At these things. Which were told. Them by the shepherds.
[15:55] But listen. Mary. Kept all these things. And pondered them. In her heart. Mary.
[16:07] Got a hold. Of these things. She stored them. Carefully away. She treasured.
[16:17] These things. In her heart. As only a mother. Can treasure. These things. All the things. About her child. Jesus.
[16:28] What the angel. Gabriel. Had told her. Of that. What Joseph. Was able to add. Her experience.
[16:38] In Bethlehem. What the shepherd. Said. She was gathering them. All together. From here. From there. And she put them. All together. There in her heart.
[16:50] And she pondered them. And she treasured them. She hid them. In her heart. She went over them. In her mind. It was her secret.
[17:02] Of her Lord. Her heart. Now. Now. Apart from the birth. Of Jesus. We are told. Very little. About Mary.
[17:13] Very little. About the growth. Or the development. Of her faith. And trust. But we have two further clues. One in John.
[17:25] Second chapter. That wedding. At Canaan. When she told. The servants there. Do. Whatsoever he tells you. And then in Acts 1.
[17:35] And verse 14. We find her with the disciples. They all join together. Constantly in prayer. Along with the women. And Mary.
[17:47] The mother of Jesus. Her secret knowledge. Of her son. I believe. Grew. And matured. And it became.
[18:00] To Mary. The secret. Of the Lord. Which is with those. Who fear him. She became. A worshiper. Of one.
[18:12] Unto whom. According to his. Human nature. She had given birth. And prayerfully. Mary put together. All that she had experienced.
[18:23] All that she had seen. All that she had heard. And God blessed it to her. And Mary found. In that little child.
[18:36] She had given birth to. She found in the lad. By whom she had always stood. She found in Jesus. By whose cross.
[18:47] We find her standing. She found her Lord. And she found her God. She understood Jesus. It may well be.
[19:03] That there's one. Or two or more. Here tonight. And you've got a secret. You've got a secret.
[19:14] Tonight. You have been told. Of Jesus. By the Holy Spirit. You have read.
[19:25] Of the Lord Jesus Christ. You have discovered. As you have seen him. In the lives. Of others. You have heard of him.
[19:37] And as you have experienced. Jesus in your heart. You have come to realize. That this holy thing.
[19:49] Is none other. Than the Son of God. None other. Than Jesus. Your Savior.
[20:00] But nobody knows. Your secret yet. You haven't told. Anyone. You would stand by Jesus.
[20:15] But have you stood. By his cross. Isn't it time now. To tell your secret. To tell.
[20:28] You believe Jesus. To tell. That more than life itself. You love Jesus.
[20:41] Because you understand. Why he died. You know. In your heart of hearts.
[20:52] What the broken bread. And what the poured out wine. Signify. You need no one.
[21:02] To tell you. That they speak. Of the broken body. Of Jesus. You need no one. To explain. That that poured out wine. Is a symbol.
[21:13] Of his poured out blood. There on Calvary's cross. Yes. You need no one.
[21:24] To tell you. You understand. Isn't it time. To tell that secret.
[21:35] To make it known. To make your love. To Jesus known. Oh my dear friend.
[21:48] How can you. Dare hide it. How can you. Keep it in your heart. Locked away. Your love.
[21:58] For Jesus. For you do love him. Don't you. Mary loved him.
[22:13] Not only because. Of what he was. To her. By his human nature. Her child. She loved him. The son of God.
[22:25] Her God. He was. And is Jesus. The God. Man. Redeemer. Her. And she loved him.
[22:37] As she stood. By his cross. That day. She loved him. And worshipped him. Jesus. Our Lord.
[22:49] Her secret. Of her Lord. And notice. Secondly. Her submission. To her Lord. Now there stood. By the cross. Of Jesus.
[23:01] His mother. Mary. There's no hint. In the gospels. That Mary. Rebelled.
[23:11] Against the life. And the wanderings. Of her firstborn. She was pain. And she was as hurt. As any mother would be.
[23:22] When as a child. On that yearly pilgrimage. To Jerusalem. He stayed behind. And his mother said unto him. Son. Why hast thou thus. Dealt with us.
[23:34] What have we done to you. Why couldn't you consider us. Your father and I. Have sought thee. We searched for you. Sorrowing. We imagined the very worst.
[23:46] Had happened to you. Why could. Why did you do this to us. Why couldn't you think of us. Why did you do this to us. Why did you do this to us. Why did you do this to us. And Mary stood by his answer. Wist ye not.
[23:58] That I must be about my father's business. It would appear from then on. That Mary stood by her son.
[24:11] She stood by this child. And the work. That his father. Not Joseph. But his father.
[24:22] The eternal God. Had given him to do. She stood by that. And she submitted. To the conception.
[24:33] Of. God's child. In her womb. What a strange. Almost unbelievable thing. She did then.
[24:46] She was willing. To bear the son. Of the most high God. And from this point in time. When he answered her.
[24:56] In the temple. She willingly submitted. To the fact that he. Jesus. Was called to serve. Not Joseph her husband. But the child Jesus.
[25:12] Was called to serve his father. Even the eternal God. For Jesus. Was God's son.
[25:23] The son of his love. In whom God. Was well pleased. Mary. No doubt heard. Of the baptism of John. The baptism of Jesus.
[25:36] By John. The son of her aged cousin. Elizabeth. No doubt she knew. Of John's cruel. Savage. Needless death.
[25:47] She knew her son. Had a special task. Himself. To perform. And Mary. Mary was present. At that very first miracle. In the wedding. At Cana of Galilee.
[25:59] Jesus mother. Was there. She was known. As the mother. Of this young man. And Jesus. And his disciples. Had also been invited.
[26:10] To the wedding. It was as a result. Of Mary's intervention. That she turned. To the servants. Do whatever he tells you. When it was done. And we read.
[26:20] In John 2.11. This beginning. Of miracles. Did Jesus. And Cana of Galilee. And manifested. Forth his glory. And his disciples. Believed in him.
[26:32] She submitted. To her Lord. When he was conceived. In her womb. She submitted. To him. When as a child. He made clear. That he had come.
[26:43] To do. And to fulfill. His father's will. She submitted. To him. When she was willing. To obey him.
[26:56] And when she encouraged. Others to heed him. And when she received. John. The beloved disciple. To be the one.
[27:07] Who would look after her. In her old age. In place of her son. Jesus. Jesus. Who was even then.
[27:17] Dying on the cross. As John. And Mary. Stood by. She submitted. To her Lord. When she stood.
[27:29] With the disciples. In the upper room. And she sought. Him. In prayer. In prayer.
[27:41] In prayer. In prayer. Jesus. To whom she had given birth.
[27:51] Whom she had carried. In her own body. In her own womb. Jesus. Whom she had fed. Whom she had nursed. Whom she had clothed. Whom she had washed.
[28:03] Jesus. Whom she had watched over. Whom she had watched grow. In grace. In favor with God and man.
[28:14] Jesus who had cared. And provided for her. Jesus. Who left his life.
[28:26] With her. For one of homeless wanderings. Jesus. Oh how Mary. Would have prepared. A bed for Jesus. How lovingly.
[28:39] And tenderly. A meal for her son. How willingly. Have given her. Him. Her all. Jesus.
[28:52] Whom she followed. To Calvary. She submitted. To that holy thing. She submitted. To her Lord. Have you.
[29:06] Is there something. My dear friend. Tonight. That you're keeping back. From Jesus. Does he have it all.
[29:20] All of your love. All of your care. All of your time. All of your talents.
[29:32] All of your family. All of your friends. Does Jesus have it? Have you submitted.
[29:43] To him entirely. Is there something. You're keeping back. From Jesus. He kept nothing.
[29:57] Back. Nothing. But he gave himself. Give it to him.
[30:12] Give it to him. My son. My daughter. Give me. Give me.
[30:23] Give me thine heart. Of course. Mary had times. When she doubted. Of course.
[30:35] Mary had times. When she was troubled. Over the things. That had been told her. The things. That she had learned. About Jesus. Of course.
[30:45] There were many times. When rebellion. Rose up in her heart. When things were just. Too much for her. But then. The faith. That was born.
[30:56] In her heart. Would not. Let her go. Because. God. Would not. Let her go.
[31:07] Because. Mary. Who bore. In her own body. God's child. God.
[31:17] Gave Mary. To Jesus. And he wouldn't let her go. He won't let you go either.
[31:32] She gave. She gave. She submitted. To her Lord. She gave.
[31:42] Jesus. She willingly accepted. His will. For her. And it's not easy.
[31:53] Is it? Oh. If you've. Gone a step. With the Lord. Jesus. At all. If you've. Journied at all.
[32:03] Anywhere in the wilderness. Following after Jesus. You know. It's not easy. Of course. You do. Never is easy.
[32:16] But we must do it. Submit. To Jesus. Whether we come. Willing. From the start. Or whether we come.
[32:27] Fighting. And tearing. And arguing. With our doubts. And putting up. Reasons. Barriers. Why we are not worthy. To submit. To Jesus. Submit.
[32:38] We must. Her secret. Of her Lord. Her submission. To her Lord. And finally. Her sacrifice. Of her Lord. Now there stood.
[32:50] By the cross. Of Jesus. His mother. name. Simeon. See. After God. Это. May God. Simeon. Came.度. projected.
[33:00] Prod under. when he held Jesus. When he held Jesus as a tiny babe in his arms in the temple, he praised God for this child. For mine eyes, he said, mine eyes, the eyes of an old man, the eyes of one who had waited so long, mine eyes have seen thy salvation. He was looking for consolation, wasn't he? Aren't you looking for a word of comfort, a word of encouragement, looking for that arm to be laid across your shoulders, waiting for that hand to pull you in tight, to reassure you of God's love? A light, he said, to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of his people Israel. That was Jesus. And then he spoke to Mary. He blessed them, but he spoke to Mary his mother. This child is destined to cause the fall and rising again of many in Israel, and to be a sign that shall surely be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts shall be revealed, and a sword shall pierce your own soul also.
[34:41] He said that to Mary. When in love and joy and praise and wonder, he held Jesus as a baby.
[34:54] He held Jesus. He held Jesus. And he praised God. And he glorified God.
[35:09] God, these eyes of mine that have seen sin. These eyes of mine that have looked on hatred.
[35:21] These eyes of mine that have seen the cruelty of men. These eyes of mine that have watched the degradation of women. These eyes of mine that have seen thy salvation.
[35:39] And he turned, holding Jesus. And he warned Mary. Jesus would be a sign. He would point to another.
[35:57] even to God. He would be a sign spoken against. He came unto his own. And his own received him not.
[36:15] He would be a sign. He would be a sign. He would be a sign that they were not prepared in the hardness of pride and unbelief.
[36:42] They were not prepared to repent and to believe. And they crucified Jesus, who spoke to them of heaven, of hell, of righteousness, of sin, of God, and the way home.
[37:10] They crucified that holy thing. They crucified that holy thing. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary.
[37:22] And she stood by the cross. And the sword which Simeon promised. A large, broad, ugly sword.
[37:38] A symbol of intense pain. A symbol of intense pain. A fearful, piercing anguish. It struck through her heart.
[37:49] She bore this Jesus. She carried him. She carried him in her womb. She gave birth to him. She cared for her loving. And loved him.
[38:03] She hid that awesome secret of Him in her heart. She submitted to Him. And in a very real and in a very special sense, Jesus was obviously Mary's child.
[38:22] And so for her, that sword pierced and tore in her heart as it twisted her grief and her anguish. Her child.
[38:36] And she stood by His cross. How simply and yet how tenderly and kindly John tells of Mary's anguish.
[38:52] He gives his account of the crucifixion and He gently draws a veil over Mary's suffering. Luke and Matthew tell us of His birth.
[39:08] But surely, surely John knew more. He who became a son to Mary, surely He knew more of the one He had come to replace in a certain way in Mary's life.
[39:32] Surely she told Him of the little details. Of His life. Of the joy that she had in this, her firstborn.
[39:45] And then of her pain. And then of her pain. And her sorrow. As she stood by His cross.
[39:57] She who hid in her heart the secret of her Lord. Who submitted to her Lord. Came to that moment of sacrifice for her Lord.
[40:13] Mary gave Jesus to die on Calvary. She bore Him in her body. But Jesus bore her sins in His to the cross.
[40:32] Jesus carried her sorrows. Jesus carried her griefs.
[40:49] Jesus carried her sin. in a real sense the cross is her sacrifice for her Lord.
[41:07] The one she loved most of all in this world. She gave Him to Calvary. And she stood by Him there.
[41:20] A sword twisting in her own heart. As she looked on Jesus. Her sin bearer.
[41:35] My bunny wee boy is my sin bearer. My bunny wee lamb the best the most perfect lamb.
[41:58] He's mine. He's mine. And He's dying for me.
[42:09] Don't you see Jesus then? Jesus who is so familiar to us.
[42:27] Can we understand His death again? And give ourselves in love. To Him who loved us and died for us in our room instead.
[42:47] And let's as we look forward to remember His death let's say afresh with another not what these hands have done can save this guilty soul.
[43:05] not what this toiling flesh has borne can make my spirit whole. Not what I feel or do can give me peace with God.
[43:21] Not all my prayers and sighs and tears can bear this awful load. Thy work alone O Christ can ease this weight of sin Thy blood alone O Lamb of God can give me peace within Thy love to me O God not mine O Lord to Thee can rid me of this dark unrest and set my spirit free.
[44:00] Thy grace alone O God to me can pardon speak Thy power alone O Son of God can this sure bondage break.
[44:12] I bless the Christ of God I rest on love divine on with unfaltering lip and heart I call this Savior mine He's my Jesus Mary did that as she stood by the cross of Jesus Mary his mother called this Jesus her Savior her own and she gave herself a sinner to his love to his care to his forgiveness to his cleansing blood and Mary even in her anguish knew peace and there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother oh dear friends there are times when we approach a communion season and there are times when we're on the verge of coming to the table and we feel we're not ready not yet not yet we're not ready isn't that true
[45:49] I know it's true we've had the fast day day of humiliation and prayer the Friday night has come and gone the Saturday night the Sabbath morning service the fencing of the tables the singing of the Psalms and the elements are brought to the table and it's time to come and sit there and there's just been that deep dark deadness of heart and spirit because we've not been ready oh how gracious the Lord is oh dearly beloved I don't apologize for taking you back to Calvary tonight
[46:53] I make no apology for speaking of the anguish of Mary of this wonderful secret of hers of her total submission to Jesus not of her sacrifice for her Lord because we must go the same way share the secret we have of our Lord submit to the yoke he places upon us in love and sacrifice for him may he bless you and encourage you with his love and with the tenderness of his love with the depth of his love with the reality of his love draw you to himself and send you out there to a world that needs needs to hear of you standing by his cross tell them and in remembering his death on sabbath morning he will bless you and