Ethiopian Eunoch

Sermon - Part 629



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[0:00] Let us now turn to the Acts of the Apostles on chapter 8, and we'll be at verse 26.

[0:13] Acts chapter 8 and verse 26. And the angel of the Lord spoke unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south, unto the world that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert.

[0:33] And he arose and died. And just for a little time this evening, we would consider how the Spirit of the Lord moves and how it works in the hearts of men and women.

[0:54] In the hearts of his believing people. And in the hearts of those to whom he brings conviction of sin.

[1:05] To those who come to know that they are dead in trespasses and in sin.

[1:17] And it is the one Holy Spirit that operates in both. For it is the Spirit that quickeneth.

[1:28] The flesh prefer death nothing. And I think I've said it already since I came, but it doesn't matter what Jesus said before. He went back to the Father's right hand.

[1:39] He said to his followers, it is expedient for you that I go away. For if I go not away, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit will not come.

[1:55] But when I go away, I will send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. And we know that after he returned to glory, he did send the Holy Spirit in great measure.

[2:12] On that great day of Pentecost. When the people of God were assembled together in one place with one accord.

[2:24] They had one thing in mind that was pleading the promise that Jesus gave before he returned to his Father's hand.

[2:35] He said to his followers, go back to Jerusalem and tarry there. Go back possibly to the upper room and tarry there.

[2:45] Until I will send down upon you my Holy Spirit. And they were born. And they waited in Jerusalem.

[2:57] They were in one place with one accord. There was unity of purpose. And that is a great thing among God's people.

[3:09] A unity of purpose. Looking for the blessing of Jesus upon them. And while they waited, suddenly, maybe unexpectedly, the Holy Spirit came down like a mighty rushing wind.

[3:26] And it filled the whole place where they were assembled. And things began to take place. The apostles began to speak with tongues of fire.

[3:38] And as we know, men and women were convicted and certainly converted. So that whatever we do for the Lord, we are totally dependent upon the power of his Holy Spirit.

[3:58] Whether it be preaching, whether it be praying, whether it be reading God's Word, teaching in the Sabbath school, any Christian work, we are totally dependent upon the power of the Holy Spirit.

[4:17] As I said already, it is the Spirit that quickeneth. The flesh profiteth nothing. The flesh is continually wearing against the Spirit.

[4:31] And they wear until the soul is taken to glory. There will never be any agreement between the flesh and the Spirit.

[4:44] And so, this evening, we will try and consider how the Spirit worked in connection with Philip himself and the Ethiopian Yonah.

[5:00] And how, indeed, mysteriously, God works. God works in a mysterious way his wonders to perform.

[5:15] And again, coming back to what I'm sure we have already said, when Nicodemus came to Jesus on that memorable night and addressed himself to Jesus and said, that a teacher comes from God, for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except God be with him.

[5:37] But Jesus didn't answer as we would expect. He didn't say, yes, I've been telling you all along that I came from God and that I'm going back to God.

[5:48] No, he said, Nicodemus, there's one thing that is of vital importance. You must be born again before you can enter into the kingdom of God here below or there above.

[6:06] For that which is born of the flesh is flesh, but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Therefore, I say unto you, you must be born again.

[6:21] And Nicodemus was thrown into a state of confusion. He said, born again? How can I enter the second time into my mother's womb?

[6:33] I'll be born. And Jesus gave him that wonderful illustration from nature. He said, Nicodemus, the wind bloweth, where it lushteth, where it pleaseth.

[6:47] Thou hearest the sound that are off, but canst not tell from whence it cometh, or whither it goeth, so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.

[7:01] So is everyone that is born of the Spirit. Nicodemus, you cannot see the wind, but you can hear its sound.

[7:15] And furthermore, you can see the devastation that the wind can cause. It strikes here and there.

[7:26] A tree is uprooted here. One is left standing there. A building is blowing down there. Another is left standing. The wind is blowing where it lushteth.

[7:37] And strikes here and there. And so he said, that's how the Holy Spirit is working. It strikes one person here. It strikes one person there.

[7:48] And it will strike one person away down there. Where it lushteth. Although you do not see the wind, yet you can hear its sound.

[8:01] And so, in connection with the work of the Holy Spirit, we cannot see the Holy Spirit, but we can hear the Holy Spirit, and we can see what the Holy Spirit can do.

[8:18] How men and women can be transformed and made a new creation in Christ Jesus.

[8:29] And to get back to where we hope to think about Philip and the eunuch. There we find it that there was great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem.

[8:44] And they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. Therefore, they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the Lord.

[9:01] Persecution, yes. And along with persecution, the preaching of the gospel on men and women being born again.

[9:11] Although the church of Christ, it can never be destroyed, like the burning bush. It may burn, but it shall never be consumed.

[9:27] The marvelous thing is that oftentimes the church of Christ prospers and goes from strength to strength under persecution. Isn't that how they found it in Romania?

[9:39] A faithful people kept down, but still they could not be kept down. The Spirit of God was at work.

[9:51] And so here we find a very persecution is taking place. These disciples and people of God are scattered abroad everywhere preaching the word.

[10:04] Then Philip, this was Philip's lot, under the power of the Holy Spirit, and Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them.

[10:18] He didn't go down to Samaria to hide or to save himself. As such, he was really sent there by God.

[10:29] And he preached Christ unto them. And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.

[10:45] And we read that there was great joy in that city. Men and women were born again.

[10:55] There were made a new creation in Christ Jesus. And because of that, there was great joy in Samaria. You see, there is no joy like Christian joy.

[11:11] It's entirely different to any other joy because it is Christ-oriented. It comes through Christ, through the Trinity, so that it is not a man sort of made joy.

[11:29] It's something that comes down like the Jew from heaven. So that there was great joy in that city.

[11:40] And it would appear that the cause of Christ was prospering under the ministry of Philip. There could be no doubt about it.

[11:53] So much so that when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John.

[12:05] Peter and John came down to help Philip with this great work that had come up in Samaria. And they went down and they laid their hands on these people so that they received the Holy Ghost.

[12:25] Well then we would agree that the cause of Christ was prospering. And it must have given great joy to Philip where the Lord had blessed him and where he was able to preach the gospel of Christ.

[12:42] And souls were one for Christ. But then there was this as of sudden change. This sudden change.

[12:54] The angel of the Lord or again we would say the spirit of the Lord spoke unto Philip saying arise and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza which is desert.

[13:09] What a challenge. I wonder how Philip thought. Did he say well have I been deceiving myself? Has things been as prosperous as I thought?

[13:23] I believe that men and women who are converted how was it that God is calling me out of here to go down somewhere where I may not expect to see anyone.

[13:37] He was just a man after all. These things may have come up in his mind. Why should he be taken away? When he was the cause of Christ was indeed prospering in Samaria.

[13:53] but you see Philip had the spirit of the living God. Philip was a converted man and Philip after all was led by the spirit.

[14:09] I'm sure Philip left himself open to the Holy Spirit to direct him wherever the Lord would have him be.

[14:21] and that is I'm sure the great secret that by grace we would leave ourselves wide open to the Holy Spirit to lead and to guide us wherever the Lord would want us to be.

[14:38] As the spirit as Jesus said can lead and guide us into all truth and bring all things to our remembrance.

[14:49] And so we read that he arose and went. He was not disobedient to the heavenly verse and that I'm sure is very important indeed that we would not be disobedient to the heavenly verse.

[15:13] I remember something in my own experience that happened many years ago. we were home from Glasgow our family my family my late wife and family at home in my native place.

[15:26] And on a Sabbath evening I saw this man coming up the field through the craft. A local man that I knew all my days he was by no means a religious man.

[15:39] He never darkened a church and I was quite annoyed to see the poor man coming up on the Thursday evening.

[15:50] But he came up to speak to my wife who belonged to Sky and his mother came from Sky and he thought that there was a relationship and I believe there was. But I'm afraid that I wasn't acting the Christian or too pleasant.

[16:06] Then the thought came to me why not why not take family worship but I disobeyed I'm afraid the heavenly voice and if my memory serves me right I think the next news I heard of that man that he was rushed to a hospital in Fort William never to return.

[16:33] You see I was disobeyed but I did hear that on his death back there he was crying to the Lord for mercy but you see I didn't take the family worship I never got the chance again that man was in eternity within a very very short time but you see Philip was not disobedient to the heavenly voice and he rose and went and behold a man of Ethiopia a eunuch of great authority under Candesi queen of the Ethiopians who are the charge of all of treasure had come to Jerusalem for to worship and was returning and sitting in his chariot read Isaiah the prophet and here is a man and the holy spirit is at work in this

[17:38] Ethiopian eunuch he is a seeking soul more be my God worthy I early seek my soul doth thirst for thee and no doubt the eunuch soul was thirsting for God as the heart does for the water brooks and he was a man of importance he held a very responsible position he was of great authority under courtesy queen of the Europeans who are the charge of all heart treasure a responsible position and no doubt he would be well rewarded for it and many would envy this man's position and perhaps would say that he had everything that anyone could desire but that's not how the eunuch felt there was still this missing link in his life he was still longing for that something that silver and gold could not give that the entire world could not give there was this missing link as

[19:09] Augustine said that God made man for himself and man is restless until he finds his rest in God and that's true the restlessness of our rage and much better than people were once upon time it's all because of that missing link yes he had a responsible position he would be well paid for it but yet he felt this something missing in his life and I remember when Aristotle and the great Greek magnet died it was said of him that he had everything that he could wish for except happiness he was a wealthy man millionaire many times over

[20:10] I'm sure but yet they saw that he had everything but happiness the missing link and that's how Jesus would advise his own followers when he said seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you for he said the Gentiles they will believe in world they are always saying what shall we eat what shall we drink while with all shall we be clothed they are earth bound that's all that they are thinking of the things that concern this present evil world they are earth bound like the man in pilgrim's progress that with his robe breaking in these straws day by day and over his head there is a crown offered but he doesn't look up he is earth bound but

[21:25] Jesus said if you put things first all the other things will fall into line seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness for he said your heavenly father knoweth that you have need of all these things food drink and Roman your heavenly father is well aware of it but if you put first things first you will also get these other things that you stand in need of and that is the great comfort of a Christian but we shall never lack any good thing it doesn't mean that we will be wealthy but as far as God is concerned you and I who are believers we will be provided for until we leave this present evil world for the lions young may hungry be and they may not their foot but they that truly seek the

[22:32] Lord shall not lack any good that's not the word of man but the living word of the living God and I'm sure those of us who have come up and well up in years would say with the psalmist goodness and mercy has followed me all the days of my life as I said that doesn't mean that it's an easy passage but God knows what is best for each one of us and so this man the eunuch he is a seeking soul simply because the Holy Spirit is at work in his heart as Jesus said to Peter flesh and blood hath not revealed that or this unto you but my father which is in heaven and so with conviction of sin it's not caused by flesh and blood it could never happen it's the work of the

[23:46] Holy Spirit it comes from heaven and so he went up to Jerusalem to worship maybe believing that at this particular worshiper feast or whatever it was that he would get that missing link that he would find what his soul was longing for to make his peace with God through the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but he didn't he didn't find it in Jerusalem he would find it in the place of God's appointment and tonight for you here this is the place of God's appointment you may find Jesus here this evening hour and so he was returning and was sitting in his chariot reading the prophet

[24:49] Isaiah he was reading the word of God and isn't that a good sign when people read God's word there are millions I'm sure in our beloved land tonight that never read the word of God from one year's end to the other it's a closed book in many homes children are brought up like heathens the name of God is never mentioned unless in vain and the word of God is never right but when people begin to read the word of God one would conclude that a good work is beginning that the Holy Spirit is at work for the word of God is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify

[25:53] God that the scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God and the duty God requires of man yes when old man and young women and children interested in God's world is a very good sign indeed and together with that man and women girls and girls beginning to pray it it would be said of them like Saul of Tarshish behold he prayeth when these things begin to take place it is a sign that the Spirit of God is at work that God has begun that good work in the heart that he will carry on to perfection even to the day of

[26:53] Jesus Christ then the Spirit there we are again then the Spirit said to Philip go near and join thyself to this chariot that's why I told you to go down to Gaza but when I told you to go down to Gaza I didn't leave you to go down alone I came down with you I been with you all the way from Samaria who rose and went because I was with you and I'm with you now and I'm telling you that this is why I brought you here you have to speak to that man you are the means that God has called to lead this man to Christ and so he said go near and join thyself to this chariot and again

[27:56] Philip wasn't disobituate and Philip ran further to him and heard and read the prophet desires and said do you understand what you are reading now this man was a total stranger to the eunuch and likewise Philip to the eunuch and would say that it was quite a pertinent question to ask a stranger do you understand what you are reading but you see the eunuch was in earnest the eunuch would cling at a straw the eunuch wouldn't leave a stone unturned until he made his peace with God and he certainly wasn't offended when Philip said do you understand what you are reading he said how can I I'm very much in the dark

[28:58] I just have to confess that I do not understand I'm so much in the dark but I'm groping for the light and he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him he must have felt this man is going to help me before he asked him to come up into his chariot and Philip went up and read that the place of the scripture which the spirit led the eunuch to read was this he was led as a sheep or as we have it in Isaiah 53 he was led as a lamb to slaughter and as a sheep done before us so opened he not his mouth and his judgment was taken away and who shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth and the eunuch answered or asked

[30:04] Philip and said I pray thee of whom speaketh this prophet of the prophetess of himself or some other man that's what I can't understand said the eunuch is this man talking about himself or is he referring to some other man and this was Philip's golden opportunity then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus there is no other name given under heaven and among men whereby we can be saved but the name of Jesus they shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins and this was

[31:05] Philip's text that he was taken as a lamb to the slaughter he preached unto him Jesus and I'm sure it would be a wonderful sermon telling the eunuch that this is the prophecy that Isaiah made concerning the coming of Jesus and what Jesus came to do that he came as the man of God to take away the sins of the Lord that God laid upon him the iniquities of us all and that Isaiah said in the same chapter this man was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of his peace was laid upon our peace was laid upon him and with his stripes we are healed he will be endeavoring to shed light on

[32:18] Isaiah's prophecy to the eunuch and telling the eunuch that Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin that this was the world that was made flesh and dwelt among us and that Jesus came to be one of ourselves very man of very man and still very God of very God and that Jesus was willing to lay down his life for his friends that he was willing to die the just in the room of the unjust that this was the

[33:20] God sent redeemer that man and woman may be saved from the wrath which is to come that man and woman will be saved from going down into the pit because God had found a ransom and that Jesus himself said he that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out and that the apostle Paul would say he loved me and he gave himself for me me that was the persecutor the blasphemer the injurious person yet Jesus loved me and he gave himself for me so what more could

[34:24] God do for fallen men and women but what he has done when he gave his only begotten son and his father seeing him suffering on the accursed tree and there pouring into his soul even unto death and God completely satisfied with the sacrifice that Jesus offered that it satisfied divine justice and reconciles the sinner to God you said Paul who were once afar off are brought nigh by the blood of Christ or as the hymn writer said I know a place where night is turned today I know a place where night is turned today burdens are lifted blind eyes made to see there is wonder working power in the blood of

[35:41] Calvary the blood of Calvary when I see the blood I will pass over Philip would allow a lot to say about Jesus to the Ethiopian yuluch and the yuluch is listening intently hoping to find that missing link and so as Philip as if continues to preach and as they went on their way they came into a certain water and the euluch said see here is water hort doth hinder me to be baptized now we knew something about baptism maybe he was I don't know baptized into the Jewish faith maybe but although baptized into the

[36:45] Jewish faith he wasn't baptized into Christ he stopped shocked but now he is wanting to be baptized and Philip said if thou believest with all thine heart thou mayest Philip was very considerate indeed Philip didn't say are you certain you're converted are you sure you're not far by the wayside no he didn't begin with these terrifying things he said well if you believe with all your heart there is no reason why I should not baptize you and the Philip and the unic said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God I now understand that Jesus came from heaven that this is the bread of life that came down from heaven

[37:53] I now believe that this is God incarnate the great mystery of godliness God manifest in the flesh I have made this wonderful discovery I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God as Peter said to Jesus he said whom do you say I am thou art the Christ the Son of the living God and he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went down both into the water both Philip and the unic and he baptized him and when they were come up out of the water again the spirit of the Lord caught away Philip Philip's work was done what

[38:53] God had asked him to do Philip did and don't you agree that Philip must have been very happy indeed that he was not disinpeach to the heavenly voice he had a soul for his hire and that was a tremendous reward as the godly brother said if but one soul for man with would meet me at God's right hand my heaven will be two heavens in Emmanuel's land yes one soul for his hire was a great thing if even tonight we had one soul in this vast assembly for our hire would it make our heaven two heavens in Emmanuel's land and so the spirit of the

[39:57] Lord caught away Philip and the eunuch saw him no more it was the holy spirit that brought these two men together they never knew one another never had I'm sure of one another but the holy spirit was in it all God knew it from all eternity God and his man for the Ethiopian eunuch the spirit of the Lord caught bring them together and Philip saw the eunuch a new creation in Christ Jesus having passed from death to life from the power of Satan unto God and we read that the eunuch went on his way rejoicing he went on his way rejoicing now

[41:05] I don't know if there was anyone else with the eunuch some say that you would have servants there wouldn't be that many if there were any there weren't many but saw what happened here but nevertheless there is no spiritual transaction made upon earth but is immediately recorded in heaven it begins in heaven and it ends in heaven and furthermore we read that there is joy in heaven in the presence of the angels the Father Son and Holy Spirit and the redeemed souls in heaven there is joy ringing throughout heaven over one sinner that repenteth that's the value of our souls one sinner converted and heaven is ringing with joy no matter what the world may say the world will ridicule you if you say that you are converted but don't you worry about the world my dear young friends don't worry you might say what will my companions say when I tell them tomorrow that

[42:28] I'm converted don't worry in due course they will admire you they will admire you don't you be afraid yes you might be ridiculed but don't don't let that put you off if God be for us who can be against us joy in heaven the value of your soul and mine over one sinner that repented heaven is concerned about you and me God is concerned Jesus the Holy Spirit the angels and possibly the redeemed concerned about men and women who are still in this present evil world he went on his way rejoicing who knows but there could be joy in heaven this evening someone here or in the other gatherings repenting and becoming a new creation in

[43:46] Christ Jesus now for me this has been a wonderful privilege I never preached to such a vast assembly in my life and I don't believe I ever will again so it's been a real pleasure and I hope a time of blessing for preachers and people may God bless you all let us pray oh Lord what can we render to thee for all thy benefits towards us and for the time of communion and fellowship we enjoyed during these days and the hospitality and kindness in the home of thy servants and their family meeting with friends new and old

[44:54] Lord we pray that all these things would be blessed to us and that we would all grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ give us grace now to sing our closing song of praise and dismiss us with thy blessing for Jesus sake Amen