Fishers of men

Sermon - Part 605


Rev H.Sutherland



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[0:00] Matthew 4 in verse 19. Jesus saith unto them as his disciples, Follow me and I will make you sicker of men.

[0:18] Follow me and I will make you sicker of men. I believe this is one of the greatest topics for all Christians throughout the world.

[0:37] And I thought that this message may be blessed especially to all God's people. And may it be a challenge to every one of us to be more faithful unto our Heavenly Father, to our Lord Jesus Christ.

[0:56] In our Christian service. The incident of which we read in Luke's Gospel chapter 5 tells us clearly that this was a coming point in the life of Peter.

[1:13] How do we know? Well, if you lead to chapter 10 of Luke chapter 5, we have the answer there. Quite clearly.

[1:24] Jesus said to Peter, Fear not. From him forward, from this day forward, you shall pass men.

[1:38] Never forget these love, we are a challenge to our soul. We are a challenge to our Christian witness to serve the Lord with all our heart and soul and mind and strength that he may be glorified.

[2:00] failure or success. Failure or success. Which God describes our purpose for Jesus this day.

[2:11] Let's look at this part of the chapter 5 then. And we see here first of all, Peter's failure. Peter's failure. How do we know that Peter failed?

[2:27] Do we know that he failed because there was nothing in the net? Not one single fist in the net that he passed into the sea.

[2:39] He's caught nothing. All four people you shall tap men. That's the message we want to get told to every believer in this chapter 6.

[2:55] And every Christian throughout the whole wide world. It shall remain in life, if we are believers in the Lord, to tap men and women and boys and girls for people.

[3:11] Now we realize that we can't save any souls in this world. That's the work of the Lord. God's work. But God made his humble faithful servant to point others to Jesus Christ, the greatest of all masters, the only Savior, and the one he saved to the uttermost.

[3:38] Each Christian, dear friend, each Christian in this chapter and throughout the world is given a spiritual net by Jesus. He has given you a net, a spiritual net, and he wants you to catch men and women, boys and girls, with that man.

[4:08] Lead our mighty work, dear friend, all that you may reach down into our hearts, that you may realize how poor and feeble is our service for Jesus Christ, who has done all things well for us.

[4:29] Some churches here today may say, well, faithfulness is more important than success in Christ's service. Yes, that may be true.

[4:42] But I believe, I truly believe, that if a person, a Christian, is faithful to the Lord, he or she will be successful.

[4:53] what was wrong with Peter's work as a fisherman? Nothing.

[5:07] Nothing in the answer. He did the right thing at the right time in the right place. He was an excellent fisherman.

[5:24] But he caught nothing. When Jesus appears on the scene, things begin to happen.

[5:36] Things change immediately. What did Jesus say to Peter? Go and look for better fishermen.

[5:51] Go and buy a new boat. Go and hunt for better men. None of that. It was the same fisherman.

[6:05] The same boat. In the same net. But there's a message behind that, here, friend. A great message.

[6:18] Christ's power is required. Everything changes when Christ's power is being manifested. What turned failure into success, then, for Peter?

[6:33] Well, we have it in verse 5. Master, we have fallen all the night and of course, nothing. Nevertheless, that thy will I will affirm the net.

[6:50] There we have the secret of prophetic, friends, in that dark side. Nevertheless, that thy will will of Jesus I will affirm the night.

[7:04] Obedience to Christ. Obedience to the Savior always brings success. that component of our hearts too.

[7:20] Peter might have said to Jesus, it's no use. I've been trying and trying. I've been out all night. What's the good? No, Peter didn't say that.

[7:33] He obeyed the command of Jesus. Launched out into the deep and let down the net for a glass. What happened?

[7:44] Not one boatload coming into the shore full of it. But two boatloads so that the two boats began to sink.

[7:59] Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful what Jesus can do when, when he obeyed. Perhaps it's our disobedience, we offend.

[8:14] As Christians, disobedience to the commands of Christ that we are not being blessed abundantly. That's it.

[8:26] When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees and said, depart from me. For I am a sinful man, O Lord.

[8:42] Did Peter really want Jesus to depart from his life altogether? Never. Never. If Jesus was to depart from our life, dear friends, we would sink into dreadful sin and destruction.

[8:59] But Peter got a vision of his sinfulness, of his unworthiness to receive such a blessing from Jesus the Master. Two things are required, dear friends, that we are going to serve the Lord faithfully.

[9:18] Two things. And the first is, we must realize how sinful we are and that only the Lord Jesus, God himself, can meet us fully.

[9:32] that's the first thing. We must realize our own poverty, our own weakness. And the second thing is, that we must get a vision of Christ's glory.

[9:49] And that's what Peter got on the Mount of Transfiguration. Two things which are especially needed is we are to serve Jesus the greatest of all matters.

[10:04] One reason, dear friends, why the church is not making an impact on sinners in the world may be due to the fact that the world is having a great influence on those who are in the church.

[10:25] God calls all his servants to come out to be set with that we might be blessed and above all that Christ may be lifted up and glorified before mankind.

[10:45] Verse 10 tells us that Peter was going to be used by Jesus to win sinners for Christ. To point him to this danger and that Christ would save their soul.

[10:58] We are not fit for the work, dear friends. Let's be straight. You are not fit for this great work to be sole winner for Christ. What's the news then?

[11:12] Seven people. Well, there's a lot of you. Jesus is fit for the work. That's the message you need to get across in our day in January.

[11:26] Jesus is fit for the work. He has all power. And I believe that's one of the tragedies in our day that we limit the power of God.

[11:41] We limit the power of God. We don't know how to spread the gospel next. But Jesus does it.

[11:54] We don't know how to bring shoals of fish into the shore. Boatloads. We don't know. But Jesus knows. And that's what we have to grasp in Christian service so that our labors will never be in vain in the law.

[12:15] Jesus will teach us how to catch men. His power will be seen the offense when all our strength is gone.

[12:28] Gone completely. Catch men cry through his power. Why? Why? So that people will see it.

[12:40] Not of man. But of God. cast the good seed of the kingdom, dear friends.

[12:55] Believe us in Christ. It may not all fall in fruitful ground. But some of it will.

[13:07] God has promised them. His word shall never, never return unto him void. There will be spiritual fruit. Why is it so important, dear friends, to be a soul in us?

[13:24] Why? Well, if you come to James, chapter 5, and there in verses 19 and 20, he reads these words, brethren, brethren, do err from the truth, and one convert him, let him know that he who converted to sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death and hide a multitude of sins.

[13:58] That's why it's so important to be a soulman. You can save a soul, or Jesus can save a soul from death. It is Jesus' power, his one. And Jesus will hide a multitude of sins through his death, through his blood shed on the cross of Calvary.

[14:22] We, dear friends, if we love the Lord, we are sent to blind eyes, to say to them, see, and to death's ears, hear the word of the Lord.

[14:34] and to the dead to live. That's the message. That should be our witness day by day if we have to serve the Master Satan.

[14:50] This is one of the greatest of all topics for a Christian life. Soul with it. Christ with his soul because of what?

[15:04] and the power belongs to him. Two Christians were discussing their service for the Master. One of them said, I served the Lord for many, many years and I haven't seen one conversion.

[15:26] Not one conversion. others said, the other Christian replied, do you expect the Lord to save souls every time you open your mouth?

[15:43] Every time you open your mouth? Then came the sad reply, no, no. then that's why you're not seeing combustion.

[16:00] That's why you're not seeing combustion. You're supposed to believe in Jesus Christ the Savior. He is mighty to save.

[16:13] He is able to save thousands of souls, millions of souls, billions of souls. sometimes we don't even believe in the promise.

[16:27] And what's the promise that God has given to all his faithful father? Now that's the place that you mentioned as we do. Follow me and I Jesus, I will make you fit up of men.

[16:47] what type of people then does Jesus use to be stolen? Well, Jesus was a carpenter, Peter was a fisherman, Paul was a tent-acre and a weaver, Matthew was a tax-gatherer, Luke was a doctor, John Vanyu, a prophet.

[17:15] God uses all kinds of people, all classes of people in his chapter.

[17:32] Peter was regarded as an ignorant man by many of the scribes and Pharisees and the Jews, an ignorant man. man. But something spoke in Peter's life to these men.

[17:54] And this is what they said, the truth knowledge, the truth knowledge of him, of Peter, that he had been with Jesus.

[18:05] and that's the best testimony that anyone can give of any man who means jail a boy in the slump.

[18:18] He's been with Jesus. Peter brought men out of the waters of well-en-ness through Christ's power.

[18:30] Christ saved his power. God alone can save. What then did Peter preach to the people? Well, the Bible says that he preached Jesus, a crucified Savior, a risen Lord, one who could save all, notice that one goes, all who would believe in him.

[18:59] It's not all people who will believe in Christ. People must have had a wonderful faith.

[19:13] He walked on the water and he was approaching Jesus. Wonderful faith. No unbelief there whatsoever. None. A few seconds later to Satan.

[19:29] Lord, save me. Peter was a contradiction. Notice that small one, seen, seen. Peter was no contradiction, but it seemed as if he was a contradiction.

[19:48] Open your Bibles and come to Matthew 16, verse 16. What do we read there?

[20:00] Simon and Peter it. So we'll read a bit before there. Some say that thou art John the Baptist, some Elias, son of Jeremiah, or one of his daughters. Jesus said unto them, but whom say he that I am?

[20:14] And Simon Peter answered and said, thou art the Christ, the son of the living God. verse 16. What a wonderful testament from Peter.

[20:27] But you look at verse 22 and 23. Then Peter took Jesus and began to rebuke Jesus, saying, be it far from thee, Lord, this shall not be unto thee.

[20:40] Christ was talking about his death, that soon he would be crucified on the cross of Calvus. Peter says, none of it he would have none of it. Far be it from the Lord.

[20:56] It seemed as if the cross was a stumbling ball even to Peter. It seemed as if Peter wanted to stand between Jesus and the cross. It seemed as if Peter had the desire to see the destruction of Christ's great mission in this world, to die on the cross of Calvus.

[21:17] Peter struck at the everlasting covenant again it seems that Peter it seems that Peter has a contradiction What did he say in that sentence Jesus turned and said unto Peter get me behind me Satan strange one strange one to disciple Christ Peter denied Jesus three times what's the lesson in that it's a lesson to us dear friends never to keep confidence in ourselves never that if my confidence dear friends in this truth this morning is in myself

[22:19] I might have shalt go home our confidence must be in God the God of our salvation a God who is mighty to save open your Bibles at John 21 that wonderful chapter what you read there in verses 15 at the end of the verse Jesus saying to Peter feed my land verse 16 feed my sheep you can't imagine Jesus saying such words to people after all that we have discussed you would imagine that Christ would have spoken these words to us to the love of disciple John to lean upon his reason or to that great disciple to

[23:25] James him but no it's Peter feed my sheep feed my land yes God's ways are not our ways open the Bible and come to Acts chapter 10 and verse 14 what did we read there let's stop for a moment Peter has a vision and he sees our first sheep coming down from heaven and in that sheep there are all types of animals and Jesus gives a command to Peter rise Peter and eat and then you hear this terrible reply from Peter not so long I've never done anything like that before

[24:26] I've never done anything like that before and God had to reduce Peter what I have claimed call not thou common or unclean you know dear friends these works of Peter always kept him from going to Cornelius and preaching Christ to him and to his whole house had not been for the mercy of God and read a little further on that Cornelius was gloriously saved by Christ and not only that but all his household and Peter would say not so long I've never done anything like that before I wonder if

[25:26] God is giving a command to someone in this church tonight this morning someone in the world today in various churches throughout the world he's giving a command to certain believable trust I want you to go round the door and invite people to the church and you say not so Lord I've never done anything like that before I want you to teach in the Sunday school not so Lord I've never done anything like that before I want you to be a missionary of the cross I want you to go on over service and preach Jesus to the people there not so long I've never done anything like that before I want you to go into the ministry oh I haven't got the talent I haven't got the personality for that not so Lord I've never done anything like that before oh what a challenge he has as he faced the failure today you know when I was in

[26:41] Tabach we had a family service there I could get no one in the congregation to take part on the family service and it was introduced no one I could do it all myself so after a few months I asked one of the deaconess to give out the psalms that was all give out the psalms and the tunes oh no no I never done anything with that before no Mr.

[27:13] Ful I said you try it God will help you I have been in the same situation myself the very first time I went into a prophet to preach the wife all nurse so that Jacob decided he would do it the family service came round he came to church and he gave out the sand apparently wrote the Bible he was sitting to see it fall on the floor leave out the tune he used to claim her in his voice after service was over I went to the church door to take hands to the people and then the deacon arrived that's the first time Mr.

[28:02] son the last time never again never again I've never been into his dad before another month came round the family service a hand on the slipper paper with the sand in the team looking at up slight timers bit shaky in his voice you know dear friends in six months time believe it or not in six months time we had the family service you know what I did in the service for then the denediction someone gave out the sand and the children someone did the first prayer someone did the Old Testament reading someone did the New Testament reading someone did the children address someone gave out the information someone gave a sermon someone gave a final prayer what was their excuse before they passed in the sermon not no

[29:24] Lord I have never done anything like that before just to what the people God commands God commands God commands God's enabling God commands anyone in this church or any church throughout the world to do something for him and his service he will give the power so that you will be enabled to accomplish it let us take heart here friends take heart remember the case all me and I so make you sisters of man I have here a little cutting from account of it which is precious to me very precious listen written by a servant of God

[30:24] I will go anywhere and do anything Jesus Christ asked me to do and by his grace I will do it because of who he is Jesus does not tell me to do something he cannot do God will ask you to do something which you cannot do of yourself but this is the message because of who he is Jesus does not tell me to do something he cannot do and therefore I will tackle anything no matter how far beyond my capabilities it is knowing that he stands ready to do it through follow me and I Jesus will make you because of men open your Bibles and come to Acts chapter 4 verse 11 Acts chapter 4 and verse 11 verse 18 rather

[31:33] Acts chapter 4 verse 18 and they called them that Joseph were accusing Peter and commanded Peter and his followers not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus they were never to speak again in the name of Jesus they were never to teach the people anything about Jesus but Peter said it's better to believe in God than to trust in God he held the banner of Christ aloft high as high as possible he will make a dynamite only one life it will still be passed only what's done for Jesus will last we may not be like Peter we may not be like Paul we may not be like John Baptist but nothing we can be like

[32:36] Andrew why he brought Peter to Jesus wonderful wonderful he brought Peter to Jesus and that had tremendous results but Christ chose Peter to be a great disciple a great apostle a great saint of God being the will of the seventh God and I sincerely believe dear friends that there will be many in heaven who are unknown here or hardly unknown and in heaven there may be near the Lord might not be minister to the gospel but near the throne near it to the throne the people in the peace people in the peace who have been supporting in the who have been healing with

[33:41] Christ day by day but the one will flood and that God's people will be up built in their most holy feet and sinners brought into the kingdom of heaven holy thanks when my wife and I were on the mission field in Peru I'll never forget all my life two people never one a late minister of her own chapter the Reverend Ronald Fraser he was in Maccabre and he gave me a text after teaching to one man for about three months and one of I was on the climate day if every Sunday there was one man that had the church I had that experience for three months or four months and then I got this text from the resident Ronald who was retired then

[34:42] Acts 18 9 and 10 Paul appeared to Christ appeared to Paul in the night vision saying hold not I peace but keep bold for no man shall raise upon me to happy for I have much people in this city I have much people in this city see the conservation one man you know dear friends from that very moment the whole mission came for us 55 to 60 in the congregation from the last 30 in the Sunday school and all the work listened to young people here all the work was done by God he chose him he chose him another woman I will never forget in the church of Scotland he rose every morning in life at four in the morning

[35:44] I got an awful showing up to my clear life and many here get up at four in the morning to pray for Mr.

[35:59] McLeod and to watch the earth in Grand Street Church challenge Christians are at their greatest when they confess Jesus that's when you're at their greatest here friend as a believer when you confess Jesus before mankind honor then that honor me says God I will honor and keep his promise at peace there may be something that God wants you and me to say to an unconverted question if that question is to be saved maybe are we ready to say it are we ashamed to say it are we afraid to say it then blessing will not come a soul winner has to struggle with a sin of prejudice and pride love of sin unbelief and despair and we are able to win hearts of

[37:28] Jesus by love by sympathy by anxiety that many souls should perish these are the three things love yes sympathy and anxiety for souls God must give us a tender heart one thing must be safe hold their heart good message but we must believe in the reality of a Christian witness we must believe in the reality of a Christian witness that God will say so because we are endeavouring to witness statements of him through the help of the Holy Spirit of God God can and will use for the advancement of his kingdom it must not be tolerated here friends that Christ should be unknowly unknowly because because of our silence pass a year in prayer before you witness for

[38:34] Jesus pass a year in prayer before you preach the gospel and if you prevail with God you will prevail with man if we fail to win souls for Jesus we fail in our greatest mission so will you to be much for God we must be much with God see that message comes home soul willing is one of the top priorities but we must always remember that without Christ without God we can do nothing nothing in the next on the Mount of transfiguration Peter was saying to Jesus let us here make three tabernacles one for Moses alive and for me he's telling Jesus what to do that's wrong wrong we must listen to

[39:41] Christ telling us what he wants us to do he must say like little Samuel above speak Lord for thy servant hearing my feet hear my voice and follow me Jesus saw great possibilities in Peter Jesus saw the material for an outstanding life of service for the master outstanding service in seeming contradictions outstanding service for Jesus the cause of area in Christian witness is usually because of unbelief unbelief in the promises of our

[40:42] God open your Bibles and come to Exodus chapter 3 and this express is for people who feel that they're not being used much for the service of God for people who feel that they can't speak for God Exodus chapter 3 death 10 come now therefore Moses and I will send thee unto Pharaoh that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt and Moses said unto God who am I that I should bring the people of Israel out of Egypt who am I chapter 4 verse 10 I am no patron of a stammering kind you can't use me then in verse 12 now therefore go and

[41:44] I will be with thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say he's giving Moses encouragement he's showing Moses his mighty power what he will do with him and for him and Moses said O my Lord send thy holy by the hand of him that he never said send someone else but not me send someone else but not me I am slow of feet and of a stammering tongue Moses verse 1 chapter 4 Moses answered and said but behold they will not leave me not hearken unto my voice for they will say the Lord hath not appeared unto thee verse 51 here's the result he saying when we obey God the people believe the people believe they believe the message of Moses because it came from God Moses tried to escape from his mission from his

[42:48] God gave him that's magical Moses tried to escape from the mission that God gave him when he was asked to minivate to preach the war it means disaster if he could be unless God chose mercy now it can't be done your friends why Gideon was asked to fight the enemy 60,000 people 60,000 soldiers only 2,000 in the army of Israel and God says there's too many so many went home God did you too many more were afraid the army was getting smaller and smaller and smaller and they were beginning to feel fear in their hearts and they went home and they were left with 300 men 300 men against 60,000 of an enemy never say it can't be done it can be done follow me and

[43:57] I say Jesus will make you sick of them when you have to Jesus he will multiply abundantly that's the message of the five rules and two six to five thousand says Jesus filled the empty neck for Peter bring the empty neck to Jesus to him and the future bring to Jesus he will fill it for Jesus but there's two things we must always remember we must trust Jesus and we must obey Jesus to give Jesus a thing to every Christian I have done all for you I have done all for you what shall you do for me