Depart from me O Lord

Sermon - Part 297


Rev Alan Macleod



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[0:00] as we are helped we shall consider again together a portion we have read in the fifth chapter in the gospel according to Luke and reading again particularly verse 8 and right through to 10 when Simon Peter saw it that is the miracle he fell down at Jesus' knees saying depart from me for I am a sinful man O Lord for he was astonished and all that were with him at the draft of the fishes which they had taken and so was James and John the sons of Sebedee who were partners with Simon and Jesus said and to Simon fear not from henceforth thou shalt catch men particularly the dialogue of conversation between

[1:15] Simon Peter and his Lord when he saw it that is the miracle he fell down at Jesus' knees saying depart from me for I am a sinful man O Lord and Jesus said and to Simon fear not from henceforth thou shalt catch men we read how Simon's fellow fisherman had come ashore after a hard night's work and they came ashore disappointed they caught nothing and it was then that the

[2:25] Lord who read stood by the lake and the crowd pressed upon him to hear the word blessed word that he has magnified in every age above all his name a word blessed to many in here tonight and thus the reason the attachment the love we have to this word was blessed to us when it became a living and a powerful word in our soul experiences very similar to what we are reading it's the same word in every age even when heaven and earth have passed away this word will abide forever and this is the word that is preached tonight to a sin's word when heaven and earth have passed away this word will abide forever

[4:08] I'm quoting again there from Peter writing many years after this experience when he reminds us reminding himself that all flesh is this grass and the flow thereof the glory of man as the flow thereof the grass withereth the flow thereof fatheth but the word the word of the Lord abide forever and the stress in what is laid in introducing this miracle on the word indeed right through scripture that's what we have a revelation a word that is still and will be a living and a powerful word and speaking a word in season to such as we are sinners

[5:10] I quote already this evening after Moses received the commandments the Lord spoke to him remember and he said to him in whatsoever place I will record my name and this and we should remind ourselves this is such a place in more ways than one at this particular time he has recorded his name and he promised not only to Moses it's in the plural there our blessing whatever call my name right here where two of you are gathered together in his name and if we are we can expect that very word to speak fear not how many in here tonight heard these words applied with power to their hearts fear not it is I and yet even then perhaps it was later that these very words that were spoken with power to your soul that you realized the blessing that was attached to them but we must go forward to our text and endeavor to speak a word on the manifestation of the

[6:42] Lord's glory which impressed obviously Peter more than any of them and we sang together tonight I hope in truth and spirit that won't behold that very power of glory that we are made or may the holy spirit come and turn us again turn us again O Lord of hosts and upon us vow to save to make thy crowns shine and so we shall be saved the reality of spiritual things I don't say get finished what the Lord Jehovah said to Moses after he gave the commands further there I will commune with thee from above the mercy and that promise must be fulfilled it's been fulfilled tonight and all we pray it be fulfilled in the seminary the reality of this the reality of spiritual things as we grow older the more real they become to us formalism is going as we last night heard as we grow in grace and in the knowledge of our

[8:20] Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the process as we do grow we shall soon grow to the extent that we shall be with him and we shall see him as he is this is a reality Peter Peter obviously was impressed at the miracle and secondly we notice the sense of sin this inspired in Peter heart and indeed and indeed in every Peter and in everybody who ever tasted that the lord is greatest whoever tasted whoever after prayed and we couldn't pray for anything beyond the experience interest and spirit that is pray that we see His power and glory again as we have seen it here to fore within this holy place and the sense of sin that is inspired with all heart.

[9:35] I believe with all my heart that there is no exception to this rule. Wherever we are in this world, we are all sinners.

[9:49] And when He comes, no matter who we are or what we are or where we are, when He will come He will approve the word of sin, He will approve me of sin.

[10:04] Of my sin and misery. This is not outdated. This is as fresh tonight as it was and so it will be. We see this instance here at Lake Inesaret. As I say, a classical example of what we are trying to say.

[10:26] After having, yes, law, God's glory and power. The sense of sin is inspired. And in verse 8 or verse 10 rather. As everybody else who were present.

[10:48] Jesus addressed personally and privately. I don't know how privately but personally anyway. He said, fear not to Simon from henceforth.

[11:02] Thou shalt catch men. He had toiled all night. And he was the word and the author of it spoke to Simon. Again personally. Blanche Evert.

[11:19] Simon being an experienced seaman, an experienced fisherman. He knew it was just futile. To go to sea at that particular time and cast his name. And well, he just used a hint. When he says, we have toiled all night. It's quite pointless. But he asks, again what we heard last night. Obedience.

[11:41] Stressed nevertheless. At thy word. And may he grant us the same grace. Even though, at this very moment. The grace of obedience.

[11:58] Stressed nevertheless. And it's so connected. And it's so connected. It's so connected. With a living faith. And with love. They go at thy word. They go hand in hand.

[12:14] Start at thy word. 말 is not to call. At thy word. It's like a sign that we want to طican mystic disgust. But now that Elijah buried these sins to try praying and Not trashes of sin to talk. They were like inland upon calling them and seeking to limit them to petition with iration to When he saw it and he is referring to the miracle and probably what he saw was connected to the miracle which the others obviously missed.

[12:52] And that was what we have referred to the Lord's glory and power, a manifestation of it.

[13:04] And the result was that immediately he fell down at Jesus' knees, at the Lord's knees saying, depart from me for I am a sinful man.

[13:26] Oh Lord, this is a sense of sin. Now some, we read, you all read that Peter was, it was staph here as it were, to use such words.

[13:39] Personally, I believe that there are so many paradoxes in the world. When he tasted this just how he felt, of course he didn't mean that we would depart from him.

[13:53] Others said, in this very same area remember, at Gennesaret they said, depart out of our coasts. What he did, and he never came back to that particular area.

[14:08] But Peter, what he said was very different from what he thought I think.

[14:20] He felt his own unworthiness. He was convinced of who he was. This was the result of the miracle. This is how it affected Simon Peter.

[14:33] He saw more than the miracle. The miracle was certainly, it was a miracle. It was. But there was more in it than just a miracle to Peter.

[14:46] He saw his power and glory. And thus, the effect. He was convinced of who he was, and what he was.

[14:57] And on a day off, set apart by those, a generation and generations who were blessed with spiritual blessings in heavenly places.

[15:14] And generations who grieved not the spirit as we do. I hope, I trust, this is correct. We prayed too, didn't we?

[15:31] That, that very prayer. When we sang Psalm 51. And so often in scripture, we read to sing and we read to meditate. The very same thing.

[15:48] But it's closer than this to us. Everyone who is taught by him. And they are all taught personally by the Spirit. They shall be taught by the Lord personally. And I believe with all my heart.

[16:03] This prayer is innate, if I may use the word, as personal, as fresh. In the experience of everyone.

[16:14] From the very moment they are brought from the spirit of darkness to God's own marvelous light. It's a reality. It's not just mere formals. It's a fact. A blessed fact. A blessed reality.

[16:35] Being taught by the spirit of darkness to God. And the more we are taught by him. And the closer and nearer we water. The more we go on grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The more conscious, painfully conscious, we become of our depravity.

[16:59] Where is boasting? There is no such thing with or in the Christian experience.

[17:12] There is no such thing that cannot be. Peter here, he falls down at his feet. He is the only person who does so. Because he saw something in the miracle the others didn't. And he fell down and confessed. That it is a confession.

[17:35] And it is the same person who said, to the same master, to whom shall I go? Not long after.

[17:47] He was a sinner. Thou was the world of eternal life. Depart from me for I am a sinful man. The Lord may he come.

[17:59] Peter was a converted person when this Institute placed login into my Guinness. He had been called, I don't know how long, but probably a year or two prior to this incident.

[18:15] It is recorded he was called an Ephoratian. It's strange he is again back at the fishing but he is now called again. And he has us here a fresh experience of his sinnership, of who he is and what he is and indeed he is just beginning here, the spiritual life.

[18:40] Before he wrote the epistles, these wonderful writings, these letters, this fisherman wrote. After, ah yes, this very promise was fulfilled, fear not, I will make you a fisher of men.

[18:58] Perhaps, I don't suppose he would understand the meaning of, he would have said what fear not meant. Because he tasted there, I believe, despite, ah yes, the more we have convinced, oh how sweet, how wonderful it is a word in season, when a soul is laid postured at the Lord's feet.

[19:24] Yes, it happens, it is happening this very night and may it happen in store with this very coming season. Many souls convinced of what we are and who we are and how short we are coming of his glory.

[19:41] Those of us who were bought for the price, we are not our own. Ah how short we are coming. We are to glorify God.

[19:52] That is the end of the creation of all mankind. That is the end of the creation of all mankind. But in a particular way we are to glorify God with our bodies and spirits which are his.

[20:08] Tonight, surely, surely, on a third of communion season, we mourn the fact how short we are coming. Those of us who are bought with a price and the price you will redeem not with nothing less than the blood of Christ.

[20:33] I know very often that very word, blood. Weasily, I feel I cannot use it.

[20:46] Weasily, I understand so little of its efficacy and the awe and what it really means.

[21:11] The blood of God, nothing less could save us. And surely, surely, surely, if we cannot all enter in some measure into this area, the price of redemption.

[21:32] Surely, surely, surely, this itself should, or tonight take us where it took Peter. The manifestation of the Lord's glory.

[21:46] The the Lord's glory. How it impressed him. How it impressed him. And it would do precisely the very same.

[22:00] It would affect me in the very same manner. I've got no doubt whatsoever. we could compute them. Experiencing what Peter experienced here at Lake Sirite.

[22:14] He brought him to his knees, and he prayed. Depart from me, I'm not worthy of the least of all the可 miss.

[22:25] these of us to say these things we quote them so often on our lips but our hearts so far so far from the words that are on our lips confessing I am a sinful man O Lord and then the blessed comfort we conclude fear not Jesus said no one else could fear not to decide and we notice Jesus does not blame the fear which he when he comforts he says fear not ah how suitable to Peter's case how satisfying to Peter's heart and how wonderful these words later on and we'll write together in this in this chapter this evening

[23:37] I believe blessed to millions and I believe with all my heart blessed to many in this very house this evening as we'll write them I came not I was suitable for Peter as you for me and for yourself a word in season I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance when you were convinced of who you were that was when there was no hope for you you thought but there is plentious redemption forever found within you notice it was immediate the Lord does not delay to bring the convicted confessed and contrite disciples sweet peace my peace my peace

[24:38] I give unto you not as the world giver and being justified by faith we have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ through him also we have access into the grace wherein we stand and there we rejoice in the hope of glory and this hope shall never ever be put to shame because the love the love that will not let me go the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts fear not them it is I I have loved you with an everlasting love and loving kindness

[25:43] I have drawn thee to myself they that are whole need not a position they are needed but they are not conscious of it but they that are sick we are sick sin is no good thing we cannot even think one good thought is that right that is so this is the record we have perhaps when we are convinced of who we are what we are we think perhaps in here tonight that a soul many souls are passed through these experiences in fact I would say the majority of them who ever pass from life to death they are being convinced of the sin and the same there are thoughts when you are in worthiness you are depravity and you cannot look anywhere but into your own heart and you find nothing there but ah the blessed word not just exhorts but commands come unto me all ye that labor and that heavy laden and I will give you rest oh wonderful rest of Zion of the church the Lord himself

[27:31] Jehovah said this is my rest here still I'll stay for I do like it well and as it is his rest it is ours this is where we meet nothing less could satisfy the triune God a holy Jehovah but where truth if we understood this where truth unmeasurement where watchers and peace watchers and peace kiss you where why in the beloved which is this very moment interceding oh for a living faith and being enabled by his grace to say I know oh blessed moments when a soul is brought experimentally to that place where he can say

[28:32] I know whom I believe and I am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day and also use the same word again persuasion not only believing but faith growing persuasion that neither death nor life things present or things to come or any other principalities of powers or angels or any other creator or creation or creature can ever sever us from the love of God that is it Christ Jesus O Lord believe as though this is there any present who is entertaining your living in this sin perhaps leading and none living in this sin may he convince the spirit convince any person who live in this sin that is sin of unbelief may he convince that soul of sin of his sin of sins because they believe not in me and as he will convince of that sin

[30:04] I believe he leaps and convinces of righteousness and of judgment fear not yes he is able to save to the uttermost all who come to God by him whosoever will let him come and this is my covenant with them saith the Lord the spirit that is upon you or that is in you and the word that I have put in your mouth that word I will never take or remove from your mouth or from the mouth of your seed or from your seed seed saith Jehovah and all his promises are yea and amen in Christ Jesus so fear not

[31:12] I am with you and I will never leave thee nor forsake thee all faithful is he that I promised may I all yea and amen in Christ Jesus who loved us and gave himself for us this prayer help us to pray and forgive us our shortcomings in holy things may it please thee to remember us all of us with that favor without love which thou dost extend to thine own and visitors with thy salvation and pray we continue with us now through this commune season all remember us we pray that thou would help us all to glorify thy great name and help us now to sing to thy glory and praise in the concluding song for the redeemers sake amen

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