[0:00] mostlyội祝うごしい旅の方とは digitally le ディフォルカ会の歌使い雷キゲラを 集まり声優しきれいに hung場した Of could be heard in tendance as spiritual realised thisome two worlds there are no finalance each day ...
[0:42] искussed this kind of way through all the paths they see there are no one, it is not mistaken I know that God has just responded to that yesterday, because if I were to the beginning of the evil one...
[1:10] what I was at watching today was the Casa Sánchez People . I think my parents were when. They finally thought, Thank you.
[1:55] Thank you.
[2:25] Thank you.
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[11:55] Thank you.
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[29:54] Thank you.
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[31:24] Thank you.
[31:54] Thank you.
[32:24] Thank you.
[32:54] Thank you.
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[33:54] Thank you.
[34:24] Thank you.
[34:54] Thank you.
[35:24] Thank you.
[35:54] Thank you.
[36:24] Thank you.
[36:54] Thank you.
[37:24] Thank you.
[37:54] Thank you.
[38:24] Thank you.
[38:54] Thank you.
[39:24] Thank you.
[39:54] Thank you.
[40:54] Thank you.
[41:24] Thank you.
[41:54] Thank you.
[42:24] Thank you.
[42:54] Thank you.
[43:54] Thank you.
[44:54] with the situation.
[45:24] Thank you.
[45:54] that Jesus delivered Peter. And you go to Psalm 118 and there you see these words the right hand of the mighty God doth ever valiantly.
[46:09] And then you say well whose hand is this? Who is this person that's dealing with Peter at this time? And the simple answer is God in human nature is dealing with this man at this time.
[46:28] So it is the right hand of the mighty God that is doing valiantly at this time. It is God in human nature who is raising him up from the depths of distress in his life all the number of times.
[46:49] You've got to go back through the pages of your own experience and see that hand time and time again. And every time you look at it you must say the hand of God the hand of God time and again tis the hand of God that doth ever valiantly I was in distress but he lifted me out of that distress.
[47:22] Oh you who today are doubting leave it to his own heart to raise you up from your doubting. Leave it to him to show you clearly the way.
[47:37] And when he does show you the way don't walk away ignoring the way he's shown you. Don't walk away saying this is not my duty to do this.
[47:49] It is not my responsibility to do this. When he shows you clearly the direction that you've got to take take it in accordance with his revelation to you.
[48:04] His showing to you. Take it in accordance with that and think of it as being God's hand in your deliverance from your doubting.
[48:18] And then you see this that both of them walk together back to the board once again. I love that. Here is this frail creature and what is he doing?
[48:32] He's leaning on Christ on his way back to the board he's learned something. What has he learned? Without Christ he is nothing.
[48:44] Without Christ he can do nothing. Therefore in view of that what comes from that? I must lean on Christ. That's the whole answer in this in this area here.
[49:00] He's leaning on his beloved. Doesn't that fit in again so well with the Old Testament picture of the church? Who is this coming up from the wilderness leaning on her beloved?
[49:18] Who's this frail creature walking in the water on the way to the board leaning on his beloved? Ah, tis Peter.
[49:31] Tis Peter the one who doubted. Tis Peter the one who was sinking. Tis Peter the one who cried Lord save me.
[49:42] Tis Peter who walks hand in hand with Christ his Savior. Ah, my friends, how lovely it would be today if that were our own experience.
[49:58] If we could say Christ is mine. I love Christ. He is the one in the throne of my heart.
[50:09] He is the one who is central in my life. He is the one that matters most to me in the small world. Christ is mine all in all.
[50:23] The wonder in my life. He is Christ. let me walk with him to the safe haven on the shore beyond.
[50:36] Let us pray. Amen. O Lord, we acknowledge in thy presence our need of dependence upon thee and how total that dependence must be that we cannot go for one moment of time in our own strength or in our own confidence but rather go rejoicing in Christ and the victory that he has secured and go rejoicing in him because that he is one who remains with his people for lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world.
[51:32] we ask thee today to honor us with thy presence that we might be led by thee and lean on thee. Grant us pardon in Jesus' name.
[51:45] Amen. Amen.